19 may 2020 - 23 may 2020 [open in google calendar]
Pisa: Centro De Giorgi
Four mini-courses will be offered to the junior participants to the workshop Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Beyond, III. A gist on Lie groups in Pisa.
The conference will be the week after, 25-29.5.2020, and it is the 3rd of 5 meetings organized within the ERC project GeoMeG (Geometry of Metric Groups).
The general plan is to bring together international researchers working in various areas of mathematics with connections to sub-Riemannian geometry or, more generally, metric geometry. The idea for the 2020 meeting is to focus on the large-scale geometry of nilpotent groups, Heintze groups and their boundaries, and the geometry of solvable groups or, more generally, the large scale geometry of Lie groups.
- Introductory courses -
Emmanuel Breuillard Large-scale geometry of groups of polynomials growth
Luca Capogna Quasiconformal geometry of Carnot-Carathéodory visual boundaries
Yves Cornulier Large-scale geometry of Lie groups
Roman Sauer Cohomological methods in large-scale geometry of groups
Organizers: Roberto Frigerio, Enrico Le Donne, Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo, Davide Vittone, Stefan Wenger.
Speakers: Emmanuel Breuillard, Luca Capogna, Yves Cornulier, Roman Sauer.