Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

C. De Lellis - P. Minter - A. Skorobogatova

Fine Structure of Singularities in Area-Minimizing Currents Mod$(q)$

created by skorobogatova on 22 Mar 2024
modified by delellis on 29 Jun 2024



Inserted: 22 mar 2024
Last Updated: 29 jun 2024

Year: 2024


We study fine structural properties related to the interior regularity of $m$-dimensional area minimizing currents mod$(q)$ in arbitrary codimension. We show: (i) the set of points where at least one tangent cone is translation invariant along $m-1$ directions is locally a connected $C^{1,\beta}$ submanifold, and moreover such points have unique tangent cones; (ii) the remaining part of the singular set is countably $(m-2)$-rectifiable, with a unique flat tangent cone (with multiplicity) at $\mathcal{H}^{m-2}$-a.e. flat singular point. These results are consequences of fine excess decay theorems as well as almost monotonicity of a universal frequency function.
