open positions
Luca Spolaor
Assistant Professor, UCSD
Available papers (32):
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L. Ferreri
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
On the fine structure of the solutions to nonlinear thin two-membrane problems in 2D
L. Ferreri
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
On the boundary branching set of the one-phase problem
L. Ferreri
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Unique continuation for nonlinear variational problems
P. Minter - D. Parise -
A. Skorobogatova
L. Spolaor
Rectifiability of the singular set and uniqueness of tangent cones for semicalibrated currents
C. De Lellis
- J. Hirsch -
A. Marchese
L. Spolaor
S. Stuvard
Nonlinear Anal.
Excess decay for minimizing hypercurrents mod $2Q$
N. Edelen -
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
A strong maximum principle for minimizers of the one-phase Bernoulli problem
G. De Philippis
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
J. Eur. Math. Soc.
(Quasi-)conformal methods in two-dimensional free boundary problems
N. Edelen -
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
The symmetric (log-)epiperimetric inequality and a decay-growth estimate
C. De Lellis
- J. Hirsch -
A. Marchese
L. Spolaor
S. Stuvard
(Submitted Paper)
Fine structure of the singular set of area minimizing hypersurfaces modulo $p$
G. De Philippis
- M. Engelstein -
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Rectifiability and almost everywhere uniqueness of the blow-up for the vectorial Bernoulli free boundaries
C. De Lellis
- J. Hirsch -
A. Marchese
L. Spolaor
S. Stuvard
(Submitted Paper)
Area minimizing hypersurfaces modulo $p$: a geometric free-boundary problem
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Mathematics in Engineering
On the logarithmic epiperimetric inequality for the obstacle problem
G. De Philippis
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Inventiones mathematicae
Regularity of the free boundary for the two-phase Bernoulli problem
M. Colombo
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Interfaces and Free Boundaries
Almost everywhere uniqueness of blow-up limits for the lower dimensional obstacle problem
C. De Lellis
- E. Spadaro -
L. Spolaor
J. Differential Geom.
Regularity theory for $2$-dimensional almost minimal currents III: blowup
O. Chodosh - Y. Liokumovich -
L. Spolaor
Singular behavior and generic regularity of min-max minimal hypersurfaces
M. Colombo
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Comm. Pure Appl. Math.
Direct epiperimetric inequalities for the thin obstacle problem and applications
M. Engelstein -
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Duke Math. J.
Uniqueness of the blow-up at isolated singularities for the Alt-Caffarelli functional
M. Colombo
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
J. Reine Angew. Math.
On the asymptotic behavior of the solutions to parabolic variational inequalities
O. Chodosh - M. Engelstein -
L. Spolaor
(Submitted Paper)
The Riemannian quantitative isoperimetric inequality
N. Edelen -
L. Spolaor
(Submitted Paper)
Regularity of minimal surfaces near quadratic cones
M. Engelstein -
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Geom. Topol.
(Log-)epiperimetric inequality and regularity over smooth cones for almost Area-Minimizing currents
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Comm. Pure Appl. Math.
An epiperimetric inequality for the regularity of some free boundary problems: the $2$-dimensional case
C. De Lellis
- E. Spadaro -
L. Spolaor
Transactions AMS
Regularity theory for $2$-dimensional almost minimal currents I: Lipschitz approximation
L. Spolaor
(Accepted Paper:
Adv. Math.
Almgren's type regularity for Semicalibrated Currents
L. Spolaor
- B. Trey -
B. Velichkov
Communications in Partial Differential Equations
Free boundary regularity for a multiphase shape optimization problem
M. Colombo
L. Spolaor
B. Velichkov
Geom. Funct. Anal.
A logarithmic epiperimetric inequality for the obstacle problem
M. Colombo
L. Spolaor
(Accepted Paper:
Quantitative estimate on singularities in isoperimetric clusters
C. De Lellis
- E. Spadaro -
L. Spolaor
Ann. PDE
Regularity theory for $2$-dimensional almost minimal currents II: branched center manifold
C. De Lellis
- E. Spadaro -
L. Spolaor
Comm. Pure Appl. Math.
Uniqueness of tangent cones for $2$-dimensional almost minimizing currents
M. Colombo
- N. Edelen -
L. Spolaor
(Accepted Paper:
The singular set of minimal surfaces near polyhedral cones
F. Ghiraldin
L. Spolaor
(Accepted Paper:
Manuscripta Math.
On the number of singular points for planar multivalued harmonic functions
11 jan 2017:
A direct approach to an epiperimetric inequality for Free-Boundary problems
23 jun 2025 - 27 jun 2025:
International geometric analysis conference in Milan
17 jun 2024 - 21 jun 2024:
Geometric Measure Theory and applications 2024
29 may 2023 - 2 jun 2023:
Geometric Measure Theory, Bressanone 2023
8 jun 2022 - 10 jun 2022:
Geometric Analysis and PDE on Garda Lake
3 sep 2018 - 6 sep 2018:
Meeting on Applied Mathematics and Calculus of Variations
26 jun 2017 - 30 jun 2017:
Curves and Networks in Geometric Analysis
22 mar 2019 - 24 mar 2019:
New Trends in Geometric Measure Theory
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