12 sep 2005 - 16 sep 2005 [open in google calendar]
Lecturers and Courses (held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Rome `La Sapienza' - Room E)
PIERRE CARDALIAGUET (Univ. Brest) - Dislocation dynamics and perimeter estimates for solutions of geometric equations.
CAMILLO DE LELLIS (Univ. Zurich) - Integral versions of classical rigidity theorems
GERHARD HUISKEN (Univ. Tübingen and Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam) - Inverse mean curvature flow and energy inequalities
CARLO SINESTRARI (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata) - Semiconcave functions, Hamilton-Jacobi equations and control problems
\smallskip Mon 12 Sept
15:00 De Lellis
16:30 Huisken \smallskip
Tue 13 Sept
10:00 Sinestrari
11:30 Cardaliaguet \smallskip
15:00 De Lellis
16:30 Huisken \smallskip
Wed 14 Sept
10:00 Sinestrari
11:30 Cardaliaguet
12:30 De Lellis
(Free afternoon) \smallskip
Thu 15 Sept
10:00 Huisken
11:30 Sinestrari \smallskip
15:00 Cardaliaguet
16:30 De Lellis
\smallskip Fri 16 Sept
10:00 Huisken
11:30 Sinestrari
12:30 Cardaliaguet
Speakers: Pierre Cardaliaguet, Camillo De Lellis, Gerhard Huisken, Carlo Sinestrari.