Published Paper
Inserted: 5 oct 2017
Journal: IEEE Trans. Automat. Control
Volume: 59
Number: 1
Pages: 78-90
Year: 2014
Doi: 10.1109/TAC.2013.2279913
file from the journal web site
In digital control systems the state is sampled at given sampling instants and the input is kept constant between two consecutive instants. By \emph{optimal sampling problem} we mean the selection of sampling instants and control inputs, such that a given function of the state and input is minimized. In this paper we formulate the optimal sampling problem and we propose a numerical method to solve it. Being the solving procedure time consuming, we also propose a new \emph{quantization-based} sampling strategy that is computationally tractable and capable to achieve a near-optimal cost. Finally, we prove that the quantization-based sampling is optimal in scalar systems for large number of samples.
Keywords: optimal control problems, sampling patterns, quantization