open positions
Luciano Mari
Available papers (12):
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J. Byeon - N. Ikoma -
A. Malchiodi
L. Mari
Annals of PDE
Existence and regularity for prescribed Lorentzian mean curvature hypersurfaces, and the Born Infeld model
G. Colombo - E. S. Gama -
L. Mari
- M. Rigoli (Accepted Paper:
Analysis & PDE
Non-negative Ricci curvature and minimal graphs with linear growth
G. Colombo -
L. Mari
- M. Rigoli (
J. Funct. Anal.
A splitting theorem for capillary graphs under Ricci lower bounds
S. Honda -
L. Mari
M. Rimoldi
G. Veronelli
Nonlinear Anal.
Density and non-density of $C^\infty_c \hookrightarrow W^{k,p}$ on complete manifolds with curvature bounds
B. Bianchini - G. Colombo - M. Magliaro -
L. Mari
- P. Pucci - M. Rigoli (
Math. Eng.
Recent rigidity results for graphs with prescribed mean curvature
L. Mari
- L. F. Pessoa (
Comm. Anal. Geom.
Duality between Ahlfors-Liouville and Khas'minskii properties for non-linear equations
S. Almaraz - L. L. de Lima -
L. Mari
Int. Math. Res. Notices
Spacetime positive mass theorems for initial data sets with noncompact boundary
L. Mari
- M. Rigoli - A. Setti (preprint:
Accepted on Amer. J. Math.
On the $1/H$-flow by $p$-Laplace approximation: new estimates via fake distances under Ricci lower bounds
L. Mari
- L. F. Pessoa (
Contemporary research in elliptic PDEs and related topics
Maximum principles at infinity and the Ahlfors-Khas'minskii duality: an overview
B. P. Lima - J. F. Montenegro -
L. Mari
- F. B. Vieira (
Math. Ann.
Density and spectrum of minimal submanifolds in space forms
A. Farina
L. Mari
- E. Valdinoci (Accepted Paper:
Comm. in PDEs
Splitting theorems, symmetry results and overdetermined problems for Riemannian manifolds
L. Mari
- D. Valtorta (preprint:
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
On the equivalence of stochastic completeness, Liouville and Khas'minskii condition in linear and nonlinear setting
29 oct 2019:
On the existence and regularity of solutions of the Born-Infeld equation
21 nov 2018:
On the 1/H flow via p-Laplace approximation under Ricci lower bounds
6 jun 2016:
On the spectrum of minimal submanifolds in space forms
5 dec 2022 - 5 dec 2022:
Geometric Analysis and PDEs at PoliMi
30 may 2022 - 3 jun 2022:
Mostly Maximum Principle
5 sep 2021 - 10 sep 2021:
New Trends in Nonlinear Diffusion: a Bridge between PDEs, Analysis and Geometry (Online)
9 sep 2019 - 13 sep 2019:
Geometric Analysis, Submanifolds, and Geometry of PDE's
27 may 2019 - 30 may 2019:
Analytic and Geometric Aspects of PDEs
23 may 2019 - 24 may 2019:
Variational and PDE problems in Geometric Analysis II
12 mar 2019 - 12 mar 2019:
Differential Geometry Day
20 may 2018 - 26 may 2018:
Oberwolfach Seminar: Spectral Estimates on Noncompact Manifolds and Applications to Geometry
12 feb 2018 - 16 feb 2018:
Variational Methods in Analysis, Geometry and Physics
23 feb 2017 - 24 feb 2017:
Two-day meeting on PDEs
20 feb 2017 - 24 feb 2017:
France-Italy meeting in Geometric Analysis
14 sep 2023 - 15 sep 2023:
MGT^2 : Milano-Grenoble-Torino Meeting in Geometry and Topology
18 jan 2023 - 20 jan 2023:
(MGT)^2: Milan-Grenoble-Turin Meeting in Geometry and Topology
15 jun 2022 - 17 jun 2022:
A Geometric Analysis Meeting at UniTo
17 jun 2020 - 17 jun 2020:
Milano-Torino Geometry & Analysis Seminar - II
22 jan 2020 - 22 jan 2020:
MI-TO Geometry and Analysis Seminar - I
25 nov 2019 - 28 nov 2019:
Recent trends in Geometric analysis and applications
4 jun 2018 - 8 jun 2018:
Recent advances in Geometric Analysis
20 may 2018 - 26 may 2018:
Oberwolfach Seminar: Spectral Estimates on Noncompact Manifolds and Applications to Geometry
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