20 jun 2022 - 24 jun 2022 [open in google calendar]
TU Wien and online on zoom (hybrid)
This workshop will celebrate Irene Fonseca on the occasion of her 65th birthday for her research accomplishments, the impact she has had on the careers of students and postdocs, and the work she has done to promote the calculus of variations worldwide. The meeting will provide an overview of the latest research activity in the study of variational problems arising in materials science and image reconstruction.
Registration is free but mandatory at the website below.
Please, be aware that the workshop room has a limited capacity, so in-person participation will only be possible for some attendees. Please also be aware that registration for in-person attendance will only be possible until May 20th. All registrations afterward will only be possible for zoom participation.
Organizers: Elisa Davoli, Rita Ferreira, Giovanni Leoni.
Speakers: Emilio Acerbi, Giovanni Alberti, Luigi Ambrosio, John Ball, Kaushik Bhattacharya, Guy Bouchitté, Andrea Braides, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Filippo Cagnetti, Sergio Conti, Riccardo Cristoferi, Bernard Dacorogna, Gianni Dal Maso, Irene Fonseca, Nicola Fusco, Wilfrid Gangbo, Richard D. James, David Kinderlehrer, Carolin Kreisbeck, Stefan Krömer, Martin Kruzik, Mitchell Luskin, Paolo Marcellini, Vincent Millot, Maria Giovanna Mora, Massimiliano Morini, Felix Otto, Roberto Paroni, Pablo Pedregal, Paolo Piovano, Dejan Slepčev, Konstantina Trivisa, Raghavendra Venkatraman, Elvira Zappale, Barbara Zwicknagl.