Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Beyond Elasticity: Advances and Research Challenges

created by morandott on 05 Aug 2021
modified on 01 Oct 2021

16 may 2022 - 20 may 2022   [open in google calendar]

Luminy, France

Technology has nowadays reached a paramount degree of complexity. In order to push the limits of today, we need a deep and solid understanding of the physical phenomena on which applications rely. Formal computations or experimental observations alone can not fulfill the demand of knowledge required to unveil the mechanisms behind them. This can be only achieved when the language and the instruments of mathematical analysis are used to interpret experimental data and to predict the outcome of physical experiments. In this conference, we focus on challenges at the interface between mathematics and mechanics, such as the modeling of fine microstructures, the study of defects, the effects of randomness in textures and loading, dynamic fracture, inelasticity, as well as fast phase transformations for applications to new memory devices. It is therefore important to find a common ground to set up a dialogue between these disciplines. By gathering together international experts and young researchers, we aim at fostering the interaction between scientists of different areas, as well as exposing the new generations to cutting-edge research on the topic.

The scientific committee is composed of Antonin Chambolle, Valeria Chiadò Piat, Irene Fonseca, David R. Owen, and Roger M. Temam.


Everyone interested in participating must register on the conference website (see link below). Applications will be periodically revised.

Financial support towards local expenses will be available for a limited number of selected participants. Please send applications through the website using the registration form.

The deadline for applying for financial support is January 31, 2022. The final decision will be notified within the following week.

Organizers: Marco Bonacini, Riccardo Cristoferi, Elisa Davoli, Marco Morandotti.

Speakers: Roberto Alessi, Stefano Almi, Basile Audoly, Jean-François Babadjian, Blaise Bourdin, Marco Caroccia, Vito Crismale, Rita Ferreira, Manuel Friedrich, Thomas Hudson, Flaviana Iurlano, Carolin Kreisbeck, Stefan Krömer, Martin Kruzik, Giuliano Lazzaroni, Giovanni Leoni, Luca Lussardi, Maria Giovanna Mora, Matteo Negri, Gianluca Orlando, Valerio Pagliari, Celia Reina, Riccardo Scala, Francesco Solombrino, Ulisse Stefanelli, Marita Thomas, Elvira Zappale, Caterina Ida Zeppieri, Barbara Zwicknagl.