R. Alicandro, M. Cicalese, M. Ruf: Domain formation in magnetic polymer composites: an approach via stochastic homogenization Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. Vol. 218, N. 2, p. 945984, 2015 M. Cicalese, M. Ruf, F. Solombrino: Chirality transitions in frustrated $S^{2}$-valued spin systems Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences Vol. 26, N. 08, p. 1481-1529, 2016 M. Cicalese, M. Ruf, F. Solombrino: On global and local minimizers of prestrained thin elastic rods Calc. Var Pdes Vol. 56, N. 4, p. 115, 2017 M. Cicalese, M. Ruf, F. Solombrino: Hemihelical local minimizers in prestrained elastic bi-strips Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) Vol. 68, N. 6, p. 122, 2017 M. Cicalese, M. Ruf: Discrete spin systems on random lattices at the bulk scaling Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys.-S Vol. 10, N. 1, p. 101-117, 2017 M. Ruf: On the continuity of functionals defined on partitions Adv. Calc. Var. 2017 A. Braides, M. Cicalese, M. Ruf: Continuum limit and stochastic homogenization of discrete ferromagnetic thin films Analysis & PDE Vol. 11, N. 2, p. 499-553, 2018 M. Ruf: Discrete stochastic approximations of the Mumford-Shah functional Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire (Accepted Paper) 2018 M. Ruf: Motion of discrete interfaces in low-contrast random environments ESAIM: COCV Vol. 24, p. 1275 - 1301, 2018 A. Gloria, M. Ruf: Loss of strong ellipticity through homogenization in 2D linear elasticity: A phase diagram Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. Vol. 231, p. 845-886, 2019 M. Cicalese, A. Gloria, M. Ruf: From statistical polymer physics to nonlinear elasticity Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Vol. 236, p. 1127-1215, 2020 M. Cicalese, G. Orlando, M. Ruf: Coarse graining and large-$N$ behavior of the $d$-dimensional $N$-clock model Interfaces and Free Boundaries Vol. 23, N. 3, p. 323-351, 2021 A. Bach, M. Cicalese, M. Ruf: Random finite-difference discretizations of the Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional with optimal mesh size SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol. 53, N. 2, p. 22752318, 2021 A. Bach, M. Ruf: Fluctuation estimates for the multi-cell formula in stochastic homogenization of partitions Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 61, p. art. 84, 2022 M. Cicalese, G. Orlando, M. Ruf: The N-clock model: variational analysis for fast and slow divergence rates of N Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis Vol. 245, N. 2, p. 11351196, 2022 M. Cicalese, G. Orlando, M. Ruf: Emergence of concentration effects in the variational analysis of the N-clock model Comm. Pure Appl. Math. Vol. 75, N. 10, p. 22792342, 2022 A. Bach, M. Ruf: Stochastic homogenization of functionals defined on finite partitions (preprint) 2023 M. Ruf, C. I. Zeppieri: Stochastic homogenization of degenerate integral functionals with linear growth Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 62, N. 4, p. 36, 2023 L. Koch, M. Ruf, M. Schäffner: On the Lavrentiev gap for convex, vectorial integral functionals (preprint) 2023 M. Cicalese, G. Orlando, M. Ruf: A classical $\mathbb{S}^2$ spin system with discrete out-of-plane anisotropy: variational analysis at surface and vortex scalings Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 231, p. 33, 2023 M. Ruf, T. Ruf: Stochastic homogenization of degenerate integral functionals and their Euler-Lagrange equations J. Ec. Polytech. Math. Vol. 10, p. 253-303, 2023 M. Ruf, M. Schäffner: Upper bounds for the homogenization problem in nonlinear elasticity: the incompressible case (preprint) 2024 M. Ruf, M. Schäffner: New homogenization results for convex integral functionals and their Euler-Lagrange equations Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations Vol. 63, p. art. 32, 2024 M. Duerinckx, A. Gloria, M. Ruf: A spectral ansatz for the long-time homogenization of the wave equation J. Ec. Polytech. Math. (Accepted Paper) 2024