Published Paper
Inserted: 24 jul 2011
Last Updated: 12 feb 2014
Journal: Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5)
Volume: 12
Number: 4
Pages: 863-902
Year: 2013
Doi: 10.2422/2036-2145.201107_006
We consider certain properties of maps of class $C^2$ from $R^d$ to $R^{d-1}$ that are strictly related to Sard's theorem, and show that some of them can be extended to Lipschitz maps, while others still require some additional regularity. We also give counterexamples showing that, in term of regularity, our results are optimal.
Keywords: weak Sard property, lipschitz maps, level sets, critical set, Sard's theorem, distributional divergence