open positions
Massimiliano Morini
Full Professor, Università di Parma
Available papers (50):
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V. Julin -
M. Morini
F. Oronzio
- E. Spadaro (Preprint)
A sharp quantitative Alexandrov inequality and applications to volume preserving geometric flows in 3D
N. Fusco
F. Maggi
M. Morini
M. Novack
Advances in Mathematics
Rigidity and large volume residues in exterior isoperimetry for convex sets
A. Chambolle -
D. De Gennaro
M. Morini
Discrete-to-continuous crystalline curvature flows
N. Fusco
- V. Julin -
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
The isoperimetric inequality for the capillary energy outside convex cylinders
M. Morini
C. Muratov
M. Novaga
- V. Slastikov (
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
Transverse domain walls in thin ferromagnetic strips
L. De Luca
M. Morini
M. Ponsiglione
- E. Spadaro (Preprint)
Parabolic $\alpha$-Riesz flows and limit cases $\alpha\to 0^+$, $\alpha\to d^-$
G. De Philippis
N. Fusco
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
Regularity of capillarity droplets with obstacle
A. Chambolle -
D. De Gennaro
M. Morini
Adv. Calc. Var
Minimizing Movements for Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Mean Curvature Flows
N. Fusco
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
Total positive curvature and the equality case in the relative isoperimetric inequality outside convex domains
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
Global and local energy minimizers for a nanowire growth model
V. Julin -
M. Morini
M. Ponsiglione
- E. Spadaro (Preprint)
The Asymptotics of the Area-Preserving Mean Curvature and the Mullins-Sekerka Flow in Two Dimensions
M. Morini
M. Ponsiglione
- E. Spadaro (Preprint)
Long time behaviour of discrete volume preserving mean curvature flows
N. Fusco
- V. Julin -
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
Stationary sets and asymptotic behavior of the mean curvature flow with forcing in the plane
A. Chambolle -
M. Morini
M. Novaga
M. Ponsiglione
Anal. PDE
Generalized crystalline evolutions as limits of flows with smooth anisotropies
A. Chambolle -
M. Morini
M. Novaga
M. Ponsiglione
J. Amer. Math. Soc.
Existence and uniqueness for anisotropic and crystalline mean curvature flows
E. Acerbi
N. Fusco
- V. Julin -
M. Morini
Journal of Differential Geometry
Nonlinear stability results for the modified Mullins-Sekerka and the surface diffusion flow
N. Fusco
- V. Julin -
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
The surface diffusion flow with elasticity in three dimensions
N. Fusco
- V. Julin -
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
The surface diffusion flow with elasticity in the plane
M. Morini
- V. Slastikov (Accepted Paper:
J. Nonlinear Science
Reduced models for ferromagnetic thin films with periodic surface roughness
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
A model for dislocations in epitaxially strained elastic films
A. Chambolle -
M. Morini
M. Ponsiglione
(Published online:
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Existence and uniqueness for a crystalline mean curvature flow
A. Chambolle -
M. Morini
M. Ponsiglione
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Nonlocal curvature flows
M. Morini
- V. Slastikov (
Journal of Differential Equations
Geometrically induced phase transitions in two-dimensional dumbbell-shaped domains
A. Figalli
N. Fusco
F. Maggi
- V. Millot -
M. Morini
Comm. Math. Phys.
Isoperimetry and stability properties of balls with respect to nonlocal energies
M. Bonacini
M. Morini
(Accepted Paper:
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire
Stable regular critical points of the Mumford-Shah functional are local minimizers
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
Motion of Three-Dimensional Elastic Films by Anisotropic Surface Diffusion with Curvature Regularization
M. Morini
- P. Sternberg (Accepted Paper:
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
Cascade of minimizers for a nonlocal isoperimetric problem in thin domains
E. Acerbi
N. Fusco
M. Morini
Communications in Mathematical Physics
Minimality via second variation for a nonlocal isoperimetric problem
A. Chambolle -
M. Morini
M. Ponsiglione
A Non-Local Mean Curvature Flow and its semi-implicit time-discrete approximation
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
M. Morini
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Motion of elastic thin films by anisotropic surface diffusion with curvature regularization
M. Morini
- V. Slastikov (Submitted Paper)
Geometrically constrained walls in two dimensions.
M. Barchiesi
- S. H. Kang - T. M. Le -
M. Morini
M. Ponsiglione
Multiscale Model. Simul.
A variational model for infinite perimeter segmentations based on Lipschitz level set functions: denoising while keeping finely oscillatory boundaries
I. Fonseca
G. Leoni
F. Maggi
M. Morini
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire
Exact reconstruction of damaged color images using a total variation model
N. Fusco
- V. Millot -
M. Morini
(Submitted Paper)
A quantitative isoperimetric inequality for fractional perimeters
N. Fusco
M. Morini
(Accepted Paper:
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Equilibrium configurations of epitaxially strained elastic films: second order minimality conditions and qualitative properties of solutions
G. Dal Maso
I. Fonseca
G. Leoni
M. Morini
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
A higher order model for image restoration: the one dimensional case
G. Dal Maso
- A. DeSimone -
M. G. Mora
M. Morini
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
A vanishing viscosity approach to quasistatic evolution in plasticity with softening
G. Dal Maso
- A. DeSimone -
M. G. Mora
M. Morini
Netw. Heterog. Media
Globally stable quasistatic evolution in plasticity with softening
F. Cagnetti
M. G. Mora
M. Morini
Calc. Var.
A second order minimality condition for the Mumford-Shah functional
I. Fonseca
N. Fusco
G. Leoni
M. Morini
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Equilibrium configurations of epitaxially strained crystalline films: existence and regularity results
G. Leoni
M. Morini
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS)
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the chain rule in $W_{loc}^{1,1}(R^N;R^d)$ and $BV_{loc}(R^N;R^d)$
I. Fonseca
M. Morini
- V. Slastikov (
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Surfactants in foam stability: A phase field model
G. Dal Maso
- A. DeSimone -
M. G. Mora
M. Morini
Netw. Heterog. Media
Time-dependent systems of generalized Young measures
H. Koch -
G. Leoni
M. Morini
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
On optimal regularity of free boundary problems and a conjecture of De Giorgi
G. Dal Maso
I. Fonseca
G. Leoni
M. Morini
Archive Rational Mech. Anal.
Higher Order Quasiconvexity Reduces to Quasiconvexity
M. Morini
SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Sequences of singularly perturbed problems generating free-discontinuity problems
M. Morini
M. Negri
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.
Mumford-Shah functional as $\Gamma$-limit of discrete Perona-Malik energies
G. Leoni
M. Morini
J. Math. Pures Appl.
Some Remarks on the Analyticity of Minimizers of Free Discontinuity Problems
M. Morini
Annali dela Scuola Normale Superiore
Global calibrations for the non-homogeneous Mumford-Shah functional
M. G. Mora
M. Morini
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Nonlin.
Local calibrations for minimizers of the Mumford-Shah functional with a regular discontinuity set
8 sep 2021:
Long-time behavior of discrete volume-preserving mean curvature flat flows
17 may 2017:
A variational approach to nonlocal curvature motions and to the crystalline mean curvature flow
20 apr 2016:
Nonlinear stability results for the Ohta-Kawasaki energy and for the nonlocal Mullins-Sekerka flow
10 jan 2014:
Local and global minimality results for an isoperimetric problem with long range interactions
13 jul 2025 - 18 jul 2025:
Warsaw Summer School on Evolutionary PDEs
24 feb 2025 - 26 feb 2025:
Variational models in Materials Science-III
4 jul 2022 - 8 jul 2022:
Summer School in Analysis and PDE
20 jun 2022 - 24 jun 2022:
Variational Challenges in Materials Science and Imaging
21 feb 2022 - 25 feb 2022:
Free Boundary Problems and Related Evolution Equations
6 sep 2021 - 10 sep 2021:
Variational methods and applications
9 aug 2021 - 20 aug 2021:
30th Jyväskylä Summer School
16 sep 2019 - 19 sep 2019:
6th Applied Mathematics Symposium Münster: recent advances in the Calculus of Variations
13 sep 2018 - 15 sep 2018:
4 oct 2016 - 7 oct 2016:
Lecce Conference in Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equation - CDV2016
7 sep 2015 - 8 sep 2015:
Conference on Calculus of Variations, PDE, and Geometric Measure Theory
31 jul 2014 - 1 aug 2014:
Trends in Non-Linear Analysis
20 feb 2014 - 21 feb 2014:
Workshop on Partial Differential Equations and Applications
9 sep 2013 - 13 sep 2013:
ERC School "Geometric Functional Inequalities and Shape Optimization"
19 sep 2025 - 19 sep 2025:
Perspectives in the Calculus of Variations - Un incontro in onore di Gianni Dal Maso
27 may 2024 - 31 may 2024:
Modeling and analysis in nanomagnetism and beyond
12 jan 2024 - 12 jan 2024:
Kinetic integro-differential equations
1 oct 2012 - 4 oct 2012:
Topics in Calculus of Variations and Applications
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