open positions
Andrea Pinamonti
Associate Professor, University of Trento
Available papers (70):
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B. Han
A. Pinamonti
- Z. Xu - K. Zambanini (Preprint)
Maz'ya - Shaposhnikova meet Bishop - Gromov
V. Franceschi
A. Pinamonti
G. Saracco
G. Stefani
J. London Math. Soc. (2)
The Cheeger problem in abstract measure spaces
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
- S. Zimmerman (Accepted Paper:
J. Math. Pures Appl.
Higher Order Whitney Extension and Lusin Approximation for Horizontal Curves in the Heisenberg Group
A. Pinamonti
F. Serra Cassano
- K. Zambanini (Preprint)
On some intrinsic differentiability properties for Absolutely Continuous functions between Carnot groups and the Area formula
S. Eriksson-Bique -
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
Universal Differentiability Sets in Laakso Space
L. Capogna - G. Giovannardi -
A. Pinamonti
S. Verzellesi
Math. Ann.
The asymptotic $p$-Poisson equation as $p \to \infty$ in Carnot-Carathéodory spaces
A. Pinamonti
S. Verzellesi
(Submitted Paper)
A characterization of horizontally totally geodesic hypersurfaces in Heisenberg groups
P. Lahti
A. Pinamonti
- X. Zhou (Accepted Paper:
J. Geom. Anal.
BV functions and nonlocal functionals in metric measure spaces
G. Giovannardi -
A. Pinamonti
S. Verzellesi
Curvature estimates for minimal hypersurfaces in the Heisenberg group
G. Giovannardi -
A. Pinamonti
- J. Pozuelo -
S. Verzellesi
Adv. Math.
The prescribed mean curvature equation for $t$-graphs in the Sub-Finsler Heisenberg group $\mathbb{H}^n$
M. Di Marco
A. Pinamonti
D. Vittone
- K. Zambanini (Preprint)
Stepanov Differentiability Theorem for intrinsic graphs in Heisenberg groups
L. Caravenna
E. Marconi
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Hölder regularity of continuous solutions to balance laws and applications in the Heisenberg group
K. Fässler
A. Pinamonti
- P. Wald (Accepted Paper:
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5)
Kakeya Maximal inequality in the Heisenberg group
A. Pinamonti
S. Verzellesi
- C. Wang (
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc.
The Aronsson Equation for Absolute Minimizers of Supremal Functionals in Carnot-Carathéodory Spaces
F. Essebei
A. Pinamonti
S. Verzellesi
Adv. Calc. Var.
Integral representation of local functionals depending on vector fields
A. Pinamonti
G. Stefani
S. Verzellesi
(Submitted Paper)
Lipschitz approximation of almost $\mathbb G$-perimeter minimizing boundaries in plentiful groups
S. Borghini
M. Fogagnolo
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
The equality case in the substatic Heintze-Karcher inequality
C. Brena
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
Commun. Anal Geom
Nguyen's approach to Sobolev spaces in metric measure spaces with unique tangents
A. Pinamonti
S. Don
L. Lussardi
- G. Treu (
Nonlinear Analysis
Lipschitz minimizers for a class of integral functionals under the bounded slope condition
A. Maione
A. Pinamonti
F. Serra Cassano
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Γ-Convergence for Functionals Depending on Vector Fields. II. Convergence of Minimizers
G. De Philippis
A. Marchese
A. Merlo
A. Pinamonti
F. Rindler
(Submitted Paper)
On the converse of Pansu's Theorem
P. Lahti
A. Pinamonti
- X. Zhou (Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Analysis
A characterization of BV and Sobolev functions via nonlocal functionals in metric spaces
M. Capolli
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
(Accepted Paper:
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
Maximal Directional Derivatives in Laakso Space
C. Brena
E. Pasqualetto
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
Sobolev and BV functions on $\mathrm{RCD}$ spaces via the short-time behaviour of the heat kernel
A. Carbotti
S. Don
D. Pallara
A. Pinamonti
ESAIM cocv
Local minimizers and Gamma-convergence for nonlocal perimeters in Carnot Groups
M. Capolli
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
(Accepted Paper:
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
A $C^m$ Lusin Approximation Theorem for Horizontal Curves in the Heisenberg Group
A. Maalaoui -
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
(Accepted Paper:
Journal d'Analyse Mathématique
Function Spaces via Fractional Poisson Kernel on Carnot Groups and Applications
S. Biagi -
A. Pinamonti
- E. Vecchi (Accepted Paper:
Journal Geometric Analysis
Sublinear equations driven by Hormander operators
K. Fässler
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
Math. Zeit.
Loomis-Whitney inequalities in Heisenberg groups
A. Pinamonti
G. Stefani
(Accepted Paper:
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
Existence and uniqueness theorems for some semi-linear equations on locally finite graphs
M. Fogagnolo
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
J. Math. Pures Appl.
New integral estimates in substatic Riemannian manifolds and the Alexandrov Theorem
M. Capolli
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
(Accepted Paper:
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
A $C^k$ Lusin approximation theorem for real-valued functions on Carnot Groups
A. Pinamonti
T. Adamowicz
- A. Kijowski - B. Warhurst (Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Analysis
Variational approach to the asymptotic mean-value property for the p-Laplacian on Carnot groups
A. Maione
A. Pinamonti
F. Serra Cassano
J. Math. Pures Appl.
$\Gamma$-convergence for functionals depending on vector fields I. Integral representation and compactness.
S. Biagi -
A. Pinamonti
- E. Vecchi (Accepted Paper:
Pohozaev-type identities for differential operators driven by homogeneous vector fields
B. Pass -
A. Pinamonti
M. Vedovato
(Accepted Paper:
Methods and Applications of Analysis
Multi-marginal optimal transport on the Heisenberg group
M. Fogagnolo
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
Mathematics in Engineering
Strict starshapedness of solutions to the horizontal p-Laplacian in the Heisenberg group
A. Pinamonti
- T. Orponen -
K. Fässler
Planar incidences and geometric inequalities in the Heisenberg group
V. Magnani
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
Porosity and differentiability of Lipschitz maps from stratified groups to Banach homogeneous groups
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
(Accepted Paper:
Israel Journal of Mathematics
Universal Differentiability Sets in Carnot Groups of Arbitrarily High Step
F. Ferrari -
M. Miranda Jr
D. Pallara
A. Pinamonti
Y. Sire
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S
Fractional Laplacians, perimeters and heat semigroups in Carnot groups
A. Maalaoui -
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Analysis
Interpolations and Fractional Sobolev Spaces in Carnot Groups
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
- S. Zimmerman (Accepted Paper:
Trans AMS
A $C^m$ Whitney extension theorem for horizontal curves in the Heisenberg group
S. Dipierro -
A. Pinamonti
- E. Valdinoci (Accepted Paper:
J. Funct. Anal.
Rigidity results in Diffusion Markov Triples
M. Fogagnolo
L. Mazzieri
A. Pinamonti
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire
Geometric aspects of p-capacitary potentials
A. Pinamonti
M. Squassina
- E. Vecchi (Accepted Paper :
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
The Maz'ya-Shaposhnikova limit in the magnetic setting
A. Fiscella
A. Pinamonti
- E. Vecchi (Accepted Paper:
Journal of Differential Equations
Multiplicity results for magnetic fractional problems
H. M. Nguyen -
A. Pinamonti
M. Squassina
- E. Vecchi (Advances in Nonlinear Analysis)
New characterizations of magnetic Sobolev spaces
E. Le Donne
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
(Accepted Paper: J. Math. Pures Appl.)
Universal differentiability sets and maximal directional derivatives in Carnot groups
S. Dipierro -
A. Pinamonti
- E. Valdinoci (Accepted Paper:
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis
Classification of stable solutions for boundary value problems with nonlinear boundary conditions on Riemannian manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature
S. Dipierro -
A. Pinamonti
- E. Valdinoci (Accepted Paper:
Rigidity results for elliptic boundary value problems: stable solutions for quasilinear equations with Neumann or Robin boundary conditions
H. M. Nguyen -
A. Pinamonti
M. Squassina
- E. Vecchi (Accepted Paper:
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations.
Some characterizations of magnetic Sobolev spaces
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
Elec. Journ. of Diff. Eqns
Multiple solutions for possibly degenerate equations in divergence form
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
(Accepted Paper:
Journal of Geometric Analysis
Porosity, Differentiability and Pansu's Theorem
A. Pinamonti
M. Squassina
- E. Vecchi (Advances in Calculus of Variations)
Magnetic BV functions and the Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu formula
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
(Illinois Journal of Math. )
Structure of Porous Sets in Carnot Groups
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
(Accepted paper: Math.Ann.)
A Measure Zero Universal Differentiability Set in the Heisenberg Group
L. Ambrosio
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
(Accepted paper:
J. Reine Angew. Math.
Weighted Sobolev Spaces on Metric Measure Spaces
A. Pinamonti
F. Serra Cassano
- G. Treu -
D. Vittone
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5)
BV Minimizers of the area functional in the Heisenberg group under the bounded slope condition
S. Dipierro -
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
Symmetry results for stable and monotone solutions to fibered systems of PDEs
F. Ferrari -
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
Potential Analysis
Characterization by asymptotic mean formulas of q-harmonic functions in Carnot groups
A. Farina
M. Novaga
A. Pinamonti
NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl.
Symmetry results for nonlinear elliptic operators with unbounded drift
L. Ambrosio
A. Pinamonti
G. Speight
Advances in Mathematics
Tensorization of Cheeger energies, the space $H^{1,1}$ and the area formula for graphs
G. Citti
- M. Manfredini -
A. Pinamonti
F. Serra Cassano
(Accepted Paper:
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Smooth approximation for intrinsic Lipschitz functions in the Heisenberg group
S. Dipierro -
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted Paper:
Journal of Differential Equations
A geometric inequality and a symmetry result for elliptic systems involving the fractional Laplacian
A. Pinamonti
- E. Valdinoci (Accepted Paper:
A Lewy-Stampacchia Estimate for variational inequalities in the Heisenberg group
G. Citti
- M. Manfredini -
A. Pinamonti
F. Serra Cassano
(Accepted Paper:
Poincaré-type inequality for Lipschitz continuous vector fields
A. Cesaroni
M. Novaga
A. Pinamonti
Commun. Pure Appl. Anal.
One-dimensional symmetry for semilinear equations with unbounded drift
A. Pinamonti
- E. Valdinoci (Accepted Paper:
Ann. Acad.Sci.Fenn.Math
A Geometric inequality for stable solutions of semilinear elliptic problems in the Engel group
F. Ferrari -
A. Pinamonti
(Accepted paper:
Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces
Nonexistence results for semilinear equations in Carnot groups
9 sep 2024 - 13 sep 2024:
Summer school in fluid dynamics and nonlinear PDEs
21 may 2024 - 24 may 2024:
Workshop: Synthetic Curvature Bounds for Non-Smooth Spaces: Beyond Finite Dimension
20 feb 2024 - 22 feb 2024:
Problems in potential theory of nonlinear elliptic PDEs
29 may 2023 - 2 jun 2023:
Geometric Measure Theory, Bressanone 2023
6 oct 2021 - 8 oct 2021:
9th GAMM-Seminar on Analysis of partial differential equations
10 feb 2020 - 12 feb 2020:
Dispersive and subelliptic PDEs
23 may 2019 - 24 may 2019:
Variational and PDE problems in Geometric Analysis II
11 jun 2018 - 15 jun 2018:
Geometric Measure Theory in Verona
31 may 2018 - 1 jun 2018:
Variational and PDE problems in Geometric Analysis
20 jun 2016 - 23 jun 2016:
Singular Phenomena and Singular Geometries
14 apr 2016 - 14 apr 2016:
Workshop on Calculus of Variations and its Applications
2 sep 2024 - 4 sep 2024:
Three days between analysis and geometry in Trento (third edition)
9 jun 2024 - 14 jun 2024:
13th School on Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces
12 feb 2024 - 16 feb 2024:
EUSCOTHA: EUregio School on COntrol THeory and Applications
29 sep 2023 - 29 sep 2023:
Brescia - Trento nonlinear day, 4° edition
28 aug 2023 - 30 aug 2023:
Three days between Analysis and Geometry in Trento - 2° edition (New fundings available for Postdocs!!)
3 jul 2023 - 7 jul 2023:
Geometric measure theory and nonlinear PDE
20 feb 2023 - 22 feb 2023:
New Trends in Geometric & Variational PDEs
29 aug 2022 - 31 aug 2022:
Three days between Analysis and Geometry in Trento
30 jun 2022 - 1 jul 2022:
Geometric Analysis in Metric Measure Spaces
31 may 2019 - 31 may 2019:
Brescia - Trento Nonlinear Day - Ed. III
25 may 2018 - 25 may 2018:
Brescia-Trento Nonlinear Day Ed. II
26 may 2017 - 26 may 2017:
Brescia-Trento Nonlinear Days
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