20 feb 2017 - 24 feb 2017 [open in google calendar]
Centro de Giorgi, Pisa
The aim of the meeting is to gather some experts, including young ones, working actively in Geometric Analysis. We would like especially to bring together people with more analytic and more geometric backgrounds in order to fruitfully exchange ideas and methods for applications of one field to another. This interaction has been quite successful over the past decades, and we hope to create new occasions for continuing in this.
Organizers: Zindine Djadli, Andrea Malchiodi.
Speakers: Claudio Arezzo, Paul Baird, GĂ©rard Besson, Giovanni Catino, Alix Deruelle, Yuxin Ge, Emmanuel Hebey, Marc Herzlich, Carlo Mantegazza, Luciano Mari, Lorenzo Mazzieri, Ilaria Mondello, Barbara Nelli, Angela Pistoia, Alessandra Pluda, Thomas Richard, Alessandro Savo, Carlo Sinestrari, Samuel Tapie, Jerome Vetois.