open positions
Matthias Ruf
researcher, University of Augsburg
orcid id:
Available papers (24):
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L. Koch -
M. Ruf
- M. Schäffner (
J. Funct. Anal.
On the Lavrentiev gap for convex, vectorial integral functionals
M. Ruf
- M. Schäffner (preprint)
Upper bounds for the homogenization problem in nonlinear elasticity: the incompressible case
M. Ruf
- M. Schäffner (
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
New homogenization results for convex integral functionals and their Euler-Lagrange equations
M. Duerinckx - A. Gloria -
M. Ruf
(Accepted Paper:
J. Ec. Polytech. Math.
A spectral ansatz for the long-time homogenization of the wave equation
A. Bach
M. Ruf
Stochastic homogenization of functionals defined on finite partitions
M. Ruf
C. I. Zeppieri
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Stochastic homogenization of degenerate integral functionals with linear growth
M. Cicalese
G. Orlando
M. Ruf
Nonlinear Analysis
A classical $\mathbb{S}^2$ spin system with discrete out-of-plane anisotropy: variational analysis at surface and vortex scalings
M. Ruf
- T. Ruf (
J. ́Ec. Polytech. Math.
Stochastic homogenization of degenerate integral functionals and their Euler-Lagrange equations
M. Cicalese
G. Orlando
M. Ruf
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
The N-clock model: variational analysis for fast and slow divergence rates of N
A. Bach
M. Ruf
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Fluctuation estimates for the multi-cell formula in stochastic homogenization of partitions
M. Cicalese
G. Orlando
M. Ruf
Comm. Pure Appl. Math.
Emergence of concentration effects in the variational analysis of the N-clock model
M. Cicalese
G. Orlando
M. Ruf
Interfaces and Free Boundaries
Coarse graining and large-$N$ behavior of the $d$-dimensional $N$-clock model
A. Bach
M. Cicalese
M. Ruf
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Random finite-difference discretizations of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional with optimal mesh size
M. Cicalese
- A. Gloria -
M. Ruf
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
From statistical polymer physics to nonlinear elasticity
A. Gloria -
M. Ruf
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Loss of strong ellipticity through homogenization in 2D linear elasticity: A phase diagram
A. Braides
M. Cicalese
M. Ruf
Analysis & PDE
Continuum limit and stochastic homogenization of discrete ferromagnetic thin films
M. Ruf
(Accepted Paper:
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire
Discrete stochastic approximations of the Mumford-Shah functional
M. Ruf
Motion of discrete interfaces in low-contrast random environments
M. Cicalese
M. Ruf
F. Solombrino
Calc. Var Pdes
On global and local minimizers of prestrained thin elastic rods
M. Cicalese
M. Ruf
F. Solombrino
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP)
Hemihelical local minimizers in prestrained elastic bi-strips
M. Cicalese
M. Ruf
Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys.-S
Discrete spin systems on random lattices at the bulk scaling
M. Ruf
Adv. Calc. Var.
On the continuity of functionals defined on partitions
M. Cicalese
M. Ruf
F. Solombrino
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
Chirality transitions in frustrated $S^{2}$-valued spin systems
R. Alicandro
M. Cicalese
M. Ruf
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Domain formation in magnetic polymer composites: an approach via stochastic homogenization
20 sep 2023 - 22 sep 2023:
Variational models for material failure
28 oct 2019 - 31 oct 2019:
Calculus of Variations and Applications in Trani
4 jul 2017 - 5 jul 2017:
Multiscale problems and relaxation in nonlinear elasticity
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