Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory


created by ruffini on 15 Feb 2023

8 jun 2023 - 9 jun 2023   [open in google calendar]

Dipartimento di Matematica, Bologna

The initative aims at gathering and bringing together young researchers at early stages of their careers in the field of nonlocalnonlinear elliptic equations and calculus of variations. Eight talks will take place on two different days to leave plenty of room for discussion and interaction among speakers and participants.

Organizers: Nicola Abatangelo, Berardo Ruffini, Eugenio Vecchi.

Speakers: Francesca Bianchi, Simone Ciani, Alessandra de Luca, Gianmarco Giovannardi, Alessandro Goffi, Francescantonio Oliva, Giorgio Stefani, Anna Chiara Zagati.