open positions
Riccardo Scala
Available papers (37):
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G. Bellettini
A. Elshorbagy
R. Scala
The $L^1$-relaxed area of the graph of the vortex map: optimal upper bound
G. Bellettini
A. Elshorbagy
R. Scala
The $L^1$-relaxed area of the graph of the vortex map: optimal lower bound
V. Crismale
L. De Luca
R. Scala
Approximation of topological singularities through free discontinuity functionals: the critical and super-critical regimes
G. Bellettini
A. Elshorbagy
R. Scala
Relaxation of the area of the vortex map: a non-parametric Plateau problem for a catenoid containing a segment
G. Bellettini
R. Marziani
R. Scala
Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques
A non-parametric Plateau problem with partial free boundary
M. Caroccia
R. Scala
(Accepted Paper:
Calculus of Variation and PDEs
On the singular planar Plateau problem
G. Bellettini
R. Scala
G. Scianna
Upper bounds for the relaxed area of $S^1$-valued Sobolev maps and its countably subadditive interior envelope
G. Bellettini
S. Carano
R. Scala
(Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Analysis
Relaxed area of graphs of piecewise Lipschitz maps in the strict $BV$-convergence
R. Scala
G. Scianna
On the $L^1$-relaxed area of graphs of $BV$ piecewise constant maps taking three values
G. Bellettini
S. Carano
R. Scala
ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations
The relaxed area of $S^1$-valued singular maps in the strict $BV$-convergence
L. De Luca
R. Scala
N. Van Goethem
(Accepted Paper:
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
A new approach to topological singularities via a weak notion of Jacobian for functions of bounded variation
G. Bellettini
A. Elshorbagy
R. Scala
The $L^1$-relaxed area of the graph of the vortex map
A. Garroni
R. Marziani
R. Scala
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Derivation of a line-tension model for dislocations from a nonlinear three-dimensional energy: the case of the quadratic growth
J. F. Rodrigues -
R. Scala
Dynamics of a viscoelastic membrane with gradient constraint
I. Lucardesi
M. Morandotti
R. Scala
D. Zucco
Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.
Upscaling of screw dislocations with increasing tangential strain
R. Scala
U. Stefanelli
(Accepted Paper:
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Linearization for finite plasticity under dislocation-density tensor regularization
M. Negri
R. Scala
Existence, energy identity and higher time regularity of solutions to a dynamic visco-elastic cohesive interface model
S. Fanzon
M. Ponsiglione
R. Scala
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
Uniform distribution of dislocations in Peierls-Nabarro models for semi-coherent interfaces
G. Bellettini
A. Elshorbagy
M. Paolini
R. Scala
On the relaxed area of the graph of discontinuous maps from the plane to the plane taking three values with no symmetry assumptions
D. Melching -
R. Scala
- J. Zeman (Preprint)
Damage model for plastic materials at finite strains
P. Gidoni -
G. B. Maggiani
R. Scala
Existence and regularity of solutions for an evolution model of perfectly plastic plates
R. Scala
N. Van Goethem
(Accepted Paper:
Journal of Nonlinear Science
Variational evolution of dislocations in single crystals
R. Scala
N. Van Goethem
(Accepted Paper:
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
A variational approach to single crystals with dislocations
I. Lucardesi
M. Morandotti
R. Scala
D. Zucco
Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma
Confinement of dislocations inside a crystal with a prescribed external strain
R. Scala
(Accepted Paper:
Annali SNS
Optimal estimates for the triple junction function and other surprising aspects of the area functional
R. Scala
- G. Schimperna (Preprint)
On the viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation with singular potential and inertial term
E. Rocca
R. Scala
A rigorous sharp interface limit of a diffuse interface model related to tumor growth
M. Negri
R. Scala
A quasi-static evolution generated by local energy minimizers for an elastic material with a cohesive interface
E. Bonetti -
E. Rocca
R. Scala
- G. Schimperna (Submitted Paper)
On the strongly damped wave equation with constraint
R. Scala
- G. Schimperna (European Journal of Applied Mathematics)
A contact problem for viscoelastic bodies with inertial effects and unilateral boundary constraints
R. Scala
(Accepted on Interfaces Free Bound.)
A weak formulation for a rate-independent delamination evolution with inertial and viscosity effects subjected to unilateral constraint
R. Scala
N. Van Goethem
( Accepted on Proc. A Royal Soc. Edinburgh )
Analytic and geometric properties of dislocation singularities
G. Dal Maso
R. Scala
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
Quasistatic evolution in perfect plasticity as limit of dynamic processes
R. Scala
N. Van Goethem
(accepted MAA)
Currents and dislocations at the continuum scale
R. Scala
Limit of viscous dynamic processes in delamination as the viscosity and inertia vanish
G. B. Maggiani
R. Scala
N. Van Goethem
(Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences)
A compatible-incompatible decomposition of symmetric tensors in Lp with application to elasticity
R. Scala
N. Van Goethem
Dislocations at the continuum scale: functional setting and variational properties
15 apr 2021:
Nonlocality features of the area functional and the Plateau problem
30 oct 2020:
Some recent developments in the problem of relaxation of the area functional
27 jan 2025 - 31 jan 2025:
Geometric Measure Theory in Trento
1 dec 2023 - 2 dec 2023:
Curvature-driven geometric problems
29 sep 2023 - 29 sep 2023:
Brescia - Trento nonlinear day, 4° edition
29 may 2023 - 2 jun 2023:
Geometric Measure Theory, Bressanone 2023
16 may 2022 - 20 may 2022:
Beyond Elasticity: Advances and Research Challenges
21 feb 2022 - 25 feb 2022:
Free Boundary Problems and Related Evolution Equations
30 oct 2020 - 30 oct 2020:
Incontri di Analisi Matematica tra Firenze, Pisa e Siena
31 jan 2024 - 2 feb 2024:
Calculus of Variations in Siena
10 oct 2018 - 12 oct 2018:
Topics in Nonlinear Analysis: Calculus of Variations and PDEs
20 aug 2018 - 24 aug 2018:
New trends in the variational modeling of failure phenomena
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