Full Professor,
Dip. Mat. Univ. Pisa
Email: buttazzo AT dm.unipi.it
Home-page: http://www.dm.unipi.it/pages/buttazzo/
Available papers (123):
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- G. Buttazzo - J. Casado-Diaz - F. Maestre (Preprint)
Optimal coefficients for elliptic PDEs (2024)
- S. Bartels - G. Buttazzo - H. Keller (Preprint)
Optimization of an eigenvalue arising in optimal insulation with a lower bound (2024)
- G. Buttazzo (Preprint)
Optimal domains for the Cheeger inequality (2024)
- G. Buttazzo - F. P. Maiale - D. Mazzoleni - G. Tortone - B. Velichkov (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.)
Regularity of the optimal sets for a class of integral shape functionals (2024)
- B. Bogosel - G. Buttazzo - E. Oudet (Preprint)
On the numerical approximation of Blaschke-Santaló diagrams using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations (2023)
- G. Buttazzo - J. Casado-Diaz - F. Maestre (Preprint)
On the regularity of optimal potentials in control problems governed by elliptic equations (2023)
- G. Buttazzo (Preprint)
On the continuity of the Continuous Steiner Symmetrization (2022)
- L. Briani - G. Buttazzo - S. Guarino Lo Bianco (Submitted Paper)
On a reverse Kohler-Jobin inequality (2022)
- G. Buttazzo - G. Carlier - K. Eichinger (Submitted Paper)
Wasserstein interpolation with constraints and application to a parking problem (2022)
- G. Buttazzo - M. S. Gelli - D. Lučić (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
Mass optimization problem with convex cost (2022)
- L. Briani - G. Buttazzo - F. Prinari (Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata)
On a class of Cheeger inequalities (2021)
- L. Briani - G. Buttazzo - F. Prinari (Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ.)
Inequalities between torsional rigidity and principal eigenvalue of the $p$-Laplacian (2021)
- L. Briani - G. Buttazzo - F. Prinari (Jota)
A shape optimization problem on planar sets with prescribed topology (2021)
- M. van den Berg - G. Buttazzo - A. Pratelli (Comm. Contemp. Math.)
On the relations between principal eigenvalue and torsional rigidity (2021)
- G. Buttazzo - A. Pratelli (ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.)
An application of the continuous Steiner symmetrization to Blaschke-Santalò diagrams (2021)
- G. Buttazzo - F. P. Maiale - B. Velichkov (Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.)
Shape optimization problems in control form (2021)
- G. Buttazzo - F. P. Maiale (Accepted Paper)
Optimal one-dimensional structures for the principal eigenvalue of two-dimensional domains (2020)
- M. van den Berg - G. Buttazzo (Preprint)
On capacity and torsional rigidity (2020)
- G. Buttazzo - F. P. Maiale (Accepted Paper)
Shape optimization problems for functionals with a boundary integral (2020)
- L. Briani - G. Buttazzo - F. Prinari (AMO)
Some inequalities involving perimeter and torsional rigidity (2020)
- G. Alberti - G. Buttazzo - S. Guarino Lo Bianco - E. Oudet (Accepted Paper: Networks and Heterogeneous Media)
Optimal reinforcing networks for elastic membranes (2019)
- G. Buttazzo - J. Casado-Diaz - F. Maestre (Preprint)
On the existence of optimal potentials on unbounded domains (2019)
- G. Bouchitté - G. Buttazzo - T. Champion - L. De Pascale (Preprint)
Relaxed multi-marginal costs and quantization effects (2019)
- G. Buttazzo - H. Shrivastava (Annales Henry Lebesgue)
Optimal shapes for general integral functionals (2019)
- G. Bouchitté - G. Buttazzo - T. Champion - L. De Pascale (Submitted Paper)
Dissociating limit in Density Functional Theory with Coulomb optimal transport cost (2018)
- G. Buttazzo - B. Velichkov (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
A Shape Optimal Control Problem with Changing Sign Data (2018)
- G. Buttazzo - G. Cardone - S. Nazarov (Submitted Paper)
Thin elastic plates supported over small areas II. Variational-asymptotic models. (2017)
- G. Buttazzo - S. Guarino Lo Bianco - M. Marini (Accepted Paper: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications)
Sharp estimates for the anisotropic torsional rigidity and the principal frequency (2017)
- G. Buttazzo - G. Carlier - M. Laborde (Submitted Paper)
On the Wasserstein distance between mutually singular measures (2017)
- S. Bartels - G. Buttazzo (Submitted Paper)
Numerical solution of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem arising in optimal insulation (2017)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - C. Nitsch (Notices Amer. Math. Soc.)
Two optimization problems in thermal insulation (2017)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - C. Nitsch (Accepted Paper: Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées)
Symmetry breaking for a problem in optimal insulation (2017)
- G. Buttazzo - B. Velichkov (Book Chapter)
Spectral optimization problems for Schrödinger operators (2017)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Maestre - B. Velichkov (Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications)
Optimal potentials for problems with changing sign data (2017)
- G. Buttazzo - T. Champion - L. De Pascale (Submitted Paper)
Continuity and estimates for multimarginal optimal transportation problems with singular costs (2016)
- M. Bongini - G. Buttazzo (Submitted Paper)
Optimal Control Problems in Transport Dynamics (2016)
- G. Buttazzo - G. Cardone - S. Nazarov
Thin elastic plates supported over small areas I. Korn's inequalities and boundary layers (2016)
- J. C. Bellido - G. Buttazzo - B. Velichkov (Nonlinear Analysis)
Worst-case shape optimization for the Dirichlet energy (2016)
- G. Bouchitté - G. Buttazzo (Submitted Paper)
Optimal design problems for Schrödinger operators with noncompact resolvents (2015)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Oudet - B. Velichkov (Calc. Var. PDE)
A free boundary problem arising in PDE optimization (2015)
- G. Buttazzo - M. van den Berg - B. Velichkov (Proceedings: Chapter in the book "New Trends in Shape Optimization")
Optimization problems involving the first Dirichlet eigenvalue and the torsional rigidity (2015)
- G. Buttazzo - G. Carlier - S. Guarino Lo Bianco (Preprint)
Optimal Regions for Congested Transport (2014)
- G. Buttazzo - B. Velichkov (Preprint)
The spectral drop problem (2014)
- L. Brasco - G. Buttazzo (Accepted Paper: Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations)
Improved energy bounds for Schrödinger operators (2014)
- G. Buttazzo - B. Ruffini - B. Velichkov (ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.)
Shape Optimization Problems for Metric Graphs (2014)
- A. Chen - J. Darbon - G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio - J. M. Morel (Interfaces Free Bound.)
On the equations of landscape formation (2014)
- E. Bini - G. Buttazzo (IEEE Trans. Automat. Control)
The optimal sampling pattern for linear control systems (2014)
- J. C. L. Alfonso - G. Buttazzo - B. García-Archilla - M. A. Herrero - L. Núñez (Bull. Math. Biol.)
Selecting Radiotherapy Dose Distributions by Means of Constrained Optimization Problems (2014)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - B. Velichkov (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
Spectral optimization problems for potentials and measures (2014)
- G. Buttazzo - S. Guarino Lo Bianco - F. Oliviero (Accepted Paper: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.)
Optimal location problems with routing cost (2013)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - U. Stefanelli (Interfaces Free Bound.)
Shape flows for spectral optimization problems (2013)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - B. Velichkov (Ann. I. H. Poincare' Anal. Non Lineaire )
Shape Optimization Problems with Internal Constraint (2013)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio - E. Stepanov (Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.)
Asymptotic optimal location of facilities in a competition between population and industries (2013)
- G. Buttazzo - A. Gerolin - B. Ruffini - B. Velichkov (J. Éc. polytech. Math.)
Optimal Potentials for Schrödinger Operators (2013)
- G. Buttazzo (published paper: Ithaca Viaggio nella Scienza)
Il problema di Newton dei profili aerodinamici ottimi (2013)
- G. Buttazzo - B. Velichkov (J. Funct. Anal.)
Shape optimization problems on metric measure spaces (2013)
- G. Buttazzo - B. Velichkov (Preprint)
Some New Problems in Spectral Optimization (2012)
- G. Buttazzo (Accepted Paper: Milan J. Math.)
Evolution models for mass transportation problems (2012)
- G. Buttazzo - L. De Pascale - P. Gori-Giorgi (Accepted Paper: Physical Review A)
Optimal-transport formulation of electronic density-functional theory (2012)
- G. Buttazzo - A. Nayam (International journal of dynamical system and differential equation)
Stationary Configuration of some Optimal Shaping (2012)
- G. Buttazzo - S. Nazarov (In "Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering: Mathematical Challenges for Aerospace Design'', Springer Optimization and Its Applications)
Optimal location of support points in the Kirchhoff plate (2012)
- J. C. L. Alfonso - G. Buttazzo - B. García-Archilla - M. A. Herrero - L. Núñez (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B)
A class of optimization problems in radiotherapy dosimetry planning (2012)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo (Accepted Paper: Calc. Var. and PDEs)
On the characterization of the compact embedding of Sobolev spaces (2012)
- G. Buttazzo - S. Nazarov (Journal of Mathematical Sciences)
Optimal location of support points in the Kirchhoff plate (2011)
- G. Buttazzo - P. Kogut (Preprint)
Weak Optimal Controls in Coefficients for Linear Elliptic Problems (2010)
- G. Buttazzo (Preprint)
Spectral Optimization Problems (2010)
- L. Brasco - G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
A Benamou-Brenier approach to branched transport (2010)
- G. Buttazzo - G. Carlier - R. Tahraoui (Preprint)
On some systems controlled by the structure of their memory (2010)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Mainini - E. Stepanov (Control Cybernet.)
Stationary configurations for the average distance functional and related problems (2009)
- G. Buttazzo - B. Kawohl (Preprint)
Overdetermined boundary value problems for the $\infty$-Laplacian (2009)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio (Siam Review)
A Mass Transportation Model for the Optimal Planning of an Urban Region (2009)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Maestre (Preprint)
Optimal Shape for Elliptic Problems with Random Perturbations (2009)
- G. Buttazzo - A. Pratelli - S. Solimini - E. Stepanov (Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
Optimal urban networks via mass transportation (2009)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - A. Henrot (Preprint)
Minimization of $\lambda_2(\Omega)$ with a perimeter constraint (2009)
- G. Buttazzo - A. Wagner (Submitted Paper)
On some rescaled shape optimization problems (2009)
- G. Buttazzo - C. Jimenez - E. Oudet (SIAM. J. Control Optim)
An optimization problem for mass transportation with congested dynamics (2009)
- A. Brancolini - G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio - E. Stepanov (ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.)
Long-term planning versus short-term planning in the asymptotical location problem (2009)
- G. Buttazzo (Preprint)
Problemi di ottimizzazione in teoria del trasporto di massa (2008)
- G. Bouchitté - G. Buttazzo - L. De Pascale (Preprint)
The Monge-Kantorovich problem for distributions and applications (2008)
- G. Buttazzo - G. Carlier (Accepted Paper: Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings subseries of the American Mathematical Society Contemporary Mathematics series)
Optimal spatial pricing strategies with transportation costs (2008)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo (Preprint)
Irreversible quasistatic evolutions by minimizing movements (2007)
- G. Buttazzo - G. Carlier - M. Comte (Preprint)
On the selection of maximal Cheeger sets (2007)
- G. Buttazzo (Preprint)
A survey on the Newton problem of optimal profiles (2007)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio (Networks and Heterogeneous Media)
Asymptotical compliance optimization for connected networks (2007)
- G. Buttazzo - L. De Pascale - I. Fragalà (Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A)
Erratum to: Topological equivalence of some variational problems involving distances (2007)
- G. Buttazzo - A. Pratelli - E. Stepanov (SIAM J. Opt)
Optimal pricing policies for public transportation networks (2006)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio - N. Varchon (ESAIM: COCV)
Asymptotics of an optimal compliance-location problem (2006)
- G. Buttazzo (Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3), Elsevier, Amsterdam (2006).)
Problems with Free Interfaces and Free Discontinuities: Variational Problems (2006)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - A. Lux (Submitted Paper)
Quasistatic evolution in debonding problems via capacitary methods (2006)
- A. Brancolini - G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio (J. Eur. Math. Soc.)
Path Functionals over Wasserstein Spaces (2006)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Stepanov (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. )
Transport density in Monge-Kantorovich problems with Dirichlet conditions (2005)
- G. Buttazzo - M. O. Rieger (Preprint)
Variational problems for functionals involving the value distribution (2005)
- Z. Belhachmi - D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - J. M. Sac-Epée (Preprint)
Shape optimization problems for eigenvalues of elliptic operators (2005)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
A Model for the Optimal Planning of an Urban Area (2005)
- G. Buttazzo - N. Varchon (Preprint)
On the Optimal Reinforcement of an Elastic Membrane (2005)
- A. Brancolini - G. Buttazzo (ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.)
Optimal Networks For Mass Transportation Problems (2005)
- G. Buttazzo - M. Mintchev (Preprint)
Curve brachistocrone in campi di gravita' (2004)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Stepanov (Calculus of Variations: Topics from the Mathematical Heritage of Ennio De Giorgi, D. Pallara (ed.), Quaderni di Matematica, Seconda Universit\`{a} di Napoli, Caserta)
Minimization problems for average distance functionals (2004)
- G. Buttazzo - N. Varchon - H. Zoubairi (Accepted Paper: Annali Mat. Pur. Appl.)
Optimal measures for elliptic problems (2004)
- G. Buttazzo - A. Davini - I. Fragalà - F. Macià (J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelles Journal))
Optimal Riemannian distances preventing mass transfer (2004)
- G. Buttazzo (Preprint)
Three Optimization Problems in Mass Transportation Theory (2004)
- G. Buttazzo - L. De Pascale ( Lecture Notes in Math., 1813, Springer, Berlin)
Optimal Shapes and Masses, and Optimal Transportation Problems (2003)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Stepanov (Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.)
Optimal transportation networks as free Dirichlet regions for the Monge-Kantorovich problem (2003)
- G. Bouchitté - G. Buttazzo - L. De Pascale (J. Optim. Theory Appl. )
A p-Laplacian approximation for some mass optimization problems (2003)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Stepanov (SIAM J. Control Optim.)
On regularity of transport density in the Monge-Kantorovich problem (2003)
- E. Bini - G. Buttazzo - G. Buttazzo (IEEE Transactions on Computers)
Rate monotonic analysis: the hyperbolic bound (2003)
- G. Buttazzo - B. Schweizer (Submitted Paper)
$\Gamma$ convergence of Hausdorff measures (2002)
- A. Braides - G. Buttazzo - I. Fragalà (Asymptotic Anal.)
Riemannian approximation of Finsler metrics (2002)
- E. Acerbi - G. Buttazzo - F. Prinari (J. Convex Anal.)
The class of functionals which can be represented by a supremum (2002)
- G. Bouchitté - G. Buttazzo - I. Fragalà (J. Math. Pures Appl.)
Bounds for the effective coefficients of homogenized low dimensional structures (2002)
- G. Buttazzo - E. Oudet - E. Stepanov (Progress in Nonlinear Diff. Equations and their Applications)
Optimal transportation problems with free Dirichlet regions (2002)
- G. Bouchitté - G. Buttazzo - I. Fragalà (J. Geom. Anal.)
Convergence of Sobolev Spaces on Varying Manifolds (2001)
- G. Buttazzo - L. De Pascale - I. Fragalà (Discrete Contin. Dinam. Systems)
Topological Equivalence of Some Variational Problems Involving Distances (2001)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - N. Varchon (SIAM J. Optim.)
On the problem of optimal cutting (2001)
- G. Buttazzo - C. Timofte (Preprint)
On The Relaxation of Some Optimal Partition Problems (2001)
- E. Bini - G. Buttazzo - G. Buttazzo (IEEE Proceedings of the 13th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems)
A hyperbolic bound for the rate monotonic algorithm (2001)
- G. Bouchitté - G. Buttazzo (Preprint)
Characterization of Optimal Shapes and Masses through Monge-Kantorovich Equation (2000)
- G. Buttazzo - A. Wagner (Nonlinear Anal.)
On the optimal shape of a rigid body supported by an elastic membrane (2000)
- G. Buttazzo - P. Trebeschi
The Role of Monotonicity in Some Shape Optimization Problems (1998)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - P. Trebeschi
An Existence Result for Optimal Obstacles (1998)
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo
Results and Questions on Minimum Problems for Eigenvalues (1998)
- G. Bouchitté - G. Buttazzo - I. Fragalà (Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Cl. Sci.)
Mean Curvature of a Measure and Related Variational Problems (1997)
- G. Buttazzo - P. Guasoni (J. Convex Analysis)
Shape Optimization Problems over Classes of Convex Domains (1997)