Inserted: 6 feb 2023
Last Updated: 6 feb 2023
Year: 2023
This paper introduces and studies the analogue of the notion of Lipschitz differentiability space by Cheeger, using Carnot groups and Pansu derivatives as models. We call such metric measure spaces Pansu differentiability spaces (PDS).
After fixing a Carnot group $\mathbb G$, we prove three main results.
1) Being a PDS with $\mathbb G$-valued charts is equivalent to having $\mathrm{rank}(\mathbb G)$ independent and horizontally universal Alberti representations with respect to complete $\mathbb G$-valued charts. This result leverages on a characterization by D. Bate, and extends it to our setting. For non-Abelian Carnot groups, the completeness assumption cannot be removed as in the Euclidean case. One direction of this equivalence can be seen as a metric analogue of Pansu--Rademacher theorem.
2) In every PDS the push-forward of the measure with respect to every $\mathbb G$-valued chart is absolutely continuous with respect to the Haar measure on $\mathbb G$. This extends the proof of Cheeger's conjecture by De Philippis--Marchese--Rindler to our setting.
3) For $Q$ being the homogeneous dimension of $\mathbb G$, being a PDS with $\mathbb G$-valued charts, with finite $Q$-upper density, and positive $Q$-lower density almost everywhere, is equivalent to being $\mathbb G$-biLipschitz rectifiable. This extends a result by D. Bate and S. Li to our setting. Moreover, the previous equivalence is false if we substitute $\mathbb G$-biLipschitz with $\mathbb G$-Lipschitz, contrarily to what happens in the Euclidean realm.