S. Di Marino: Trasporto ottimo e problemi di evoluzione per sistemi di particelle (Degree Thesis) 2011 L. Ambrosio, M. Colombo, S. Di Marino: Sobolev spaces in metric measure spaces: reflexivity and lower semicontinuity of slope Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics: "Variational methods for evolving objects" (Accepted Paper) Vol. 67, p. 1-58, 2012 M. Colombo, S. Di Marino: Equality between Monge and Kantorovich multimarginal problems with Coulomb cost Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (Accepted Paper) p. 14, 2013 M. Colombo, L. De Pascale, S. Di Marino: Multimarginal Optimal Transpor Maps for 1-Dimensional Repulsive Costs Canad. J. Math. (Accepted Paper) p. 18, 2013 L. Ambrosio, S. Di Marino, G. Savaré: On the duality between p-Modulus and probability measures (Submitted Paper) 2013 L. Ambrosio, S. Di Marino: Equivalent definitions of $BV$ space and of total variation on metric measure spaces J. Funct. Anal. Vol. 266, N. 7, p. 4150-4188, 2014 S. Di Marino: Recent advances on BV and Sobolev Spaces in metric measure spaces (Phd Thesis) 2014 S. Di Marino: Sobolev and BV spaces on metric measure spaces via derivations and integration by parts (Submitted Paper) 2014 S. Di Marino, G. Speight: The p-Weak Gradient Depends on p Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Vol. 143, N. 5239-5252, 2014 S. Di Marino, B. Maury, F. Santambrogio: Measure sweeping processes J. Conv. An. (Accepted Paper) 2015 S. Di Marino, A. R. Mészáros: Uniqueness issues for evolution equations with density constraints Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. (Accepted Paper) 2016 L. Ambrosio, S. Di Marino, N. Gigli: Perimeter as relaxed Minkowski content in metric measure spaces Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications (Submitted Paper) Vol. 153, p. 78-88, 2016 G. De Philippis, S. Di Marino, M. Focardi: Lower semicontinuity for non-coercive polyconvex integrals in the limit case Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Vol. 146A, p. 243--264, 2016 S. Di Marino, A. Gerolin, P. Gori-Giorgi, G. Lani, R. van Leeuwen: The adiabatic strictly-correlated-electrons functional: kernel and exact properties Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 S. Di Marino, A. Gerolin, L. Nenna: Optimal transportation theory for repulsive costs Topological Optimization and Optimal Transport In the Applied Sciences 2017 S. Di Marino, A. Gerolin, K. Giesbertz, P. Gori-Giorgi, L. Nenna, M. Seidl: The strictly-correlated electron functional for spherically symmetric systems revisited (Submitted Paper) 2017 L. Chizat, S. Di Marino: A tumor growth model of Hele-Shaw type as a gradient flow (Preprint) 2017 S. Di Marino, M. Squassina: New characterizations of Sobolev metric spaces (Preprint) 2018 S. Di Marino, J. Louet: The entropic regularization of the Monge problem on the real line SIAM J. Math. Anal. Vol. 50, N. 4, p. 3451-3477, 2018 J. D. Benamou, G. Carlier, S. Di Marino, L. Nenna: An entropy minimization approach to second-order variational mean field games M3AS (Accepted Paper) 2018 S. Di Marino, N. Gigli, E. Pasqualetto, E. Soultanis: Infinitesimal Hilbertianity of locally ${\rm Cat}(\kappa)$-spaces (Submitted Paper) 2018 E. Bruè, S. Di Marino, F. Stra: Linear Lipschitz and $C^1$ extension operators through random projections Journal of Functional Analysis 2018 M. Colombo, S. Di Marino, F. Stra: Continuity of multi-marginal optimal transport with repulsive cost (Submitted Paper) 2019 S. Di Marino, A. Gerolin: An Optimal Transport approach for the Schrödinger bridge problem and convergence of Sinkhorn algorithm (preprint) 2019 S. Di Marino, D. Lui, E. Pasqualetto: A short proof of the infinitesimal Hilbertianity of the weighted Euclidean space (Preprint) p. 8, 2020 S. Di Marino, A. Gerolin: Optimal Transport losses and Sinkhorn algorithm with general convex regularization (preprint) 2020 S. Di Marino, N. Gigli, A. Pratelli: Global Lipschitz extension preserving local constants Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 2020 M. Colombo, S. Di Marino, F. Stra: First order expansion in the semiclassical limit of the Levy-Lieb functional (preprint) 2021 S. Di Marino, D. Lui, E. Pasqualetto: Representation theorems for normed modules (preprint) 2021 S. Di Marino, F. Santambrogio: JKO estimates in linear and non-linear Fokker-Planck equations, and Keller-Segel: $L^p$ and Sobolev bounds Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse Non Linéaire (Accepted Paper) 2021 S. Di Marino, M. Lewin, L. Nenna: Grand-Canonical Optimal Transport (Preprint) 2022 S. Di Marino, A. Gerolin, L. Nenna: Universal diagonal estimates for minimizers of the Levy-Lieb functional (Accepted Paper) 2023 S. Di Marino, S. Murro, E. Radici: The five gradients inequality on differentiable manifolds to appear on JMPA (Accepted Paper) 2023 S. Di Marino, L. Portinale, E. Radici: Optimal transport with nonlinear mobilities: a deterministic particle approximation result Advances in Calculus of Variations 2024