open positions
Keyword: nonlinear elasticity
Papers related to keyword:
D. Corona
- A. Della Corte - F. Giannoni (
SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis
A non-autonomous variational problem describing a nonlinear Timoshenko beam
M. Bonafini
V. P. C. Le
Annali dell' Università di Ferrara
Weak solutions for nonlinear waves in adhesive phenomena
M. G. Mora
F. Riva
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A
Pressure live loads and the variational derivation of linear elasticity
C. Maor -
M. G. Mora
(Accepted Paper:
Journal of Nonlinear Science
Reference configurations vs. optimal rotations: a derivation of linear elasticity from finite elasticity for all traction forces
G. Bevilacqua
- P. Ciarletta - A. Quarteroni (
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Morphomechanical model of the torsional c-looping in the embryonic heart
G. Scilla
B. Stroffolini
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.
Relaxation of nonlinear elastic energies related to Orlicz-Sobolev nematic elastomers
L. Lussardi
- S. Marini - M. Veneroni (
Netw. Heterog. Media
Stochastic homogenization of maximal monotone relations and applications
D. Spector
- S. Spector (Preprint:
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Uniqueness of Equilibrium with Sufficiently Small Strains in Finite Elasticity
C. I. Zeppieri
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
Stochastic homogenisation of singularly-perturbed integral functionals
J. J. Bevan -
C. I. Zeppieri
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
A simple sufficient condition for the quasiconvexity of elastic stored-energy functions in spaces which allow for cavitation
L. Freddi
M. G. Mora
- R. Paroni (
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS)
Nonlinear thin-walled beams with rectangular cross-section - Part II
M. G. Mora
L. Scardia
J. Differential Equations
Convergence of equilibria of thin elastic plates under physical growth conditions for the energy density
E. Davoli
M. G. Mora
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A
Convergence of equilibria of thin elastic rods under physical growth conditions for the energy density
L. Freddi
M. G. Mora
- R. Paroni (
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS)
Nonlinear thin-walled beams with a rectangular cross-section - Part I
L. Scardia
C. I. Zeppieri
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Line-tension model for plasticity as the $\Gamma$-limit of a nonlinear dislocation energy
E. Davoli
Adv. Calc. Var.
Thin-walled beams with a cross-section of arbitrary geometry: derivation of linear theories starting from 3D nonlinear elasticity
V. Agostiniani
G. Dal Maso
- A. DeSimone (
Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire
Linear elasticity obtained from finite elasticity by Gamma-convergence under weak coerciveness conditions
M. Lewicka -
M. G. Mora
- M. R. Pakzad (
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
The matching property of infinitesimal isometries on elliptic surfaces and elasticity of thin shells
H. Abels -
M. G. Mora
- S. Müller (
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
The time-dependent von Kármán plate equation as a limit of 3d nonlinear elasticity
H. Abels -
M. G. Mora
- S. Müller (
Comm. Partial Differential Equations
Large Time Existence for Thin Vibrating Plates
M. Lewicka -
M. G. Mora
- M. R. Pakzad (
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.
Shell theories arising as low energy Gamma-limit of 3d nonlinear elasticity
M. Lewicka -
M. G. Mora
- M. R. Pakzad (
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sér. I
A nonlinear theory for shells with slowly varying thickness
M. G. Mora
- S. Müller (
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A
Convergence of equilibria of three-dimensional thin elastic beams
M. G. Mora
- S. Müller - M. G. Schultz (
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
Convergence of equilibria of planar thin elastic beams
L. Scardia
Proc. Roy. Edinb. Soc. A
Asymptotic models for curved rods derived from nonlinear elasticity by $\Gamma$-convergence
L. Scardia
Asymptot. Anal.
The nonlinear bending-torsion theory for curved rods as Gamma-limit of three-dimensional elasticity
S. Conti
F. Maggi
(Accepted Paper:
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Confining thin elastic sheets and folding paper
M. G. Mora
- S. Müller (
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Nonlin.
A nonlinear model for inextensible rods as a low energy $\Gamma$-limit of three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity
L. Freddi
- R. Paroni (
Asymptotic Analysis
A 3D-1D Young measure theory of an elastic string
G. Friesecke - R. D. James -
M. G. Mora
- S. Müller (
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sér. I
Derivation of nonlinear bending theory for shells from three dimensional nonlinear elasticity by Gamma-convergence
M. G. Mora
- S. Müller (
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Derivation of the nonlinear bending-torsion theory for inextensible rods by Gamma-convergence
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