26 may 2025 - 30 may 2025 [open in google calendar]
This workshop focuses on some recent research and techniques, mainly of variational type, which have been developed to prove the existence of optimal shapes and to study their properties in the context of spectral geometry. Some celebrated open problems and conjectures will be studied hoping to make a step forward in the direction of solving them, or at least to obtain new partial information.
Organizers: Dorin Bucur, Carlo Nitsch.
Speakers: Jade Brisson, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Philippe Charron, Mattia Fogagnolo, Ilaria FragalĂ , Pedro Freitas, Katie Gittins, Antoine Henrot, James Kennedy, David Krejcirik, Dennis Krivenstov, Jimmy Lamboley, Richard Laugesen, Romeo Leylekian, Ilaria Lucardesi, Alba Lia Masiello, Idriss Mazari, Mickael Nahon, Robin Neumayer, Edouard Oudet, Konstantin Pankrashkin, Emanuele Pastorino, Alessandra Pluda, Alberto Roncoroni, Salvatore Stuvard, Michiel van den Berg.