Associate Professor,
Departement Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Basel
Email: gianluca.crippa AT
Available papers (51):
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- G. Crippa - G. Stefani (Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations)
An elementary proof of existence and uniqueness for the Euler flow in localized Yudovich spaces (2024)
- G. M. Coclite - M. Colombo - G. Crippa - N. De Nitti - A. Keimer - E. Marconi - L. Pflug - L. V. Spinolo (Submitted Paper)
Oleĭnik-type estimates for nonlocal conservation laws and applications to the nonlocal-to-local limit (2023)
- G. Crippa - M. Inversi - C. Saffirio - G. Stefani (Accepted Paper: Nonlinearity)
Existence and stability of weak solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system in localized Yudovich spaces (2023)
- E. Bruè - M. Colombo - G. Crippa - C. De Lellis - M. Sorella (Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis)
Onsager critical solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes equations (2022)
- M. Colombo - G. Crippa - E. Marconi - L. V. Spinolo (Preprint)
Nonlocal traffic models with general kernels: singular limit, entropy admissibility, and convergence rate (2022)
- M. Colombo - G. Crippa - E. Marconi - L. V. Spinolo (Accepted Paper: Ann. de l'institute H. Poincaré, Analyse non linéaire)
Local limit of nonlocal traffic models: convergence results and total variation blow-up (2021)
- G. Alberti - G. Crippa - A. L. Mazzucato (Submitted Paper)
Loss of regularity for the continuity equation with non-Lipschitz velocity field (2018)
- G. Alberti - G. Crippa - A. L. Mazzucato (Accepted Paper: Journal of the American Mathematical Society)
Exponential self-similar mixing by incompressible flows (2018)
- S. Bianchini - M. Colombo - G. Crippa - L. V. Spinolo (Submitted Paper)
Optimality of integrability estimates for advection-diffusion equations (2017)
- M. Colombo - G. Crippa - L. V. Spinolo (Preprint)
On the singular local limit for conservation laws with nonlocal fluxes (2017)
- A. P. Choudhury - G. Crippa - L. V. Spinolo (Submitted Paper)
Initial-boundary value problems for nearly incompressible vector fields, and applications to the Keyfitz and Kranzer system (2016)
- A. Bohun - F. Bouchut - G. Crippa (Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications)
Lagrangian solutions to the 2D Euler system with $L^1$ vorticity and infinite energy (2016)
- L. Caravenna - G. Crippa (Accepted Paper: C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris)
Uniqueness and Lagrangianity for solutions with lack of integrability of the continuity equation (2016)
- M. Colombo - G. Crippa - S. Spirito (Accepted Paper: Calc. Var. PDE)
Renormalized solutions to the continuity equation with an integrable damping term (2015)
- A. Bohun - F. Bouchut - G. Crippa (Journal of Differential Equations)
Lagrangian solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system with L^1 density (2015)
- A. Bohun - F. Bouchut - G. Crippa (Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (C) Analyse Non Linéaire)
Lagrangian flows for vector fields with anisotropic regularity (2015)
- G. Alberti - S. Bianchini - G. Crippa (Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS))
A uniqueness result for the continuity equation in two dimensions (2014)
- G. Crippa - C. Donadello - L. V. Spinolo (Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees)
Initial-boundary value problems for continuity equations with $BV$ coefficients (2014)
- G. Crippa - S. Spirito (Submitted Paper)
Renormalized Solutions of the 2D Euler Equations (2014)
- G. Crippa - N. Gusev - S. Spirito - E. Wiedemann (Submitted Paper)
Failure of the Chain Rule for the Divergence of Bounded Vector Fields (2014)
- G. Crippa - N. Gusev - S. Spirito - E. Wiedemann (Submitted Paper)
Non-uniqueness and prescribed energy for the continuity equation (2014)
- L. Ambrosio - G. Crippa (Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A)
Continuity equations and ODE flows with non-smooth velocity (2014)
- G. Alberti - G. Crippa - A. L. Mazzucato (Comptes Rendus Mathématique)
Exponential self-similar mixing and loss of regularity for continuity equations (2014)
- G. Crippa - M. C. Lopes Filho - E. Miot - H. J. Nussenzveig Lopes (Submitted Paper)
Flows of vector fields with point singularities and the vortex-wave system (2013)
- G. Crippa - C. Donadello - L. V. Spinolo (Proceedings)
A note on the initial-boundary value problem for continuity equations with rough coefficients (2013)
- G. Crippa (Proceedings)
Ordinary Differential Equations and Singular Integrals (2013)
- G. Alberti - S. Bianchini - G. Crippa (Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5))
Structure of level sets and Sard-type properties of Lipschitz maps (2013)
- F. Bouchut - G. Crippa (J. Hyper. Differential Equations)
Lagrangian flows for vector fields with gradient given by a singular integral (2013)
- E. Acerbi - G. Crippa - D. Mucci (ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations)
A variational problem for couples of functions and multifunctions with interaction between leaves (2012)
- G. Alberti - S. Bianchini - G. Crippa (Accepted Paper: Revista Matemática Iberoamericana)
On the L^p differentiability of certain classes of functions (2012)
- G. Crippa (Journal of Differential Equations)
Lagrangian flows and the one dimensional Peano phenomenon for ODEs (2011)
- G. Crippa - M. Lecureux-Mercier (Accepted Paper: Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA)
Existence and uniqueness of measure solutions for a system of continuity equations with non-local flow (2011)
- L. Ambrosio - L. Ambrosio - G. Crippa - G. Crippa - A. Figalli - A. Figalli - L. V. Spinolo - L. V. Spinolo (IMA Vol. Math. Appl.)
Existence and uniqueness results for the continuity equation and applications to the chromatography system (2011)
- L. Ambrosio - L. Ambrosio - G. Crippa - G. Crippa - A. Figalli - A. Figalli - L. V. Spinolo - L. V. Spinolo (IMA Vol. Math. Appl.)
Existence and uniqueness results for the continuity equation and applications to the chromatography system (2011)
- G. Crippa - L. V. Spinolo (Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis)
An overview on some results concerning the transport equation and its applications to conservation laws (2010)
- L. Ambrosio - G. Crippa - A. Figalli - L. V. Spinolo (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
Some new well-posedness results for continuity and transport equations, and applications to the chromatography system (2009)
- G. Crippa - C. Jimenez - A. Pratelli (Advances in Calculus of Variations)
Optimum and equilibrium in a transport problem with queue penalization effect (2009)
- G. Crippa - C. Jimenez - A. Pratelli (Singularities in nonlinear evolution phenomena and applications - proceedings)
A transport problem with queue penalization effect (2009)
- F. Bouchut - G. Crippa (Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles (Polytechnique))
Equations de transport à coefficient dont le gradient est donné par une intégrale singulière (2009)
- L. Ambrosio - G. Crippa - P. G. LeFloch (Netw. Heterog. Media)
Leaf superposition property for integer rectifiable currents (2008)
- L. Ambrosio - G. Crippa (In: Transport Equations and Multi-D Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana)
Existence, uniqueness, stability and differentiability properties of the flow associated to weakly differentiable vector fields (2008)
- G. Crippa - C. De Lellis (J. Reine Angew. Math.)
Estimates and regularity results for the DiPerna--Lions flow (2008)
- G. Crippa - F. Otto - M. Westdickenberg (In: Transport Equations and Multi-D Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana)
Regularizing effect of nonlinearity in multidimensional scalar conservation laws (2008)
- G. Crippa - C. De Lellis (Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications)
Regularity and compactness for the DiPerna--Lions flow (2008)
- G. Crippa (Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. (9))
The ordinary differential equation with non-Lipschitz vector fields (2008)
- G. Crippa (Ph.D. Thesis)
The flow associated to weakly differentiable vector fields (2007)
- F. Colombini - G. Crippa - J. Rauch (Comm. Partial Differential Equations)
A note on two dimensional transport with bounded divergence (2006)
- F. Bouchut - G. Crippa (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
Uniqueness, renormalization and smooth approximations for linear transport equations (2006)
- G. Crippa - C. De Lellis (Indiana Univ. Math. J.)
Oscillatory solutions to transport equations (2006)
- L. Ambrosio - G. Crippa - S. Maniglia (Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6))
Traces and fine properties of a $BD$ class of vector fields and applications (2005)
- G. Crippa (Degree Thesis)
Equazione del trasporto e problema di Cauchy per campi vettoriali debolmente differenziabili (2004)