Full Professor,
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Email: camillo.delellis AT ias.edu
Home-page: https://www.math.ias.edu/delellis/
arxiv id: delellis_c_1
Available papers (133):
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- C. De Lellis - P. Minter - A. Skorobogatova (Preprint)
Fine Structure of Singularities in Area-Minimizing Currents Mod$(q)$ (2024)
- C. De Lellis - S. Nardulli - S. Steinbrüchel (Publications Mathématiques de l' I.H.É.S.)
An Allard-type boundary regularity theorem for $2d$ minimizing currents at smooth curves with arbitrary multiplicity (2024)
- C. De Lellis - F. Glaudo - A. Massaccesi - D. Vittone (Preprint)
Besicovitch's $\frac{1}{2}$ problem and linear programming (2024)
- C. De Lellis (Preprint)
Caffarelli's work on elliptic free boundary problems (2024)
- F. Almgren - W. Browder - G. Caldini - C. De Lellis (preprint)
Optimal smooth approximation of integral cycles (2024)
- C. De Lellis - J. Hirsch - A. Marchese - L. Spolaor - S. Stuvard (Nonlinear Anal.)
Excess decay for minimizing hypercurrents mod $2Q$ (2024)
- A. Bressan - C. De Lellis (Preprint)
A Remark on the Uniqueness of Solutions to Hyperbolic Conservation Laws (2023)
- C. De Lellis - A. Skorobogatova (Preprint)
The fine structure of the singular set of area-minimizing integral currents I: the singularity degree of flat singular points (2023)
- C. De Lellis - S. Nardulli - S. Steinbrüchel (Nonlinear Analysis)
Uniqueness of boundary tangent cones for $2$-dimensional area-minimizing
currents (2023)
- C. De Lellis - A. Skorobogatova (Preprint)
The fine structure of the singular set of area-minimizing integral currents II: rectifiability of flat singular points with singularity degree larger than $1$ (2023)
- C. De Lellis - P. Minter - A. Skorobogatova (Preprint)
The fine structure of the singular set of area-minimizing integral currents III: Frequency 1 flat singular points and $\mathcal{H}^{m-2}$-a.e. uniqueness of tangent cones (2023)
- C. De Lellis - M. Focardi (Lecture Notes)
The regularity theory for the Mumford-Shah functional on the plane (2023)
- C. De Lellis - I. Fleschler (Accepted Paper: Mathematical Research Letters)
An elementary rectifiability lemma and some applications (2023)
- C. De Lellis - J. Hirsch - A. Marchese - S. Stuvard (Comm. Pure Appl. Math.)
Area minimizing currents mod $2Q$: linear regularity theory (2022)
- E. Bruè - M. Colombo - G. Crippa - C. De Lellis - M. Sorella (Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis)
Onsager critical solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes equations (2022)
- E. Bruè - C. De Lellis (Comm. Math. Phys.)
Anomalous dissipation for the forced 3D Navier-Stokes equations (2022)
- C. De Lellis - J. Hirsch - A. Marchese - L. Spolaor - S. Stuvard (Submitted Paper)
Fine structure of the singular set of area minimizing hypersurfaces modulo $p$ (2022)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (Accepted Paper: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A)
Weak stablity and closure in turbulence (2021)
- C. De Lellis (Preprint)
An Allard-type boundary regularity theorem for 2d minimizing currents at smooth curves with arbitrary multiplicity (2021)
- C. De Lellis (Proceedings)
The regularity theory for the area functional (in geometric measure theory) (2021)
- C. De Lellis - J. Hirsch - A. Marchese - L. Spolaor - S. Stuvard (Submitted Paper)
Area minimizing hypersurfaces modulo $p$: a geometric free-boundary problem (2021)
- D. Albritton - E. Bruè - M. Colombo - C. De Lellis - V. Giri - M. Janisch - H. Kwon (Accepted Paper: Annals of Mathematics Studies)
Instability and nonuniqueness for the 2d Euler equations in vorticity form, after M. Vishik (2021)
- M. Colombo - C. De Lellis - A. Massaccesi (Comm. Pure Appl. Math.)
The generalized Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg Theorem for the hyperdissipative Navier-Stokes system (2020)
- C. De Lellis - D. Inauen (Adv. Math.)
$C^{1,\alpha} isometric embeddings of polar caps (2020)
- C. De Lellis - E. Spadaro - L. Spolaor (J. Differential Geom.)
Regularity theory for $2$-dimensional almost minimal currents III: blowup (2020)
- C. De Lellis - M. P. Reza (Preprint)
The geometry of flat $C^{1,\alpha}$ isometric immersions (2020)
- C. De Lellis - J. Hirsch - A. Marchese - S. Stuvard (Geom. Funct. Anal.)
Regularity of area minimizing currents mod $p$ (2020)
- C. De Lellis - V. Giri (Accepted Paper: To appear in Annales Mathe'matiques du Que'bec)
Smoothing does not give a selection principle for transport equations with bounded autonomous fields (2020)
- C. De Lellis (ICCM Not.)
The Nash-Kuiper Theorem and the Onsager conjecture (2020)
- C. De Lellis - H. Kwon (Accepted Paper: To appear in Analysis and PDEs)
On Non-uniqueness of Hoelder continuous globally dissipative Euler flows (2020)
- E. Bruè - M. Colombo - C. De Lellis (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.)
Positive solutions of transport equations and classical nonuniqueness of characteristic curves (2020)
- C. De Lellis - M. Focardi - S. Ghinassi (J. Math. Pures Appl.)
Endpoint regularity for 2d Mumford-Shah minimizers: On a theorem of Andersson and Mikayelyan (2020)
- C. De Lellis - Z. Zhao (Preprint)
Dirichlet energy-minimizers with analytic boundary (2019)
- A. Carlotto - C. De Lellis (J. Differential Geom.)
Min-max embedded geodesic lines on asymptotically conical surfaces (2019)
- T. Buckmaster - C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi - V. Vicol (Comm. Pure Appl. Math.)
Onsager's conjecture for admissible weak solutions (2019)
- C. De Lellis - G. De Philippis - J. Hirsch (Accepted Paper: J. Differential Geom.)
Nonclassical minimizing surfaces with smooth boundary (2019)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (Notices Amer. Math. Soc.)
On turbulence and geometry: from Nash to Onsager (2019)
- C. De Lellis - G. De Philippis - B. Kirchheim - R. Tione (Annales de la Faculte' des Sciences de Toulouse)
Geometric measure theory and differential inclusions (2019)
- L. Ambrosio - C. De Lellis - T. Schmidt (J. Reine Angew. Math.)
Partial regularity for mass-minimizing currents in Hilbert spaces (2018)
- C. De Lellis - E. Spadaro - L. Spolaor (Transactions AMS)
Regularity theory for $2$-dimensional almost minimal currents I: Lipschitz approximation (2018)
- C. De Lellis (Lecture Notes)
Almgren's center manifold in a simple setting (2018)
- C. De Lellis (Surveys in Differential Geometry 2017.)
The Onsager Theorem (2018)
- C. De Lellis (Proceedings of CMSA Harvard. Nonlinear analysis in geometry and applied mathematics. Part 2)
Allard's interior regularity theorem: an invitation to stationary varifolds (2018)
- M. Colombo - C. De Lellis - L. De Rosa (Comm. Math. Phys.)
Ill-posedness of Leray solutions for the ipodissipative Navier--Stokes equations (2018)
- C. De Lellis - D. Inauen - L. J. Székelyhidi (Revista matemática Iberoamericana)
A Nash-Kuiper theorem for $C^{1,\frac{1}{5}-\delta}$ immersions of surfaces in $3$ dimensions (2018)
- C. De Lellis - A. Marchese - E. Spadaro - D. Valtorta (Comm. Math. Helv.)
Rectifiability and upper Minkowski bounds for singularities of harmonic $Q$-valued maps (2018)
- C. De Lellis - G. De Philippis - J. Hirsch - A. Massaccesi (Accepted Paper: To apper in Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
On the boundary behavior of mass-minimizing integral currents (2018)
- C. De Lellis - A. De Rosa - F. Ghiraldin (Adv. Calc. Var.)
A direct approach to the anisotropic Plateau's problem (2018)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.))
High dimensionality and h-principle in PDE (2017)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (Accepted Paper)
John Nash's nonlinear iteration (2017)
- C. De Lellis - F. Ghiraldin - F. Maggi (JEMS)
A direct approach to Plateau's problem (2017)
- C. De Lellis - E. Spadaro - L. Spolaor (Ann. PDE)
Regularity theory for $2$-dimensional almost minimal currents II: branched center manifold (2017)
- C. De Lellis - E. Spadaro - L. Spolaor (Comm. Pure Appl. Math.)
Uniqueness of tangent cones for $2$-dimensional almost minimizing currents (2017)
- C. De Lellis - D. Inauen (Comm. Partial Differential Equations)
Fractional Sobolev regularity for the Brouwer degree (2017)
- C. De Lellis - G. De Philippis - J. Hirsch - A. Massaccesi (Matrix Annals)
Boundary regularity of mass-minimizing integral currents and a question of Almgren (2017)
- C. De Lellis - E. Spadaro (Ann. of Math. (2) )
Regularity of area-minimizing currents II: center manifold (2016)
- C. De Lellis - E. Spadaro (Ann. of Math. (2))
Regularity of area-minimizing currents III: blow up (2016)
- C. De Lellis (Boll. Unione Mat. Ital.)
$2$-dimensional almost area minimizing currents (2016)
- C. De Lellis (Accepted Paper: Rivista dell'UMI)
Il teorema di Schlaefli: un invito alla quarta dimensione (2016)
- C. De Lellis - P. Gwiazda - S. G. Agnieszka (Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations)
Transport equation with integral terms (2016)
- T. Buckmaster - C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (Comm. Pure Appl. Math.)
Dissipative Euler flows with Onsager-critical spatial regularity (2016)
- C. De Lellis - J. Ramic (Accepted Paper: To appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourier)
Min-max theory for minimal hypersurfaces with boundary (2016)
- C. De Lellis (Surveys in differential geometry)
The size of the singular set of area-minimizing currents (2016)
- C. De Lellis (H. Holden and R. Piene (editors): The Abel Prize 2013–2017. Springer Verlag.)
The masterpieces of John Forbes Nash Jr (2016)
- C. De Lellis - R. Ignat (Comm. Partial Differential Equations)
A regularizing property of the 2d-eikonal equation (2015)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (Eur. Math. Soc. Newsl.)
The $h$-principle and Onsager's conjecture (2015)
- E. Chiodaroli - C. De Lellis - O. Kreml (Comm. Pure App. Math.)
Global ill-posedness of the isentropic system of gas dynamics (2015)
- T. Buckmaster - C. De Lellis - P. Isett - L. J. Székelyhidi (Ann. of Math. (2))
Anomalous dissipation for $1/5$-Hölder Euler flows (2015)
- C. De Lellis - E. Spadaro (Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5))
Multiple valued functions and integral currents (2015)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. László Jr Székelyhidi (J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS))
Dissipative Euler flows and Onsager's conjecture (2014)
- C. De Lellis - M. Focardi - B. Ruffini (Adv. Calc. Var.)
A note on the Hausdorff dimension of the singular set for minimizers of the Mumford-Shah energy (2014)
- E. Chiodaroli - C. De Lellis - O. Kreml (Proceedings of HYP2012)
Surprising solutions to the isentropic system of gas dynamics (2014)
- C. De Lellis - E. Spadaro (Geom. Funct. Anal.)
Regularity of area-minimizing currents I: $L^p$ gradient estimates (2014)
- C. De Lellis (Mat. Soc. Cult. Riv. Unione Mat. Ital. (I))
Il teorema di Liouville ovvero perche' "non esiste" la primitiva di $\exp(x^2)$ (2014)
- C. De Lellis - M. Focardi (J. Math. Pures Appl.)
Higher integrability of the gradient for minimizers of the 2d Mumford-Shah energy (2013)
- C. De Lellis - M. Focardi (Manuscripta Math.)
Density lower bound estimates for local minimizers of the 2d Mumford-Shah energy (2013)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. László Jr Székelyhidi (Invent. Math.)
Dissipative continuous Euler flows (2013)
- T. Buckmaster - C. De Lellis - L. J. László Jr Székelyhidi (Preprint)
Transporting microstructure and dissipative Euler flows (2013)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. László Jr Székelyhidi (European Congress of Mathematics)
Continuous dissipative Euler flows and a conjecture of Onsager (2013)
- C. De Lellis - D. Tasnady (Jour. Diff. Geom.)
The existence of embedded minimal hypersurfaces (2013)
- A. Choffrut - C. De Lellis - L. J. László Jr Székelyhidi (Preprint)
Dissipative continuous Euler flows in two and three dimensions (2012)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. László Jr Székelyhidi (Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. )
The $h$-principle and the equations of fluid dynamics (2012)
- S. Conti - C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Abel Symposia 7.)
h-Principle and Rigidity for $C^{1,\alpha}$ Isometric Embeddings (2012)
- C. De Lellis - Peter M. Topping (Calc. Var.)
Almost-Schur lemma (2012)
- C. De Lellis - M. Focardi - E. Spadaro (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica)
Lower semicontinuous functionals for Almgren's multiple valued functions (2011)
- Y. Brenier - C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (Comm. Math. Phys.)
Weak-strong uniqueness for measure-valued Solutions (2011)
- C. De Lellis - R. Robyr (Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.)
Hamilton-Jacobi equations with obstacles (2011)
- S. Bianchini - C. De Lellis - R. Robyr (Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.)
SBV regularity for Hamilton-Jacobi equations in R^n (2011)
- C. De Lellis - E. Spadaro (]: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.)
Center manifold: a case study (2011)
- C. De Lellis - Emanuele Nunzio Spadaro (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)
Q-valued functions revisited (2011)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.)
On admissibility criteria for weak solutions of the Euler equations (2010)
- C. De Lellis - F. Ghiraldin (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris)
An extension of Müller's identity $\mathbf{Det} = \mathbf{det}$ (2010)
- C. De Lellis (Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. )
Almgren's $Q$-valued functions revisited (2010)
- C. De Lellis - F. Pellandini (J. Reine Angew. Math.)
Genus bounds for minimal surfaces arising from min-max constructions (2010)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (Ann. of Math.)
The Euler equation as a differential inclusion (2009)
- A. Bressan - C. De Lellis (Comm. Pure Appl. Math.)
Existence of optimal strategies for a fire confinement problem (2009)
- C. De Lellis (Hyperbolic problems: theory, numerics and applications.)
Ill-posedness for bounded admissible solutions of the $2$-dimensional $p$-system (2009)
- T. Colding - C. De Lellis - W. P. I. I. Minicozzi (Comm. Pure App. Math.)
Three circles theorems for Schrödinger operators on cylindrical ends and geometric applications (2008)
- G. Crippa - C. De Lellis (J. Reine Angew. Math.)
Estimates and regularity results for the DiPerna--Lions flow (2008)
- C. De Lellis (Lecture notes: Zurich Lectures in Advanced Mathematics. European Mathematical Society (EMS), Zürich.)
Lecture notes on rectifiable sets, densities, and tangent measures (2008)
- C. De Lellis (Transport equations and multi-D hyperbolic conservation laws, 61-74, Lect. Notes Unione Mat. Ital., 5, Springer, Berlin..)
A note on Alberti's Rank--one Theorem (2008)
- G. Crippa - C. De Lellis (Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications)
Regularity and compactness for the DiPerna--Lions flow (2008)
- C. De Lellis (Séminaire Bourbaki. Vol. 2006/2007. Astérisque No. 317 )
Ordinary differential equations with rough coefficients and the renormalization theorem of Ambrosio (d'après Ambrosio, DiPerna, Lions) (2007)
- S. Conti - C. De Lellis (Math. Ann.)
Sharp upper bounds for a variational problem with singular perturbation (2007)
- C. De Lellis - T. Kappeler - P. Topalov (Comm. Partial Differential Equations)
Low--regularity solutions of the Camass--Holm equation (2007)
- L. Ambrosio - C. De Lellis - J. Malý (Perspective in nonlinear partial differential equations)
On the chain rule for the divergence of BV like vector fields: applications, partial results, open problems (2007)
- C. De Lellis - L. J. Székelyhidi (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris)
Simple proof of two-well rigidity (2006)
- C. De Lellis (Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Differential Equations)
Notes on hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and transport equations (2006)
- G. Crippa - C. De Lellis (Indiana Univ. Math. J.)
Oscillatory solutions to transport equations (2006)
- C. De Lellis - S. Müller (Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations)
A $C^0$--estimate for nearly umbilical surfaces. (2006)
- L. Ambrosio - F. Bouchut - C. De Lellis (Comm. Partial Differential Equations)
Well--posedness for a class of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in several space dimensions (2004)
- C. De Lellis (Duke Math. J.)
Blow--up of the BV norm in the multidimensional Keyfitz and Kranzer system (2004)
- C. De Lellis - F. Otto - M. Westdickenberg (Quarterly of Applied Mathematics)
Minimal entropy conditions for Burgers equation (2004)
- C. De Lellis - F. Golse (Comm. Pure Appl. Math.)
A quantitative compactness estimate for scalar conservation laws (2004)
- L. Ambrosio - C. De Lellis (J. Hyperbolic Diff. Equ.)
A note on admissible solutions of 1d scalar conservation laws and 2d Hamilton-Jacobi equations (2004)
- C. De Lellis - F. Otto - M. Westdickenberg (Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis)
Structure of entropy solutions for multi--dimensional conservation laws (2003)
- L. Ambrosio - C. De Lellis (International Mathematics Research Notices)
Existence of solutions for a class of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in several space dimensions (2003)
- C. De Lellis (Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications)
Some remarks on the distributional Jacobian (2003)
- C. De Lellis - F. Otto (J. Eur. Math. Soc.)
Structure of entropy solutions to the eikonal equation (2003)
- C. De Lellis - T. Rivière (Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées)
Concentration estimates for entropy measures (2003)
- C. De Lellis - S. Müller (Journal of Differential Geometry)
Sharp rigidity estimates for nearly umbilical surfaces (2003)
- S. Conti - C. De Lellis - S. Mueller - M. Romeo (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris)
Polyconvexity equals rank-one convexity for connected isotropic sets in $M^{2\times 2}$ (2003)
- Tobias H. Colding - C. De Lellis (Surveys in differential geometry)
The min--max construction of minimal surfaces (2003)
- Tobias H. Colding - C. De Lellis (Topology)
Singular limit laminations, Morse index, and positive scalar curvature (2003)
- C. De Lellis - M. Westdickenberg (Ann. Inst. Henry Poincaré Analise Non linéaire)
On the Optimality of Velocity Averaging Lemmas (2002)
- C. De Lellis (Ph.D. Thesis)
On the Jacobian of weakly differentiable maps (2002)
- C. De Lellis (Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations)
An example in the gradient theory of phase transitions (2002)
- C. De Lellis - G. Royer Carfagni (Journal of Elasticity)
Interaction of fractures in tensile bars with non local spatial displacement (2001)
- S. Conti - C. De Lellis (Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Cl. Sci. (5))
Some remarks on the theory of elasticity for compressible Neohookean materials (2001)
- C. De Lellis - C. R. Grisanti - P. Tilli (Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata)
Regular selection for multiple valued functions (2000)
- C. De Lellis (Proc. Roy. Soc. of Ed. A)
Some fine properties of currents and applications to distributional jacobians (2000)
- C. De Lellis (Degree Thesis)
Energie di Linea per Campi di Gradienti (1999)
- L. Ambrosio - C. De Lellis - C. Mantegazza (Calc. Var.)
Line Energies for Gradient Vector Fields in the Plane (1999)