Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Ricordando Luciano Modica

created by alberti on 12 Oct 2021
modified by paolini on 08 Nov 2021

8 nov 2021 - 9 nov 2021   [open in google calendar]

Dipartimento di Matematca, Pisa

Luciano Modica passed away few months ago. In his life he played a fundamental role in the academic life in Italy, serving as rector of the University of Pisa (three times), as president of CRUI, and so on. But previous to that he also gave important contributions to Mathematics. In this two-days workshop we honor his memory by series of lectures (in English) on the areas Mathematics more closely tied to his work. The workshop will be opened by a few contributions of more personal nature, in Italian.

Organizers: Giovanni Alberti, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Maria Stella Gelli, Matteo Novaga.