Full Professor,
University of Fribourg
Email: ledonne AT msri.org
Home-page: https://sites.google.com/view/enricoledonne/
arxiv id: ledonne_e_1
orcid id: 0000-0002-4415-9916
Available papers (74):
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- E. Le Donne - L. Nalon (preprint)
Euclidean rectifiability of sub-Finsler spheres in free-Carnot groups of
step 2 (2024)
- E. Le Donne - N. Paddeu - A. Socionovo (preprint)
Metabelian distributions and sub-Riemannian geodesics (2024)
- E. Le Donne - N. Paddeu (preprint)
Escape from compact sets of normal curves in Carnot groups (2023)
- N. Eldredge - M. Gordina - E. Le Donne - S. Li (preprint)
Notions of null sets in infinite-dimensional Carnot groups (2023)
- G. Antonelli - E. Le Donne - A. Merlo (Accepted Paper: Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society)
Carnot rectifiability and Alberti representations (2023)
- E. Le Donne - S. Eriksson-Bique - C. Gartland - L. Naples - S. Nicolussi-Golo (Submitted Paper)
Nilpotent groups and biLipschitz embeddings into $L^1$ (2022)
- E. Le Donne - G. Pallier - X. Xie (Accepted Paper: Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics)
Rough similarity of left-invariant Riemannian metrics on some Lie groups (2022)
- D. Di Donato - E. Le Donne (preprint)
Intrinsically Lipschitz sections and applications to metric groups (2022)
- E. Le Donne - F. Tripaldi (Accepted Paper: Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces)
A Cornucopia of Carnot groups in Low Dimensions (2022)
- A. Bravo-Doddoli - E. Le Donne - N. Paddeu (preprint)
Sympletic reduction of the sub-Riemannian geodesic flow for metabelian nilpotent groups (2022)
- E. Le Donne (Lecture Notes)
Lecture notes on sub-Riemannian geometry from the Lie group viewpoint (2021)
- V. Kivioja - E. Le Donne - S. Nicolussi Golo (preprint)
Metric equivalences of Heintze groups and applications to classifications in low dimension (2021)
- G. Antonelli - E. Le Donne - S. Nicolussi Golo (Accepted Paper: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems)
Lipschitz Carnot-Carathéodory structures and their limits (2021)
- A. Ardentov - G. Bor - E. Le Donne - R. Montgomery - Y. Sachkov (preprint)
Bicycle paths, elasticae and sub-Riemannian geometry (2020)
- E. Le Donne - D. Morbidelli - S. Rigot (preprint)
Horizontally affine maps on step-two Carnot groups (2020)
- E. Le Donne - T. Moisala (preprint)
Semigenerated step-3 Carnot algebras and applications to sub-Riemannian perimeter (2020)
- G. Antonelli - E. Le Donne (Accepted Paper: Nonlinear Analysis)
Pauls rectifiable and purely Pauls unrectifiable smooth hypersurfaces (2020)
- G. Antonelli - E. Le Donne (Accepted Paper: Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 - ))
Polynomial and horizontally polynomial functions on Lie groups (2020)
- G. Antonelli - D. Di Donato - S. Don - E. Le Donne (Accepted Paper: Annales de l'Institut Fourier)
Characterizations of uniformly differentiable co-horizontal intrinsic graphs in Carnot groups (2020)
- E. Le Donne - S. Nicolussi Golo (preprint)
Metric Lie groups admitting dilations (2019)
- E. Le Donne - R. Young (preprint)
Carnot rectifiability of sub-Riemannian manifolds with constant tangent (2019)
- E. Le Donne - D. Lučić - E. Pasqualetto (Accepted Paper: Potential Analysis)
Universal infinitesimal Hilbertianity of sub-Riemannian manifolds (2019)
- C. Bellettini - E. Le Donne (preprint)
Sets with constant normal in Carnot groups: properties and examples (2019)
- E. Le Donne - R. Züst (preprint)
Space of signatures as inverse limits of Carnot groups (2019)
- S. Don - E. Le Donne - T. Moisala - D. Vittone (Accepted Paper: Indiana Univ. Math. J.)
A rectifiability result for finite-perimeter sets in Carnot groups (2019)
- E. Hakavuori - E. Le Donne (Submitted Paper)
Blowups and blowdowns of geodesics in Carnot groups (2018)
- J. Á. Jaramillo - E. Le Donne - T. Rajala (Accepted Paper: Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas)
Restricting open surjections (2018)
- G. David - E. Le Donne (Submitted Paper)
A note on topological dimension, Hausdorff measure, and rectifiability (2018)
- A. Ardentov - E. Le Donne - Y. Sachkov (Submitted Paper)
Sub-Finsler geodesics on the Cartan group (2018)
- A. Ardentov - E. Le Donne - Y. Sachkov (Submitted Paper)
A sub-Finsler problem on the Cartan group (2018)
- E. Le Donne - D. Freeman (Submitted Paper)
Toward a quasi-Möbius characterization of Invertible Homogeneous Metric Spaces (2018)
- K. Fässler - E. Le Donne (Submitted Paper)
On the quasi-isometric and bi-Lipschitz classification of 3D Riemannian Lie groups (2018)
- E. Le Donne - S. Li - T. Moisala (Submitted Paper)
Gateaux differentiability on infinite-dimensional Carnot groups (2018)
- E. Le Donne - G. P. Leonardi - R. Monti - D. Vittone (Comm. Anal. and Geom.)
Extremal polynomials in stratified groups (2018)
- E. Le Donne - A. Pinamonti - G. Speight (Accepted Paper: J. Math. Pures Appl.)
Universal differentiability sets and maximal directional derivatives in Carnot groups (2017)
- Michael G. Cowling - V. Kivioja - E. Le Donne - S. Nicolussi Golo - A. Ottazzi (preprint)
From homogeneous metric spaces to Lie groups (2017)
- L. Capogna - E. Le Donne (preprint)
Conformal equivalence of visual metrics in pseudoconvex domains (2017)
- E. Le Donne - E. Hakavuori (Accepted Paper: Inventiones Math. )
Non-minimality of corners in subriemannian geometry (2016)
- E. Le Donne (Submitted Paper)
A primer on Carnot groups: homogenous groups, CC spaces, and regularity of their isometries (2016)
- D. Barilari - U. Boscain - E. Le Donne - M. Sigalotti (Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems)
Sub-Finsler structures from the time-optimal control viewpoint for some nilpotent distributions (2016)
- E. Le Donne - G. Speight ( Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations)
Lusin Approximation for Horizontal Curves in Step 2 Carnot Groups (2016)
- E. Le Donne - R. Montgomery - A. Ottazzi - P. Pansu - D. Vittone (Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire)
Sard Property for the endpoint map on some Carnot groups (2016)
- L. Capogna - E. Le Donne - A. Ottazzi - G. Citti
Conformality and $Q$-harmonicity in sub-Riemannian manifolds (2016)
- E. Le Donne - T. Rajala - E. Walsberg (preprint)
Isometric embeddings of snowflakes into finite-dimensional Banach spaces (2016)
- Richard M. Aron - Jesús A. Jaramillo - E. Le Donne (preprint)
Smooth surjections and surjective restrictions (2016)
- V. Kivioja - E. Le Donne (preprint)
Isometries of nilpotent metric groups (2016)
- E. Le Donne - S. Nicolussi Golo - A. Sambusetti (Submitted Paper)
Asymptotic behavior of the Riemannian Heisenberg group and its horoboundary (2015)
- E. Le Donne - S. Nicolussi Golo (Submitted Paper)
Regularity properties of spheres in homogeneous groups (2015)
- E. Le Donne - S. Rigot (Preprint)
Besicovitch Covering Property on graded groups and applications to measure differentiation (2015)
- E. Le Donne - G. P. Leonardi - R. Monti - D. Vittone (ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.)
Corners in non-equiregular sub-Riemannian manifolds (2015)
- E. Le Donne - S. Rigot (preprint)
Remarks about Besicovitch covering property in Carnot groups of step 3
and higher (2015)
- E. Le Donne - X. Xie (preprint)
Rigidity of fiber-preserving quasisymmetric maps (2015)
- E. Le Donne - S. Li - T. Rajala (preprint)
Ahlfors-regular distances on the Heisenberg group without biLipschitz
pieces (2015)
- E. Le Donne - S. Rigot (Submitted Paper)
Besicovitch Covering Property for homogeneous distances in the Heisenberg groups (2014)
- E. Le Donne (Accepted Paper: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society)
A metric characterization of Carnot groups (2014)
- K. Kinneberg - E. Le Donne (Preprint)
A metric characterization of snowflakes of Euclidean spaces (2014)
- E. Le Donne - G. P. Leonardi - R. Monti - D. Vittone (GAFA Geometric and Functional Analysis)
Extremal curves in nilpotent Lie groups (2013)
- E. Le Donne - P. Pankka (preprint)
Closed BLD-elliptic manifolds have virtually Abelian fundamental groups (2013)
- K. Fässler - P. Koskela - E. Le Donne (preprint)
Nonexistence of quasiconformal maps between certain metric measure
spaces (2013)
- E. Le Donne - T. Rajala (preprint)
Assouad dimension, Nagata dimension, and uniformly close metric tangents (2013)
- L. Capogna - E. Le Donne (preprint)
Smoothness of subRiemannian isometries (2013)
- E. Le Donne - A. Ottazzi (preprint)
Isometries of Carnot groups and subFinsler homogeneous manifolds (2012)
- E. Le Donne - R. Züst (preprint)
Some properties of Hölder surfaces in the Heisenberg group (2012)
- E. Breuillard - E. Le Donne (preprint)
On the rate of convergence to the asymptotic cone for nilpotent groups
and subFinsler geometry (2012)
- C. Bellettini - E. Le Donne (preprint)
Regularity of sets with constant horizontal normal in the Engel group (2012)
- E. Le Donne - A. Ottazzi - B. Warhurst (Preprint)
Ultrarigid tangents of sub-Riemannian nilpotent groups (2011)
- E. Le Donne (preprint)
Geodesic metric spaces with unique blow-up almost everywhere: properties
and examples (2011)
- E. Le Donne (preprint)
Properties of isometrically homogeneous curves (2011)
- E. Le Donne (Preprint)
Lipschitz and path isometric embeddings of metric spaces (2010)
- E. Le Donne - V. Magnani (Rev. Mat. Iberoam.)
Measure of submanifolds in the Engel group (2010)
- E. Le Donne (preprint)
Metric spaces with unique tangents (2010)
- L. Ambrosio - B. Kleiner - E. Le Donne (Preprint)
Rectifiability of sets of finite perimeter in Carnot groups: existence of a tangent hyperplane (2008)
- E. Le Donne (preprint)
Doubling property for biLipschitz homogeneous geodesic surfaces (2008)
- E. Le Donne (preprint)
Geodesic manifolds with a transitive subset of smooth biLipschitz maps (2008)