Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

G. Dal Maso - R. Scala

Quasistatic evolution in perfect plasticity as limit of dynamic processes

created by dalmaso on 19 Jul 2013
modified by scala on 13 Feb 2015


Published Paper

Inserted: 19 jul 2013
Last Updated: 13 feb 2015

Journal: Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
Volume: 26
Number: 4
Pages: 915-954
Year: 2014


We introduce a model of dynamic visco-elasto-plastic evolution in the linearly elastic regime and we prove an existence and uniqueness result. Then we study the limit of (a rescaled version of) the solutions when the data vary slowly. We prove that they converge, up to a subsequence, to a quasistatic evolution in perfect plasticity.
