open positions
Annika Bach
Post Doc., Sapienza Università di Roma
Available papers (14):
[plain text]
A. Bach
M. Cicalese
A. Garroni
G. Orlando
Stacking faults in the limit of a discrete model for partial edge dislocations
A. Bach
Emergence of topological and geometric defects in the $\Gamma$-limit of discrete energies
A. Bach
M. Ruf
Stochastic homogenization of functionals defined on finite partitions
A. Bach
T. Esposito
R. Marziani
C. I. Zeppieri
(Accepted Paper:
Siam J. Math. Anal.
Gradient damage models for heterogeneous materials
A. Bach
T. Esposito
R. Marziani
C. I. Zeppieri
Research in Mathematics of Materials Science
Interaction between oscillations and singular perturbations in a one-dimensional phase-field model
A. Bach
M. Cicalese
L. Kreutz
G. Orlando
Indiana Univ. Mat. J.
The antiferromagnetic XY model on the triangular lattice: topological singularities
A. Bach
M. Ruf
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Fluctuation estimates for the multi-cell formula in stochastic homogenization of partitions
A. Bach
M. Cicalese
L. Kreutz
G. Orlando
Calc. Var. Partial Diff. Equations
The antiferromagnetic XY model on the triangular lattice: chirality transitions at the surface scaling
A. Bach
M. Cicalese
M. Ruf
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Random finite-difference discretizations of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional with optimal mesh size
A. Bach
R. Marziani
C. I. Zeppieri
(Accepted Paper:
Calc. Var. PDE
$\Gamma$-convergence and stochastic homogenisation of singularly-perturbed elliptic functionals
A. Bach
- L. Sommer (
ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal.
A $\Gamma$-convergence result for fluid-filled fracture propagation
A. Bach
A. Braides
C. I. Zeppieri
Interfaces Free Bound.
Quantitative analysis of finite-difference approximations of free-discontinuity problems
A. Bach
A. Braides
M. Cicalese
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Discrete-to-continuum limits of multi-body systems with bulk and surface long-range interactions
A. Bach
ESAIM: Control Optim. Calc. Var.
Anisotropic free-discontinuity functionals as the $\Gamma$-limit of second-order elliptic functionals
16 sep 2024 - 20 sep 2024:
Workshop "Calculus of Variations: a New Generation"
20 sep 2023 - 22 sep 2023:
Variational models for material failure
5 sep 2022 - 9 sep 2022:
Anisotropic isoperimetric problems & related topics
28 oct 2019 - 31 oct 2019:
Calculus of Variations and Applications in Trani
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