open positions
Elia Bruè
Available papers (36):
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E. Bruè
- A. Naber -
D. Semola
Ann. of Math.
Fundamental Groups and the Milnor Conjecture
E. Bruè
M. Colombo
- A. Kumar (Preprint)
Flexibility of Two-Dimensional Euler Flows with Integrable Vorticity
E. Bruè
- A. Naber -
D. Semola
Geometry & Topology
Stability of Tori under Lower Sectional Curvature
E. Bruè
- A. Pigati -
D. Semola
Topological regularity and stability of noncollapsed spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below
E. Bruè
M. Colombo
- A. Kumar (Preprint)
Sharp Nonuniqueness in the Transport Equation with Sobolev Velocity Field
C. Brena
E. Bruè
- A. Pigati (preprint)
Lower Ricci Curvature Bounds and the Orientability of Spaces
E. Bruè
A. Mondino
D. Semola
Geom. Funct. Anal.
The metric measure boundary of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below
E. Bruè
- A. Naber -
D. Semola
Six dimensional counterexample to the Milnor Conjecture
E. Bruè
- M. Calzi -
G. E. Comi
G. Stefani
C. R. Math.
A distributional approach to fractional Sobolev spaces and fractional variation: asymptotics II
E. Bruè
M. Colombo
G. Crippa
C. De Lellis
M. Sorella
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis
Onsager critical solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes equations
E. Bruè
C. De Lellis
Comm. Math. Phys.
Anomalous dissipation for the forced 3D Navier-Stokes equations
D. Albritton -
E. Bruè
M. Colombo
Annals of PDE
Gluing non-unique Navier-Stokes solutions
G. Antonelli
E. Bruè
M. Fogagnolo
M. Pozzetta
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
On the existence of isoperimetric regions in manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature and Euclidean volume growth
E. Bruè
M. Coti Zelati
E. Marconi
(Accepted Paper:
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
Enhanced dissipation for two-dimensional Hamiltonian flows
E. Bruè
E. Pasqualetto
D. Semola
Annales Fennici Mathematici
Rectifiability of RCD(K,N) spaces via $\delta$-splitting maps
E. Bruè
- K. Suzuki (Preprint)
BV functions and sets of finite Perimeter on Configuration Spaces
E. Bruè
- Q. Deng -
D. Semola
Nonlinear Analysis
Improved regularity estimates for Lagrangian flows on RCD(K,N) spaces
E. Bruè
E. Pasqualetto
D. Semola
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.
Constancy of the dimension in codimension one and locality of the unit normal on $\mathrm{RCD}(K,N)$ spaces
D. Albritton -
E. Bruè
M. Colombo
C. De Lellis
- V. Giri - M. Janisch - H. Kwon (Accepted Paper:
Annals of Mathematics Studies
Instability and nonuniqueness for the 2d Euler equations in vorticity form, after M. Vishik
D. Albritton -
E. Bruè
M. Colombo
Annals of Mathematics
Non-uniqueness of Leray solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes equations
E. Bruè
M. Colombo
(Accepted Paper:
Communications in Mathematical Physics
Nonuniqueness of solutions to the Euler equations with vorticity in a Lorentz space
E. Bruè
D. Semola
Comm. Pure and Applied Math.
Constancy of the dimension for RCD(K,N) spaces via regularity of Lagrangian flows
E. Bruè
D. Semola
J. Reine Angew. Math.
Regularity of Lagrangian flows over $RCD^*(K,N)$ spaces
E. Bruè
(Ph.D. Thesis)
Structure of non-smooth spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below
E. Bruè
- A. Naber -
D. Semola
Inventiones mathematicae
Boundary regularity and stability for spaces with Ricci bounded below
E. Bruè
Q. H. Nguyen
Communications in Mathematical Physics
Advection diffusion equations with Sobolev velocity field
E. Bruè
M. Colombo
C. De Lellis
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.
Positive solutions of transport equations and classical nonuniqueness of characteristic curves
L. Ambrosio
E. Bruè
D. Semola
Geom. Funct. Anal.
Rigidity of the 1-Bakry-Émery inequality and sets of finite perimeter in RCD spaces
E. Bruè
E. Pasqualetto
D. Semola
Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)
Rectifiability of the reduced boundary for sets of finite perimeter over RCD(K,N) spaces
E. Bruè
Q. H. Nguyen
G. Stefani
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.
A maximal function characterization of absolutely continuous measures and Sobolev functions
E. Bruè
Q. H. Nguyen
Mathematische Annalen
Sobolev estimates for solutions of the transport equation and ODE flows associated to non-Lipschitz drifts
G. Antonelli
E. Bruè
D. Semola
Anal. Geom. Metr. Spaces
Volume bounds for the quantitative singular strata of non collapsed RCD metric measure spaces
E. Bruè
S. Di Marino
F. Stra
Journal of Functional Analysis
Linear Lipschitz and $C^1$ extension operators through random projections
E. Bruè
Q. H. Nguyen
Analysis and PDE
Sharp regularity estimates for solutions of the continuity equation drifted by Sobolev vector fields
E. Bruè
Q. H. Nguyen
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis
On the Sobolev space of functions with derivative of logarithmic order
L. Ambrosio
E. Bruè
D. Trevisan
Adv. Math.
Lusin-type approximation of Sobolev by Lipschitz functions, in Gaussian and $RCD(K,\infty)$ spaces
16 sep 2024 - 20 sep 2024:
Workshop "Calculus of Variations: a New Generation"
9 sep 2024 - 13 sep 2024:
Summer school in fluid dynamics and nonlinear PDEs
21 may 2024 - 24 may 2024:
Workshop: Synthetic Curvature Bounds for Non-Smooth Spaces: Beyond Finite Dimension
26 oct 2023 - 26 oct 2023:
XI Giornata MI-PV
28 aug 2023 - 30 aug 2023:
Three days between Analysis and Geometry in Trento - 2° edition (New fundings available for Postdocs!!)
20 feb 2023 - 22 feb 2023:
New Trends in Geometric & Variational PDEs
1 apr 2019 - 5 apr 2019:
Optimal Transport and Geometric Analysis
11 jun 2018 - 11 jun 2018:
Non-smooth Geometry and Optimal Transport
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