Associate Professor,
Dip. Mat. Univ. Parma
Email: domenico.mucci AT
Available papers (60):
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- D. Mucci - A. Saracco (Accepted Paper: Journal of Convex Analysis)
Conical points of convex surfaces: generalized unit normal and angle defect (2024)
- D. Mucci (Accepted Paper: Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo)
The relaxed p-energy of manifold constrained mappings (2024)
- D. Mucci (Journal of Functional Analysis)
The relaxed energy of fractional Sobolev maps with values into the circle (2024)
- D. Mucci (Submitted Paper)
A relaxation result for a second order energy of mappings into the sphere (2023)
- P. M. Mariano - D. Mucci (Mathematics in Engineering)
Equilibrium of thin shells under large strains without through-the-thickness shear and self-penetration of matter (2023)
- V. Goldshtein - P. M. Mariano - D. Mucci - R. Segev (Accepted Paper: Philosophical Transactions A)
Continuum Kinematics with Incompatible-Compatible Decomposition (2023)
- S. Carano - D. Mucci (Accepted Paper: NoDEA)
Strict BV relaxed area of Sobolev maps into the circle: the high dimension case (2023)
- D. Mucci (J. Geom. Anal.)
On generalized nonparametric minimal hyperfurfaces in high dimension (2023)
- P. M. Mariano - D. Mucci (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
Crack nucleation in shells with through-the-thickness microstructure (2023)
- D. Mucci - A. Saracco (Accepted Paper: Pure Appl. Funct. Anal.)
On the curvatures of irregular curves in Euclidean spaces and Riemannian surfaces (2022)
- M. Kruzik - P. M. Mariano - D. Mucci (Journal of Nonlinear Science)
Crack occurrence in bodies with gradient polyconvex energies (2022)
- D. Mucci (Nonlinear Analysis)
Strict convergence with equibounded area and minimal completely vertical liftings (2022)
- D. Mucci - L. Nicolodi (Acta Appl Math)
On the Ginzburg-Landau free energy density of superfluid phases A and B of Helium 3 (2022)
- D. Mucci (Accepted Paper: Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math)
Strong density results for manifold valued fractional Sobolev maps (2022)
- D. Mucci - A. Saracco (Accepted Paper: Philosophical Transactions A)
Weak elastic energy of irregular curves (2022)
- D. Mucci (The Journal of Geometric Analysis)
On the curvature energy of Cartesian surfaces (2021)
- D. Mucci - L. Nicolodi (Rendiconti Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino)
Ericksen's type inequalities for constrained Q-tensor models of nematic liquid crystals (2021)
- D. Mucci - A. Saracco (Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry)
Weak curvatures of irregular curves in high dimension Euclidean spaces (2021)
- D. Mucci - P. M. Mariano (Arch Rational Mech Anal)
Micro-slip-induced multiplicative plasticity: existence of energy minimizers (2021)
- D. Mucci - A. Saracco (Milan Journal of Mathematics)
Bounded variation and relaxed curvature of surfaces (2020)
- D. Mucci - A. Saracco (Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata)
The weak Frenet frame of non-smooth curves with finite total curvature and absolute torsion (2020)
- D. Mucci - A. Saracco (Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II Ser.)
The total intrinsic curvature of curves in Riemannian surfaces & Erratum (2020)
- E. Acerbi - D. Mucci (Milan J. Math.)
Curvature-dependent energies (2017)
- E. Acerbi - D. Mucci (Nonlinear Analysis)
Curvature-dependent energies: the elastic case (2017)
- E. Acerbi - D. Mucci (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A)
Curvature-dependent energies: a geometric and analytical approach (2017)
- D. Mucci - L. Nicolodi (J. Nonlinear Sci.)
On the Landau-de Gennes elastic energy of a Q-tensor model for soft biaxial nematics (2017)
- D. Mucci - L. Nicolodi (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
On the Landau-de Gennes elastic energy of constrained biaxial nematics (2015)
- D. Mucci (Revista Matematica Complutense)
A structure property of ``vertical" integral currents, with an application to the distributional determinant (2014)
- E. Acerbi - D. Mucci (Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré / Analyse non linéaire)
Graphs of maps between manifolds in trace spaces and with vanishing mean oscillation (2014)
- D. Mucci (DCDS-B)
Maps into projective spaces: liquid crystal and conformal energies (2012)
- D. Mucci (Adv. Calc. Var.)
On sequences of maps with finite energies in trace spaces between manifolds (2012)
- E. Acerbi - G. Crippa - D. Mucci (ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations)
A variational problem for couples of functions and multifunctions with interaction between leaves (2012)
- D. Mucci - L. Nicolodi (Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.)
On the elastic energy density of constrained $Q$-tensor models for biaxial nematics (2012)
- D. Mucci (Unpublished Paper)
Graphs of vector valued maps: decomposition of the boundary (2011)
- M. Giaquinta - P. M. Mariano - G. Modica - D. Mucci (Phys. D)
Ground states of simple bodies that may undergo brittle fractures (2010)
- D. Mucci (Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (N.S.))
A variational problem involving the distributional determinant (2010)
- M. Giaquinta - P. M. Mariano - G. Modica - D. Mucci (Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2)
Currents and Curvature Varifolds in Continuum Mechanics (2010)
- D. Mucci (Confluentes Math.)
Sobolev maps into the projective line with bounded total variation (2010)
- D. Mucci (Math. Z.)
The homological singularities of maps in trace spaces between manifolds (2010)
- M. Giaquinta - P. M. Mariano - G. Modica - D. Mucci (Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium "Progress in the Theory and Numerics of Configurational Mechanics, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, October 20-24")
Stratified energies: Ground States with Cracks (2009)
- D. Mucci (ESAIM: COCV)
Relaxation of isotropic functionals with linear growth defined on manifold constrained Sobolev mappings (2009)
- D. Mucci (Manuscripta Math.)
Strong density results in trace spaces of maps between manifolds (2009)
- D. Mucci (Forum Math.)
${BV}$-maps with values into ${S^1}$: graphs, minimal connections and optimal lifting (2008)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Journal of Convex Analysis)
Relaxation results for a class of functionals with linear growth defined on manifold constrained mappings (2008)
- M. Giaquinta - G. Modica - D. Mucci (Advances in Calc. Var.)
The relaxed Dirichlet energy of manifold constrained mappings (2008)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Pure Appl. Math. Q.)
Maps of bounded variation with values into a manifold: total variation and relaxed energy (2007)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A)
Graphs of $ W^{1,1}$-maps with values into $ S^1$: relaxed energies, minimal connections and lifting (2006)
- D. Mucci (NoDEA)
Remarks on the total variation of the Jacobian (2006)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Comm. Pure Appl. Math.)
Density results relative to the Dirichlet energy of mappings into a manifold (2006)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci (5))
The BV-energy of maps into a manifold: relaxation and density results (2006)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Edizioni della Normale. CRM Series. Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa)
Maps into manifolds and currents: area and $W^{1,2}$-, $W^{1/2}$-, $BV$-energies (2006)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Mathematische Zeitschrift)
Density results for the $ W^{1/2}$ energy of maps into a manifold (2005)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Rend. Accad. Naz. Sci. XL Mem. Mat. Appl. (5))
$W^{1/2}$-maps into $S^1$ and currents (2005)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (J. Funct. Anal.)
On sequences of maps into a manifold with equibounded $W^{1/2}$-energies (2005)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Calc. Var.)
The relaxed Dirichlet energy of mappings into a manifold (2005)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Calc. Var.)
The Dirichlet energy of mappings from {\mbox{$*B^3*$}} into a manifold: density results and gap phenomenon (2004)
- M. Giaquinta - D. Mucci (Jour. Eur. Math. Soc.)
Weak and strong density results for the Dirichlet energy (2004)
- D. Mucci (J. Convex Anal.)
Relaxation of variational functionals with piecewise constant growth conditions (2003)
- A. Coscia - D. Mucci (ESAIM:COCV)
Integral representation and $\Gamma$-convergence of variational integrals with $p(x)$-growth (2002)
- D. Mucci (J.Eur.Math.Soc.)
A Characterization of Graphs which can be Approximated in Area by Smooth Graphs (2001)