open positions
Guy Bouchitté
Full Professor, Université du Sud Toulon-Var
Available papers (34):
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K. Bołbotowski
G. Bouchitté
Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality theory for the Hessian
U. Bindini
G. Bouchitté
Relaxed many-body optimal transport and related asymptotics
K. Bołbotowski -
G. Bouchitté
Optimal design versus maximal Monge-Kantorovich metrics
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
T. Champion
L. De Pascale
Relaxed multi-marginal costs and quantization effects
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
T. Champion
L. De Pascale
(Submitted Paper)
Dissociating limit in Density Functional Theory with Coulomb optimal transport cost
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
I. Lucardesi
Applied Mathematics & Optimization
Sensitivity of the compliance and of the Wasserstein distance with respect to a varying source
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
I. Lucardesi
SIAM J. Control Optim.
A variational method for second order shape derivatives
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
(Submitted Paper)
Optimal design problems for Schrödinger operators with noncompact resolvents
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
I. Lucardesi
Math. Program., Ser. B
Shape derivatives for minima of integral functionals
J. J. Alibert -
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
I. Lucardesi
Interfaces and Free Boundaries
A nonstandard free boundary problem arising in the shape optimization of thin torsion rods
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
I. Lucardesi
P. Seppecher
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Optimal thin torsion rods and Cheeger sets
G. Bouchitté
C. Jimenez
R. Mahadevan
Asymptotic analysis of a class of optimal location problems
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
L. De Pascale
The Monge-Kantorovich problem for distributions and applications
E. Acerbi
G. Bouchitté
(Accepted Paper:
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire
A General Class of Phase Transition Models with Weighted Interface Energy
G. Bouchitté
C. Jimenez
R. Mahadevan
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
A new $L^\infty$ estimate in optimal mass transport
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
(Accepted Paper:
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
Optimality conditions for mass design problems and applications to thin plates
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
(Submitted Paper)
Modelling thin plates: a reduction dimension analysis for linear problems under constraint
G. Bouchitté
T. Champion
C. Jimenez
Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma
Completion of the space of measures in the Kantorovich norm
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
R. Mahadevan
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Homogenization of second order energies on periodic thin structures
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
Journal of Functional Analysis
Second order energies on thin structures: variational theory and non-local effects
G. Alberti
G. Bouchitté
G. Dal Maso
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
The calibration method for the Mumford-Shah functional and free-discontinuity problems
E. Acerbi
G. Bouchitté
I. Fonseca
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire
Relaxation of convex functionals: the gap problem
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
L. De Pascale
J. Optim. Theory Appl.
A p-Laplacian approximation for some mass optimization problems
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
I. Fragalà
J. Math. Pures Appl.
Bounds for the effective coefficients of homogenized low dimensional structures
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
``Variational Methods for Discontinuous Structures'', PNLDE, Birkhauser
Variational theory of weak geometrical structures: the measure method and its applications
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
J. Convex Anal.
Homogenization of elastic thin structures: a measure-fattening approach
G. Bouchitté
C. Jimenez
R. Mahadevan
C.R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris
Asymptotique d'un problème de positionnement optimal.
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
I. Fragalà
J. Geom. Anal.
Convergence of Sobolev Spaces on Varying Manifolds
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Homogenization of thin structures by two-scale method with respect to measures
G. Bellettini
G. Bouchitté
I. Fragalà
J. Convex Anal.
BV Functions with Respect to a Measure and Relaxation of Metric Integral Functionals
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
Characterization of Optimal Shapes and Masses through Monge-Kantorovich Equation
G. Alberti
G. Bouchitté
G. Dal Maso
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math.
The Calibration Method for the Mumford-Shah Functional
G. Bouchitté
G. Buttazzo
I. Fragalà
Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Cl. Sci.
Mean Curvature of a Measure and Related Variational Problems
G. Alberti
G. Bouchitté
P. Seppecher
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.
Phase Transition with Line Tension Effect
3 apr 2019:
Optimal transport planning with a non linear cost
22 jan 2004:
Optimization of light structures. The vanishing mass conjecture
30 jun 2025 - 4 jul 2025:
Topics in Geometric Measure Theory
16 sep 2024 - 20 sep 2024:
Frontiers of the Calculus of Variations: a Celebration of the Mathematics of Gianni Dal Maso
28 jun 2023 - 30 jun 2023:
Geometrical trends in Applied Analysis
20 jun 2022 - 24 jun 2022:
Variational Challenges in Materials Science and Imaging
27 jan 2020 - 1 feb 2020:
Calculus of Variations and Applications (on the occasion of Gianni Dal Maso's birthday)
31 jul 2014 - 1 aug 2014:
Trends in Non-Linear Analysis
10 sep 2012 - 12 sep 2012:
Variational Models and Methods for Evolution
26 nov 2004 - 27 nov 2004:
Recent Advances in Homogenization
21 apr 2015 - 22 apr 2015:
Workshop CalVa (à Toulon)
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