open positions
Danka Lučić
Post Doc., University of Jyväskylä
Available papers (22):
[plain text]
L. Ambrosio
- T. Ikonen -
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
Metric Sobolev spaces I: equivalence of definitions
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
An axiomatic theory of normed modules via Riesz spaces
J. Koivu -
D. Lučić
T. Rajala
(Accepted Paper:
International Mathematics Research Notices
Approximation by BV-extension sets via perimeter minimization in metric spaces
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
Yet another proof of the density in energy of Lipschitz functions
N. Gigli
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
Duals and pullbacks of normed modules
G. Buttazzo
M. S. Gelli
D. Lučić
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Mass optimization problem with convex cost
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
Gamma-convergence of Cheeger energies with respect to increasing distances
S. Di Marino
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
Representation theorems for normed modules
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
T. Rajala
Non-Hilbertian tangents to Hilbertian spaces
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
The metric-valued Lebesgue differentiation theorem in measure spaces and its applications
T. Ikonen -
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
Pullback of a quasiconformal map between arbitrary metric measure spaces
M. S. Gelli
D. Lučić
A note on BV and 1-Sobolev functions on the weighted Euclidean space
D. Lučić
T. Rajala
- J. Takanen (preprint)
Dimension estimates for the boundary of planar Sobolev extension domains
S. Di Marino
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
A short proof of the infinitesimal Hilbertianity of the weighted Euclidean space
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
T. Rajala
Characterisation of upper gradients on the weighted Euclidean space and applications
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
T. Rajala
Sharp estimate on the inner distance in planar domains
M. Lewicka -
D. Lučić
(Accepted Paper:
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Dimension reduction for thin films with transversally varying prestrain: the oscillatory and the non-oscillatory case
E. Le Donne
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
(Accepted Paper:
Potential Analysis
Universal infinitesimal Hilbertianity of sub-Riemannian manifolds
D. Lučić
(Ph.D. Thesis)
Dimension reduction problems in the modelling of hydrogel thin films
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
Infinitesimal Hilbertianity of weighted Riemannian manifolds
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
The Serre-Swan theorem for normed modules
V. Agostiniani
- A. Lucantonio -
D. Lučić
(Accepted Paper:
Heterogeneous elastic plates with in-plane modulation of the target curvature and applications to thin gel sheets
25 nov 2020:
Sobolev calculus on weighted Euclidean spaces
21 may 2024 - 24 may 2024:
Workshop: Synthetic Curvature Bounds for Non-Smooth Spaces: Beyond Finite Dimension
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