Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

B. Bulanyi - B. Ruffini

Threshold dynamics approximation schemes for anisotropic mean curvature flows with a forcing term

created by bulanyi on 04 Feb 2025


Submitted Paper

Inserted: 4 feb 2025
Last Updated: 4 feb 2025

Year: 2025


We establish the convergence of threshold dynamics-type approximation schemes to propagating fronts evolving according to an anisotropic mean curvature motion in the presence of a forcing term depending on both time and position, thus generalizing the consistency result obtained in $[$Ishii-Pires-Souganidis, 1999$]$ by extending the results obtained in $[$Caffarelli-Souganidis, 2010$]$ for $\alpha \in [1,2)$ to anisotropic kernels and in the presence of a driving force. The limit geometric evolution is of a variational type and can be approximated, at a large scale, by eikonal-type equations modeling dislocations dynamics. We prove that it preserves convexity under suitable convexity assumptions on the forcing term and that convex evolutions of compact sets are unique. If the initial set is bounded and sufficiently large, and the driving force is constant, then the corresponding generalized front propagation is asymptotically similar to the Wulff shape.

Keywords: viscosity solution, wulff shape, anisotropic mean curvature flow, approximation schemes, front propagation, level set approach, normal velocity
