Accepted Paper
Inserted: 27 jan 2012
Last Updated: 14 jun 2012
Journal: Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
Year: 2012
We prove the $L^p$-differentiability at almost every point for convolution products on ${\bf R}^d$ of the form $K*\mu$, where $\mu$ is bounded measure and $K$ is a homogeneous kernel of degree $1-d$. From this result we derive the $L^p$-differentiability for vector fields on ${\bf R}^d$ whose curl and divergence are measures, and also for vector fields with bounded deformation.
Keywords: Approximate differentiability, Functions with bounded deformation, singular integrals, Sobolev functions, Lusin property, convolution products, Calderon-Zygmund decomposition, functions with bounded variation