open positions
Keyword: Variational methods
Papers related to keyword:
F. Riva
G. Scilla
F. Solombrino
(Accepted Paper:
Journal of Functional Analysis
Inertial Balanced Viscosity (IBV) solutions to infinite-dimensional rate-independent systems
A. Jevnikar
Y. Sire
- W. Yang (Accepted Paper:
Rev. Mat. Iberoam.
Prescribing $Q$-curvature on even-dimensional manifolds with conical singularities
A. Acharya -
B. Stroffolini
- A. Zarnescu (Preprint)
Variational Dual Solutions for Incompressible Fluids
L. Carrero - A. Quaas -
A. Zuniga
Existence of solutions to a quasilinear nonlocal PDE
M. Cicalese
T. Heilmann
A. Kubin
F. Onoue
M. Ponsiglione
A notion of $s$-fractional mass for $1$-currents in higher codimension
A. Maione
D. Mugnai
- E. Vecchi (
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
Variational methods for nonpositive mixed local-nonlocal operators
F. Riva
G. Scilla
F. Solombrino
Adv. Calc. Var.
The notions of Inertial Balanced Viscosity and Inertial Virtual Viscosity solution for rate-independent systems
N. Cangiotti
M. Caponi
A. Maione
- E. Vitillaro (
Milan Journal of Mathematics
Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equations driven by mixed local-nonlocal operators
L. Battaglia -
A. Jevnikar
- Z. A. Wang - W. Yang (Accepted Paper:
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
Prescribing Gaussian curvature on surfaces with conical singularities and geodesic boundary
D. Corona
- F. Giannoni (
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis
Brake orbits for Hamiltonian systems of the classical type via geodesics in singular Finsler metrics
L. De Luca
A. Ninno
M. Ponsiglione
J. Math. Biol.
Vectorial crystallization problems and collective behavior
D. Corona
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
A multiplicity result for orthogonal geodesic chords in Finsler disks
V. Ambrosio -
L. Freddi
- R. Musina (
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
Asymptotic analysis of the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian in domains becoming unbounded
M. Morini
M. Ponsiglione
- E. Spadaro (Preprint)
Long time behaviour of discrete volume preserving mean curvature flows
D. Corona
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
A multiplicity result for Euler-Lagrange orbits satisfying the conormal boundary conditions
S. Fanzon
- M. Palombaro -
M. Ponsiglione
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
Derivation of Linearised Polycrystals from a Two-Dimensional System of Edge Dislocations
G. Scilla
F. Solombrino
J. Differential Equations
A variational approach to the quasistatic limit of viscous dynamic evolutions in finite dimension
F. Alessio - P. Montecchiari -
A. Zuniga
Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst. Series A
Prescribed-energy connecting orbits for gradient systems
S. Cruz Blázquez
- D. Ruiz (Accepted Paper:
Advanced Nonlinear Studies
Prescribing Gaussian and geodesic curvature on the disk
G. Scilla
F. Solombrino
Asymptot. Anal.
Delayed loss of stability in singularly perturbed finite-dimensional gradient flows
G. Scilla
F. Solombrino
Multiscale analysis of singularly perturbed finite dimensional gradient flows: the minimizing movement approach
T. Blass -
M. Morandotti
J. Convex Anal.
Renormalized Energy and Peach-Köhler Forces for Screw Dislocations with Antiplane Shear
A. Jevnikar
(Accepted Paper:
J. Diff. Eq.
Blow-up analysis and existence results in the supercritical case for an asymmetric mean field equation with variable intensities
M. Cicalese
L. De Luca
M. Novaga
M. Ponsiglione
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Ground States of a two phase model with cross and self attractive interactions
T. Blass -
I. Fonseca
G. Leoni
M. Morandotti
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Dynamics for Systems of Screw Dislocations
R. Scala
Limit of viscous dynamic processes in delamination as the viscosity and inertia vanish
A. Daducci - A. Marigonda -
G. Orlandi
- R. Posenato (
Comm. Pure Appl. Analysis
Neuronal fiber-tracking via optimal mass transportation
A. Malchiodi
L. Martinazzi
(Accepted Paper:
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS)
Critical points of the Moser-Trudinger functional on a disk
A. Garroni
M. Ponsiglione
F. Prinari
Calc. Var.
From $1$-homogeneous supremal functionals to difference quotients: relaxation and Gamma-convergence
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