Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

C. Brena - E. Pasqualetto - A. Pinamonti

Sobolev and BV functions on $\mathrm{RCD}$ spaces via the short-time behaviour of the heat kernel

created by pasqualetto on 09 Dec 2022



Inserted: 9 dec 2022

Year: 2022

ArXiv: 2212.03910 PDF


In the setting of finite-dimensional $\mathrm{RCD}(K,N)$ spaces, we characterize the $p$-Sobolev spaces for $p\in(1,\infty)$ and the space of functions of bounded variation in terms of the short-time behaviour of the heat flow. Moreover, we prove that Cheeger $p$-energies and total variations can be computed as limits of nonlocal functionals involving the heat kernel.