Published Paper
Inserted: 29 jun 2011
Last Updated: 18 nov 2015
Journal: Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire
Volume: 29
Pages: 715-735
Year: 2012
The energy functional of linear elasticity is obtained as $\Gamma$-limit of suitable
rescalings of the energies of finite elasticity.
The quadratic control from below of the energy density $W(\nabla v)$ for large values of the deformation
gradient $\nabla v$ is replaced here by the weaker condition
$W(\nabla v)\geq
\nabla v
^p$, for some $p>1$.
Energies of this type are commonly used in the study of a large class
of compressible rubber-like materials.
Keywords: Gamma-convergence, nonlinear elasticity, linearized elasticity, rigidity estimates