open positions
Simone Di Marino
Associate Professor, Università di Genova
arxiv id:
Available papers (35):
[plain text]
S. Di Marino
L. Portinale
E. Radici
Advances in Calculus of Variations
Optimal transport with nonlinear mobilities: a deterministic particle approximation result
S. Di Marino
- M. Lewin -
L. Nenna
(Accepted Paper:
The Journal of Physical Chemistry
The ground state energy is not always convex in the number of electrons
S. Di Marino
- S. Murro -
E. Radici
(Accepted Paper:
to appear on JMPA
The five gradients inequality on differentiable manifolds
S. Di Marino
A. Gerolin
L. Nenna
(Accepted Paper:
Letters in Mathematical Physics
Universal diagonal estimates for minimizers of the Levy-Lieb functional
S. Di Marino
- M. Lewin -
L. Nenna
Grand-Canonical Optimal Transport
M. Colombo
S. Di Marino
F. Stra
First order expansion in the semiclassical limit of the Levy-Lieb functional
S. Di Marino
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
Representation theorems for normed modules
S. Di Marino
F. Santambrogio
(Accepted Paper:
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse Non Linéaire
JKO estimates in linear and non-linear Fokker-Planck equations, and Keller-Segel: $L^p$ and Sobolev bounds
S. Di Marino
D. Lučić
E. Pasqualetto
A short proof of the infinitesimal Hilbertianity of the weighted Euclidean space
S. Di Marino
A. Gerolin
Optimal Transport losses and Sinkhorn algorithm with general convex regularization
S. Di Marino
N. Gigli
A. Pratelli
Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.
Global Lipschitz extension preserving local constants
S. Di Marino
F. Stra
M. Colombo
(Submitted Paper)
Continuity of multi-marginal optimal transport with repulsive cost
S. Di Marino
A. Gerolin
An Optimal Transport approach for the Schrödinger bridge problem and convergence of Sinkhorn algorithm
S. Di Marino
M. Squassina
New characterizations of Sobolev metric spaces
S. Di Marino
J. Louet
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
The entropic regularization of the Monge problem on the real line
J. D. Benamou - G. Carlier -
S. Di Marino
L. Nenna
(Accepted Paper:
An entropy minimization approach to second-order variational mean field games
S. Di Marino
N. Gigli
E. Pasqualetto
- E. Soultanis (Submitted Paper)
Infinitesimal Hilbertianity of locally ${\rm Cat}(\kappa)$-spaces
E. Bruè
S. Di Marino
F. Stra
Journal of Functional Analysis
Linear Lipschitz and $C^1$ extension operators through random projections
S. Di Marino
A. Gerolin
L. Nenna
Topological Optimization and Optimal Transport In the Applied Sciences
Optimal transportation theory for repulsive costs
M. Seidl -
S. Di Marino
A. Gerolin
L. Nenna
- K. Giesbertz - P. Gori-Giorgi (Submitted Paper)
The strictly-correlated electron functional for spherically symmetric systems revisited
L. Chizat -
S. Di Marino
A tumor growth model of Hele-Shaw type as a gradient flow
S. Di Marino
A. R. Mészáros
(Accepted Paper:
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.
Uniqueness issues for evolution equations with density constraints
L. Ambrosio
N. Gigli
S. Di Marino
(Submitted Paper:
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications
Perimeter as relaxed Minkowski content in metric measure spaces
G. De Philippis
S. Di Marino
M. Focardi
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Lower semicontinuity for non-coercive polyconvex integrals in the limit case
G. Lani -
S. Di Marino
A. Gerolin
- R. van Leeuwen - P. Gori-Giorgi (
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
The adiabatic strictly-correlated-electrons functional: kernel and exact properties
S. Di Marino
F. Santambrogio
- B. Maury (Accepted Paper:
J. Conv. An.
Measure sweeping processes
L. Ambrosio
S. Di Marino
J. Funct. Anal.
Equivalent definitions of $BV$ space and of total variation on metric measure spaces
S. Di Marino
(Phd Thesis)
Recent advances on BV and Sobolev Spaces in metric measure spaces
S. Di Marino
(Submitted Paper)
Sobolev and BV spaces on metric measure spaces via derivations and integration by parts
S. Di Marino
G. Speight
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
The p-Weak Gradient Depends on p
M. Colombo
S. Di Marino
(Accepted Paper:
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
Equality between Monge and Kantorovich multimarginal problems with Coulomb cost
M. Colombo
L. De Pascale
S. Di Marino
(Accepted Paper:
Canad. J. Math.
Multimarginal Optimal Transpor Maps for 1-Dimensional Repulsive Costs
L. Ambrosio
S. Di Marino
G. Savaré
(Submitted Paper)
On the duality between p-Modulus and probability measures
L. Ambrosio
M. Colombo
S. Di Marino
(Accepted Paper:
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics: "Variational methods for evolving objects"
Sobolev spaces in metric measure spaces: reflexivity and lower semicontinuity of slope
S. Di Marino
(Degree Thesis)
Trasporto ottimo e problemi di evoluzione per sistemi di particelle
8 nov 2017:
A Hele-Shaw tumor growth model as a gradient flow
25 nov 2015:
BV functions and finite perimeter sets in metric measure spaces
5 oct 2023 - 5 oct 2023:
Calculus of Variations and Free Boundary Problems VI
19 jun 2023 - 21 jun 2023:
Calculus of Variations and Applications
10 jan 2022 - 14 jan 2022:
School on The Mathematics of Machine Learning [POSTPONED]
16 sep 2019 - 20 sep 2019:
The Second joint IMU-INdAM Conference in Analysis
12 nov 2018 - 16 nov 2018:
Optimal Transport and Applications
3 sep 2018 - 6 sep 2018:
Meeting on Applied Mathematics and Calculus of Variations
25 may 2018 - 25 may 2018:
Brescia-Trento Nonlinear Day Ed. II
31 may 2017 - 7 jun 2017:
Workshop: Optimal Transport meets Density Functional Theory
24 apr 2017 - 26 apr 2017:
Transport problems in Zurich
16 sep 2024 - 20 sep 2024:
Workshop "Calculus of Variations: a New Generation"
17 jan 2022 - 21 jan 2022:
Workshop on The Mathematics of Machine Learning [POSTPONED]
10 jan 2022 - 14 jan 2022:
School on The Mathematics of Machine Learning [POSTPONED]
24 jun 2019 - 28 jun 2019:
People in Optimal Transportation and Applications
24 sep 2018 - 28 sep 2018:
Workshop MAR: Metric Analysis and Regularity
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