Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Variational models in Materials Science-III

created by scilla on 11 Nov 2024
modified on 19 Nov 2024

24 feb 2025 - 26 feb 2025   [open in google calendar]

University of Naples Federico II, Accademia Pontaniana

Scope of the workshop is to gather young and more expert scholars working on the field of variational methods in applied mathematics. This is a lively research area with a variety of interesting challenges spanning from fundamental modeling issues to rigorous mathematical foundations, at the intersection point among continuum mechanics, calculus of variations, geometric measure theory, partial differential equations, and nonlinear functional analysis.

Note: the complete list of the speakers, the website of the conference and the poster will be available soon.

Registration is free but mandatory.

Please register by 31 January 2025 by sending an e-mail to

Organizers: Stefano Almi, Giovanni Scilla, Bianca Stroffolini.

Speakers: Elise Bonhomme, Giacomo Canevari, Sergio Conti, Daniele De Gennaro, Anna Kubin, Camille Labourie, Tim Laux, Massimiliano Morini, Riccarda Rossi, Anja Schlömerkemper, Francesco Solombrino, Emanuele Tasso, Arghir Zarnescu, Barbara Zwicknagl.