Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Workshop "Calculus of Variations: a New Generation"

created by portinale on 26 Mar 2024
modified by dimarino on 03 Jun 2024

16 sep 2024 - 20 sep 2024   [open in google calendar]


This workshop aims at bringing together young and talented mathematicians which work on subjects related to Calculus of Variations and its applications. Examples of interesting topics covered in the conference include regularity in PDEs, machine learning, mechanics, geometric flows, optimal transportation, Riemannian geometry, and quantum mechanics. The general idea of the workshop is to not limit the interaction between speakers and participants to the bare scientific presentations, but to provide enough space and time between the talks to leave space to potential collaborations and fruitful discussions. We in particular encourage researchers in a young stage of career (Master and PhD students) to participate to the Workshop.

Important: registration is free but mandatory. The deadline for the application is June 15th, 2024.

The online application platform is accessible. Master and PhD students are kindly asked to submit their CV.

Organizers: Simone Di Marino, Lorenzo Portinale, Emanuela Radici.

Speakers: Adolfo Arroyo-Rabasa, Annika Bach, Giulia Bevilacqua, Elise Bonhomme, Camilla Brizzi, Elia Bruè, Leon Bungert, Sara Daneri, Cristiana De Filippis, Annette Dumas, Katharina Eichinger, Xavier Fernández-Real, André Guerra, Jasper Hoeskema, Domenico Angelo La Manna, Tim Laux, Alice Marveggio, Roberta Marziani, Mircea Petrache, Simone Rademacher, Bozhidar Velichkov.