Published Paper
Inserted: 24 jul 2011
Last Updated: 12 feb 2014
Journal: Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)
Volume: 16
Number: 2
Pages: 201-234
Year: 2014
Doi: 10.4171/JEMS/431
We characterize the autonomous, divergence-free vector fields $b$ on the plane such that the Cauchy problem for the continuity equation $u_t + {\rm div} (bu)=0$ admits a unique bounded solution (in the weak sense) for every bounded initial datum; the characterization is given in terms of a property of Sard type for the potential $f$ associated to $b$. As a corollary we obtain uniqueness under the assumption that the curl of $b$ is a measure. This result can be extended to certain non-autonomous vector fields $b$ with bounded divergence.
Keywords: coarea formula, continuity equation, Transport equation, uniqueness of weak solutions, weak Sard property, disintegration of measures