open positions
Berardo Ruffini
Associate Professor, Università di Bologna
Available papers (29):
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B. Bulanyi
B. Ruffini
(Submitted Paper)
Threshold dynamics approximation schemes for anisotropic mean curvature flows with a forcing term
M. Goldman
M. Novaga
B. Ruffini
(Submitted Paper)
A charged liquid drop model with Willmore energy
D. Mazzoleni
C. Muratov
B. Ruffini
(Submitted Paper)
An optimal design problem for a charge qubit
G. De Philippis
M. Goldman
B. Ruffini
(Submitted Paper)
From energy bounds to dimensional estimates in a branched transport model for type-I superconductors
I. Lucardesi
D. Mazzoleni
B. Ruffini
(Springer INdAM Series, 2025, 62, pp. 25–47)
On a Cheeger--Kohler-Jobin inequality
M. Goldman
M. Novaga
B. Ruffini
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
Reifenberg flatness for almost-minimizers of the perimeter under minimal assumptions
B. Ruffini
Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar
Optimization problems with non-local repulsion
C. Muratov
M. Novaga
B. Ruffini
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
Conducting flat drops in a confining potential
M. Goldman
M. Novaga
B. Ruffini
(Accepted Paper:
J. Eur. Math. Soc.
Rigidity of the ball for an isoperimetric problem with strong capacitary repulsion
E. Cinti
R. Ognibene
B. Ruffini
Mathematics in Engineering
A quantitative stability inequality for fractional capacities
J. Aghili - D. Di Pietro -
B. Ruffini
Comput. Methods Appl. Math.
An hp-Hybrid High-Order method for variable diffusion on general meshes
D. Mazzoleni
B. Ruffini
Calc. Var. PDE
A spectral shape optimization problem with a nonlocal competing term
M. Goldman
M. Novaga
B. Ruffini
Anal. PDE
On minimizers of an isoperimetric problem with long-range interactions under a convexity constraint
C. Muratov
M. Novaga
B. Ruffini
Comm. Pure Appl. Math.
On equilibrium shapes of charged flat drops
A. Chambolle -
M. Novaga
B. Ruffini
Interfaces Free Bound.
Some results on anisotropic fractional mean curvature flows
L. Brasco
G. Franzina
B. Ruffini
J. Funct. Anal.
Schrödinger operators with negative potentials and Lane-Emden densities
M. Goldman
B. Ruffini
Geometric flows
Equilibrium shapes of charged liquid droplets and related problems: (mostly) a review
P. Castillon -
B. Ruffini
Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.
A spectral characterization of geodesic balls in non-compact rank one symmetric spaces
A. Di Castro
M. Novaga
B. Ruffini
- E. Valdinoci (
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Nonlocal quantitative isoperimetric inequalities
M. Goldman
M. Novaga
B. Ruffini
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
Existence and stability for a non-local isoperimetric model of charged liquid drops
M. Novaga
B. Ruffini
J. Convex Anal.
Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the 1-Riesz capacity and level set convexity for the 1/2-Laplacian
L. Brasco
B. Ruffini
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire
Compact Sobolev embeddings and torsion functions
C. De Lellis
M. Focardi
B. Ruffini
Adv. Calc. Var.
A note on the Hausdorff dimension of the singular set for minimizers of the Mumford-Shah energy
G. Buttazzo
B. Ruffini
B. Velichkov
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.
Shape Optimization Problems for Metric Graphs
B. Ruffini
(Ph.d. Thesis)
Optimization problems for solutions of elliptic equations and stability issues
G. Buttazzo
A. Gerolin
B. Ruffini
B. Velichkov
J. Éc. polytech. Math.
Optimal Potentials for Schrödinger Operators
M. Marini
B. Ruffini
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova
On a class of weighted Gauss-type isoperimetric inequalities and applications to symmetrization
B. Ruffini
Rev. Mat. Complut.
Stability theorems for GNS inequalities: a reduction principle to the radial case
L. Brasco
G. De Philippis
B. Ruffini
J. Funct. Anal.
Spectral optimization for the Stekloff--Laplacian: the stability issue
24 jun 2015:
Non-local isoperimetric problems
17 jun 2014:
Isoperimetric problems with non-local penalization terms
23 may 2012:
Shape optimization problems for graphs
20 may 2024 - 22 may 2024:
50 Anni di Calcolo delle Variazioni
11 apr 2024 - 12 apr 2024:
Calculus of Variations and Free Boundary Problems VIII
6 mar 2024 - 7 mar 2024:
CalVaFer - Calculus of Variations in Ferrara
31 jan 2024 - 2 feb 2024:
Calculus of Variations in Siena
5 sep 2022 - 9 sep 2022:
Anisotropic isoperimetric problems & related topics
13 jan 2020 - 15 jan 2020:
Winter School on Reaction Diffusion PDE's and Optimization
23 may 2019 - 24 may 2019:
Variational and PDE problems in Geometric Analysis II
26 jun 2017 - 30 jun 2017:
Curves and Networks in Geometric Analysis
25 oct 2016 - 28 oct 2016:
Workshop in Geometric Measure Theory, Shape Optimisation and Free Boundaries
28 apr 2016 - 30 apr 2016:
Geometric aspects of PDE's and functional inequalities
16 jun 2014 - 20 jun 2014:
Isoperimetric Problems Between Analysis and Geometry
6 jun 2024 - 7 jun 2024:
8 jun 2023 - 9 jun 2023:
13 jun 2022 - 17 jun 2022:
Shape Optimization, related topics and applications
6 jun 2022 - 7 jun 2022:
Nonlinear meeting in Bologna
6 sep 2021 - 10 sep 2021:
Variational methods and applications
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