open positions
Sara Daneri
Assistant Professor, GSSI, L'Aquila
Available papers (16):
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S. Daneri
E. Radici
- E. Runa (
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations
Deterministic particle approximation of aggregation diffusion equations with nonlinear mobility
S. Daneri
E. Radici
- E. Runa (
Journal of Differential Equations
Deterministic particle approximation of aggregation-diffusion equations on unbounded domains
S. Daneri
- E. Runa (
SIAM Journal Math. Anal.
Pattern formation for a local/nonlocal functional arising in colloidal systems
S. Bianchini -
S. Daneri
(Submitted Paper)
On the sticky particle solutions to the multi-dimensional pressureless Euler equations
S. Daneri
- E. Runa - L. J. Székelyhidi (Submitted Paper)
Non-uniqueness for the Euler equations up to Onsager's critical exponent
F. Cardin -
S. Daneri
- E. Facca - M. Putti (
Journ. of Scientific Computing
Numerical Solution of Monge-Kantorovich Equations via a dynamic formulation
S. Daneri
- A. Kerschbaum - E. Runa (Submitted Paper)
One-dimensionality of the minimizers for a diffuse interface generalized antiferromagnetic model in general dimension
S. Daneri
- E. Runa (
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
Exact periodic stripes for minimizers for a local/nonlocal interaction functional in general dimension
S. Bianchini -
S. Daneri
Memoires of the American Mathematical Society
On Sudakov's type decomposition of transference plans with norm costs
S. Daneri
- L. J. Székelyhidi (
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
Non-uniqueness and h-principle for H\"older-continuous weak solutions of the Euler equations
S. Daneri
A. Pratelli
Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\'e Anal. Non Lin\'eaire
Smooth approximation of bi-Lipschitz orientation-preserving homeomorphisms
S. Daneri
A. Pratelli
Adv. Calc. Var.
A planar bi-Lipschitz extension Theorem
S. Daneri
Comm. Math. Phys.
Cauchy problem for dissipative Hölder solutions to the incompressible Euler equations
S. Daneri
A. Figalli
(Lecture Notes:
AIMS Ser. Appl. Math.
Variational models for the incompressible Euler equations
L. Caravenna
S. Daneri
(J. Funct. Anal.)
The disintegration of the Lebesgue measure on the faces of a convex function
S. Daneri
G. Savaré
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Eulerian calculus for the displacement convexity in the Wasserstein distance
20 apr 2021:
Symmetry breaking and pattern formation for local/nonlocal interaction functionals
20 feb 2013:
Dissipative Hölder solutions to the incompressible Euler equations
16 sep 2024 - 20 sep 2024:
Workshop "Calculus of Variations: a New Generation"
31 jan 2024 - 2 feb 2024:
Calculus of Variations in Siena
29 may 2023 - 2 jun 2023:
Geometric Measure Theory, Bressanone 2023
5 sep 2022 - 9 sep 2022:
Anisotropic isoperimetric problems & related topics
8 apr 2019 - 9 apr 2019:
Analysis and Applications. Contributions from young researchers
3 sep 2018 - 6 sep 2018:
Meeting on Applied Mathematics and Calculus of Variations
31 mar 2025 - 4 jul 2025:
Intensive trimester at GSSI on "Particles, Fluids and Patterns: Analytical and Computational Challenges"
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