16 may 2016 - 20 may 2016 [open in google calendar]
CRM, Montreal, Canada
Much work in the contemporary calculus of variations is directly driven by current problems in materials sciences and computer vision. In addition, variational approaches to these problems have proven very fruitful, for example, in rigorously deriving reduced models that can be readily addressed computationally. Examples include the mathematical study of shape memory alloys, ferroelectric and magnetic materials, composites, liquid crystals, thin structures, phase transitions, epitaxy, and image segmentation, staircasing and recolorization in computer vision. In all these areas, regularity and convergence results in particular directly impact the ability to perform reliable computations.
This workshop will bring together both world experts and young researchers, addressing these problems from different directions. It will also serve to celebrate Irene Fonseca on the occasion of her 60th birthday for her many research accomplishments, the impact she has had on the careers of many students and postdocs, and the tireless work she has done to promote the modern calculus of variations worldwide.
Organizers: Rustum Choksi, Nicola Fusco, Christopher J. Larsen, Giovanni Leoni.