open positions
Nicola Fusco
Full Professor, Dip. Mat. Univ. Napoli
Available papers (73):
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N. Fusco
- V. Julin -
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
The isoperimetric inequality for the capillary energy outside convex cylinders
N. Fusco
F. Maggi
M. Morini
M. Novack
Advances in Mathematics
Rigidity and large volume residues in exterior isoperimetry for convex sets
A. Diana
N. Fusco
C. Mantegazza
(Submitted Paper)
Stability for the Surface Diffusion Flow
N. Fusco
D. A. La Manna
Journal of Functional Analysis
Some weighted isoperimetric inequalities in quantitative form
N. Fusco
D. A. La Manna
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
A remark on a conjecture on the symmetric Gaussian Problem
D. Carazzato
N. Fusco
A. Pratelli
Adv. Calc. Var.
Minimality of balls in the small volume regime for a general Gamow type functional
G. De Philippis
N. Fusco
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
Regularity of capillarity droplets with obstacle
C. N. Chen - Y. S. Choi -
N. Fusco
(Submitted Paper)
$\Gamma$-limit of 2D traveling waves in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system
N. Fusco
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
Total positive curvature and the equality case in the relative isoperimetric inequality outside convex domains
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
Global and local energy minimizers for a nanowire growth model
N. Fusco
- V. Julin -
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
Stationary sets and asymptotic behavior of the mean curvature flow with forcing in the plane
N. Fusco
A. Pratelli
Sharp stability for the Riesz potential
F. Farroni
N. Fusco
S. Guarino Lo Bianco
- R. Schiattarella (
J. Funct. Anal.
A formula for the anisotropic total variation of SBV functions
N. Fusco
S. Mukherjee
- Y. R. Y. Zhang (
Proc. London Math. Soc.
A variational characterisation of the second eigenvalue of the p-Laplacian on quasi open sets
G. Cupini
N. Fusco
- E. Lanconelli -
X. Zhong
(Accepted Paper:
J. Anal. Math.
A sharp stability result for the Gauss mean value formula
E. Acerbi
N. Fusco
- V. Julin -
M. Morini
Journal of Differential Geometry
Nonlinear stability results for the modified Mullins-Sekerka and the surface diffusion flow
C. N. Chen - Y. S. Choi -
N. Fusco
(Submitted Paper)
The Γ-limit of traveling waves in FitzHugh-Nagumo systems
N. Fusco
- V. Julin -
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
The surface diffusion flow with elasticity in three dimensions
N. Fusco
D. Spector
A Remark on an Integral Characterization of the Dual of BV
N. Fusco
- V. Julin -
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
The surface diffusion flow with elasticity in the plane
G. De Philippis
N. Fusco
A. Pratelli
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.
On the approximation of SBV functions
N. Fusco
D. Pallara
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.
On the isoperimetric profile for a mixed Euclidean-Log-convex measure
M. Cicalese
N. Fusco
Esaim: COCV
A note on relaxation with constraints on the determinant
N. Fusco
- Y. R. Y. Zhang (Preprint)
A quantitative form of the Faber-Krahn inequality
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
A model for dislocations in epitaxially strained elastic films
N. Fusco
X. Zhong
(Submitted Paper)
On the Euler-Lagrange equation of a functional by Pólya and Szegö
N. Fusco
G. Moscariello
C. Sbordone
(Submitted Paper)
A formula for the total variation of SBV functions
N. Fusco
(Accepted Paper:
Bull. Math. Sci.
The quantitative isoperimetric inequality and related topics
A. Figalli
N. Fusco
F. Maggi
- V. Millot -
M. Morini
Comm. Math. Phys.
Isoperimetry and stability properties of balls with respect to nonlocal energies
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
Motion of Three-Dimensional Elastic Films by Anisotropic Surface Diffusion with Curvature Regularization
N. Fusco
- V. Julin (Submitted Paper)
On the regularity of critical and minimal sets of a free interface problem
M. Focardi
N. Fusco
- C. Leone -
P. Marcellini
E. Mascolo
A. Verde
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Weak lower semicontinuity for polyconvex integrals in the limit case
M. Barchiesi
G. M. Capriani
N. Fusco
G. Pisante
J. Funct. Anal.
Stability of Polya-Szego inequality for log-concave functions
V. Bögelein
- F. Duzaar -
N. Fusco
A quantitative isoperimetric inequality on the sphere
M. Barchiesi
F. Cagnetti
N. Fusco
J. Eur. Math. Soc.
Stability of the Steiner symmetrization of convex sets
E. Acerbi
N. Fusco
M. Morini
Communications in Mathematical Physics
Minimality via second variation for a nonlocal isoperimetric problem
V. Bögelein
- F. Duzaar -
N. Fusco
(Submitted Paper)
A sharp quantitative isoperimetric inequality in higher codimension
B. De Maria
N. Fusco
(Submitted Paper)
Regularity properties of equilibrium configurations of epitaxially strained elastic films
N. Fusco
M. S. Gelli
G. Pisante
On a Bonnesen type inequality involving the spherical deviation
N. Fusco
- V. Julin (Submitted Paper)
A strong form of the quantitative isoperimetric inequality
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
M. Morini
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Motion of elastic thin films by anisotropic surface diffusion with curvature regularization
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
- V. Millot (
Journal de mathematiques pures et appliquees
Material voids in elastic solids with anisotropic surface energies
N. Fusco
- V. Millot -
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
A quantitative isoperimetric inequality for fractional perimeters
M. Amar
V. De Cicco
N. Fusco
Lower semicontinuity results for free discontinuity energies
N. Fusco
A. Pratelli
On a conjecture by Auerbach
N. Fusco
F. Maggi
A. Pratelli
Journal of Functional Analysis
On the isoperimetric problem with respect to a mixed Euclidean-Gaussian density
S. Fornaro -
N. Fusco
- G. Metafune -
D. Pallara
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh
Sharp upper bounds for the density of some invariant measures
N. Fusco
M. Morini
(Accepted Paper:
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Equilibrium configurations of epitaxially strained elastic films: second order minimality conditions and qualitative properties of solutions
A. Ferriero
N. Fusco
Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B
A note on sets of finite perimeter in the plane
L. Esposito
N. Fusco
(Submitted Paper)
A remark on a free interface problem with volume constraint
M. Amar
V. De Cicco
N. Fusco
Lower semicontinuity and relaxation results in BV for integral functionals with BV integrands
A. Cianchi -
N. Fusco
F. Maggi
A. Pratelli
(Accepted Paper:
American Journal of Mathematics
On the isoperimetric deficit in the Gauss space
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
M. Morini
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Equilibrium configurations of epitaxially strained crystalline films: existence and regularity results
A. Cianchi -
N. Fusco
F. Maggi
A. Pratelli
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
The sharp Sobolev inequality in quantitative form
N. Fusco
F. Maggi
A. Pratelli
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5)
Stability estimates for certain Faber-Krahn, isocapacitary and Cheeger inequalities
N. Fusco
G. Moscariello
C. Sbordone
(Submitted Paper)
The limit of $W^{1,1}$ homeomorphisms with finite distortion
M. Amar
V. De Cicco
N. Fusco
A Relaxation result in BV for integral functionals with discontinuous integrands
N. Fusco
F. Maggi
A. Pratelli
Ann. of Math. (2)
The sharp quantitative isoperimetric inequality
N. Fusco
- C. Leone -
R. March
A. Verde
Proc. Royal Soc. of Edinburgh
A lower semicontinuity result for polyconvex functionals in SBV
N. Fusco
F. Maggi
A. Pratelli
J. Funct. Anal.
The sharp quantitative Sobolev inequality for functions of bounded variation
A. Cianchi -
L. Esposito
N. Fusco
- C. Trombetti (Preprint)
A quntitative Polya-Szego principle
V. De Cicco
N. Fusco
A. Verde
(J. of Convex Analysis)
On L^1 lower semicontinuity in BV
V. De Cicco
N. Fusco
A. Verde
(Calc.Var. Partial Differential Equations)
A chain rule formula in BV and application to lower semicontinuity
A. Cianchi -
N. Fusco
(Submitted Paper)
Dirichlet integrals and asymmetry
A. Cianchi -
N. Fusco
(Submitted Paper)
Minimal rearrangements, strict convexity and critical points
L. Esposito
N. Fusco
- C. Trombetti (Submitted Paper)
A quantitative version of the isoperimetric inequality: the anisotropic case
N. Fusco
M. Gori
F. Maggi
(Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications
A remark on Serrin's Theorem
A. Cianchi -
N. Fusco
Steiner symmetric extremals in Polya-Szego type inequalities
M. Chlebik - A. Cianchi -
N. Fusco
(Submitted Paper)
The perimeter inequality for Steiner symmetrization: cases of equality
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
P. Marcellini
On the total variation of the Jacobian
L. Ambrosio
N. Fusco
D. Pallara
Diff. Int. Eqs.
Higher Regularity of Solutions of Free Discontinuity Problems
G. Cupini
N. Fusco
- R. Petti (
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
Hölder continuity of local minimizers
L. Ambrosio
N. Fusco
D. Pallara
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Partial Regularity of Free Discontinuity Sets II
15 apr 2021:
Asymptotic stability for the gradient flow of some nonlocal energies
25 sep 2018:
Asymptotic stability of the gradient flow of nonlinear energies
17 jun 2014:
Stability and minimality for a nonlocal variational problem
16 sep 2024 - 20 sep 2024:
Frontiers of the Calculus of Variations: a Celebration of the Mathematics of Gianni Dal Maso
31 jan 2024 - 2 feb 2024:
Calculus of Variations in Siena
12 jun 2023 - 16 jun 2023:
Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory
5 sep 2022 - 9 sep 2022:
Anisotropic isoperimetric problems & related topics
20 jun 2022 - 24 jun 2022:
Variational Challenges in Materials Science and Imaging
13 jun 2022 - 17 jun 2022:
Advances in Calculus of Variations
13 jun 2022 - 15 jun 2022:
Nonlinear PDEs and Applications - on the occasion of Michiel Bertsch's 65(+2)th birthday
21 feb 2022 - 25 feb 2022:
Free Boundary Problems and Related Evolution Equations
27 jan 2020 - 1 feb 2020:
Calculus of Variations and Applications (on the occasion of Gianni Dal Maso's birthday)
28 nov 2019 - 29 nov 2019:
Two days on CalcVar&PDEs
16 sep 2019 - 20 sep 2019:
The Second joint IMU-INdAM Conference in Analysis
24 jun 2019 - 26 jun 2019:
Singular Nonlinear Problems in Calculus of Variations and PDEs
26 nov 2018 - 30 nov 2018:
Analysis, Control and Inverse Problems for PDEs
24 sep 2018 - 28 sep 2018:
Workshop MAR: Metric Analysis and Regularity
19 mar 2018 - 19 mar 2018:
Incontro Scientifico su problemi ellittici dedicato a Guido Stampacchia
18 sep 2017 - 20 sep 2017:
4th Conference on Recent Trends in Nonlinear Phenomena
3 jul 2017 - 6 jul 2017:
Recent Advances in PDEs and the Calculus of Variations
16 nov 2016 - 18 nov 2016:
Workshop on Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear PDE's
4 oct 2016 - 7 oct 2016:
Lecce Conference in Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equation - CDV2016
19 sep 2016 - 23 sep 2016:
A Mathematical Tribute to Ennio De Giorgi
30 jun 2014 - 5 jul 2014:
Existence and Regularity for Nonlinear Sytems of Partial Differential Equations
16 jun 2014 - 20 jun 2014:
Isoperimetric Problems Between Analysis and Geometry
8 jul 2013 - 12 jul 2013:
Vector-valued Partial Differential Equations and Applications
10 jun 2013 - 12 jun 2013:
Calcul des variations et équations différentielles
1 oct 2012 - 4 oct 2012:
Topics in Calculus of Variations and Applications
25 jan 2009 - 30 jan 2009:
First Winter School at IMDEA on PDE's and Inequalities
10 feb 2025 - 14 feb 2025:
XXXIV Convegno Nazionale di Calcolo delle Variazioni
12 feb 2024 - 16 feb 2024:
XXXIII Convegno Nazionale di Calcolo delle Variazioni
8 may 2023 - 12 may 2023:
XXXII Convegno Nazionale di Calcolo delle Variazioni
20 jun 2022 - 24 jun 2022:
Isoperimetric Problems
14 sep 2017 - 15 sep 2017:
Workshop "Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations"
16 may 2016 - 20 may 2016:
Workshop "New Challenges for the Calculus of Variations Stemming From Problems in the Materials Sciences and Image Processing" In Honour of the 60th Birthday of Irene Fonseca
8 feb 2016 - 12 feb 2016:
School and Workshop "PDEs and applications"
7 jul 2014 - 12 jul 2014:
School on Free Discontinuity Problems
21 nov 2013 - 23 nov 2013:
New Trends in Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
9 sep 2013 - 13 sep 2013:
ERC School "Geometric Functional Inequalities and Shape Optimization"
1 jul 2013 - 5 jul 2013:
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
1 jun 2012 - 31 jul 2012:
Geometric and Analytic techniques in Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
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