Full Professor,
Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1
Email: santambrogio AT math.univ-lyon1.fr
Home-page: http://math.univ-lyon1.fr/~santambrogio/
Available papers (112):
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- A. Baradat - A. Hraivoronska - F. Santambrogio (Preprint)
Using Sinkhorn in the JKO scheme adds linear diffusion (2025)
- J. B. Casteras - L. Monsaingeon - F. Santambrogio (Preprint)
Sticky-reflecting diffusion as a Wasserstein gradient flow (2024)
- T. Caillet - F. Santambrogio (Preprint)
Fisher information and continuity estimates for nonlinear but 1-homogeneous diffusive PDEs (via the JKO scheme) (2024)
- T. Caillet - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: SIAM J. Math. An.)
Doubly nonlinear diffusive PDEs: new existence results via generalized Wasserstein gradient flows (2024)
- A. Dumas - F. Santambrogio (Submitted Paper)
Deterministic Mean Field Games with jumps and mixed variational structure (2024)
- G. Carlier - A. Figalli - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire)
On optimal transport maps between 1/d-concave densities (2024)
- N. David - A. R. Mészáros - F. Santambrogio (Preprint)
Improved convergence rates for the Hele-Shaw limit in the presence of confining potentials (2024)
- N. David - M. Schmidtchen - F. Santambrogio (Preprint)
Uniform regularity estimates for nonlinear diffusion-advection equations in the hard-congestion limit (2024)
- G. Cozzi - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: SIAM J. Im. Sciences)
Long-Time Asymptotics of the Sliced-Wasserstein Flow (2024)
- F. Santambrogio - G. Toshpulatov (Accepted Paper: Arch. Rati. Mech. Anal.)
Strong L^2 H^2 convergence of the JKO scheme for the Fokker-Planck equation (2024)
- V. Calvez - D. Poyato - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Analysis and PDEs)
Uniform contractivity of the Fisher infinitesimal model with strongly convex selection (2024)
- F. Lagoutière - F. Santambrogio - S. Tran Tien (Accepted Paper: Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique - Mathématiques)
Vanishing viscosity limit for aggregation-diffusion equations (2024)
- A. Dumas - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Comptes Rendus Mathématiques)
Optimal trajectories in $L^1$ and under $L^1$ penalizations (2023)
- F. Santambrogio (Book)
A course in the Calculus of Variations (2023)
- N. David - F. Santambrogio (Submitted Paper)
New Lipschitz estimates and long-time asymptotic behavior for porous medium and fast diffusion equations (2023)
- F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: J. Funct. An.)
Sharp Wasserstein estimates for integral sampling and Lorentz summability of transport densities (2022)
- R. Ducasse - G. Mazanti - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA)
Second order local minimal-time Mean Field Games (2022)
- H. Lavenant - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Applied Mathematics Letters)
The flow map of the Fokker-Planck equation does not provide optimal transport (2022)
- R. Ducasse - F. Santambrogio - H. Yoldas (Accepted Paper: Calc. Var. PDEs)
A cross-diffusion system obtained via (convex) relaxation in the JKO
scheme (2022)
- F. Santambrogio - W. Shim (Accepted Paper: SIAM J. Contr. Opt.)
A Cucker-Smale inspired deterministic Mean Field Game with velocity interactions (2021)
- Q. Mérigot - F. Santambrogio - C. Sarrazin (Preprint)
Non-asymptotic convergence bounds for Wasserstein approximation using point clouds (2021)
- B. Fall - F. Santambrogio - D. Seck (Accepted Paper: Mathematics in Engineering)
Shape Derivative for Obstacles in Crowd Motion (2021)
- S. Di Marino - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse Non Linéaire)
JKO estimates in linear and non-linear Fokker-Planck equations, and Keller-Segel: $L^p$ and Sobolev bounds (2021)
- F. Santambrogio - A. Xepapadeas - A. Yannacopoulos (Accepted Paper: J. Math. Pures Appl.)
Rational expectations equilibria in a Ramsey model of optimal growth with non-local spatial externalities (2020)
- F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper)
Lecture notes on Variational Mean Field Games (2020)
- K. Huynh - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: J. Conv. An.)
q-Moment Measures and Applications: a new Approach via Optimal Transport (2020)
- V. Ferrari - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Appl. Math. Lett.)
Lipschitz estimates on the JKO scheme for the Fokker-Planck equation on bounded convex domains (2020)
- H. Leclerc - Q. Mérigot - F. Santambrogio - F. Stra (Accepted Paper: SIAM J. Num. An.)
Lagrangian discretization of crowd motion and linear diffusion (2020)
- D. Cordero-Erausquin - B. Klartag - Q. Mérigot - F. Santambrogio (Comptes Rendus Mathématique)
One more proof of the Alexandrov–Fenchel inequality (2019)
- P. Pegon - F. Santambrogio - Q. Xia (Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées)
A fractal shape optimization problem in branched transport (2019)
- V. Recupero - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata)
Sweeping processes with prescribed behaviour on jumps (2018)
- Q. R. Li - F. Santambrogio - X. J. Wang (Accepted Paper: Arch. Rati. Mech. An.)
Continuity for the Monge mass transfer problem in two dimensions (2018)
- F. Santambrogio (Snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach)
A short story on optimal transport and its many applications (2018)
- J. A. Carrillo - S. Fagioli - F. Santambrogio - M. Schmidtchen (Accepted Paper: SIAM J. Math. An.)
Splitting schemes & segregation in reaction-(cross-)diffusion systems (2018)
- M. Iacobelli - F. S. Patacchini - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Arch. Rati. Mech. An.)
Weighted ultrafast diffusion equations: from well-posedness to long-time behaviour (2018)
- A. Monteil - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Indiana Univ. Math. J.)
Metric methods for heteroclinic connections in infinite dimensional spaces (2018)
- F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: proceedings of the 2017 SMAI conference)
Crowd motion and evolution PDEs under density constraints (2018)
- S. Dweik - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Calculus of Variations and PDE's)
$L^p$ bounds for boundary-to-boundary transport densities, and $W^{1,p}$ bounds for the BV least gradient problem in 2D (2018)
- G. Mazanti - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sci.)
Minimal-Time Mean Field Games (2018)
- H. Lavenant - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Journal of the London Mathematical Society)
New estimates on the regularity of the pressure in density-constrained Mean Field Games (2018)
- L. Brasco - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Commun. Contemp. Math.)
A sharp estimate à la Calderón-Zygmund for the $p-$Laplacian (2017)
- A. Prosinski - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Stochastics)
Global-in-time regularity via duality for congestion-penalized Mean Field Games (2017)
- F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications)
Regularity via duality in calculus of variations and degenerate elliptic PDEs (2017)
- F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences)
$\big\{$Euclidean, Metric, and Wasserstein$\big\}$ Gradient Flows: an overview (2017)
- S. Dweik - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: COCV)
Summability estimates on transport densities with Dirichlet regions on the boundary via symmetrization techniques (2017)
- J. A. Carrillo - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Quarterly of Applied Mathematics)
$L^\infty$ estimates for the JKO scheme in parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel systems (2017)
- H. Lavenant - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Communications in Partial Differential Equations)
Optimal density evolution with congestion: $L^\infty$ bounds via flow interchange techniques and applications to variational Mean Field Games (2017)
- F. Santambrogio - X. J. Wang (Accepted Paper: Appl. Math. Letters)
Convexity of the support of the displacement interpolation: counterexamples (2016)
- L. Brasco - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics)
A note on some Poincaré inequalities on convex sets by Optimal Transport methods (2016)
- A. R. Mészáros - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Analysis and PDEs)
Advection-diffusion equations with density constraints (2016)
- F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: J. Functional Analysis)
Dealing with moment measures via entropy and optimal transport (2016)
- L. De Pascale - J. Louet - F. Santambrogio (J. Math. Pures Appl.)
The Monge problem with vanishing gradient penalization: vortices and asymptotic profile (2016)
- P. Cardaliaguet - A. R. Mészáros - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: SIAM J. Contr. Opt.)
First order Mean Field Games with density constraints: Pressure equals Price (2016)
- A. Monteil - F. Santambrogio (Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences)
Metric methods for heteroclinic connections (2016)
- J. D. Benamou - G. Carlier - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: "Active Particles, Volume 1: Theory, Models, Applications")
Variational Mean Field Games (2016)
- F. Santambrogio (Book)
Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians (2015)
- S. Di Marino - F. Santambrogio - B. Maury (Accepted Paper: J. Conv. An.)
Measure sweeping processes (2015)
- P. Pegon - D. Piazzoli - F. Santambrogio (Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems)
Full characterization of optimal transport plans for concave costs (2015)
- G. De Philippis - A. R. Mészáros - F. Santambrogio - B. Velichkov (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.)
BV Estimates in Optimal Transportation and Applications (2015)
- A. Lemenant - F. Santambrogio (Comptes Rendus Mathematique)
A Modica-Mortola approximation for the Steiner Problem (2014)
- F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: ESAIM: PROCEEDINGS)
A Dacorogna-Moser approach to flow decomposition and minimal flow problems (2014)
- A. Blanchet - P. Mossay - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: International Economic Review)
Existence and uniqueness of equilibrium for a spatial model of social interactions (2014)
- F. Santambrogio (chapter in "Optimal Transportation, theory and applications", London Math. Soc.)
Introduction to Optimal Transport Theory (2014)
- F. Santambrogio (chapter in "Optimal Transportation, theory and applications", London Math. Soc.)
Models and applications of Optimal Transport in Economics, Traffic and Urban Planning (2014)
- M. Bonnivard - A. Lemenant - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis)
Approximation of length minimization problems among compact connected sets. (2014)
- A. Chen - J. Darbon - G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio - J. M. Morel (Interfaces Free Bound.)
On the equations of landscape formation (2014)
- Q. R. Li - F. Santambrogio - X. J. Wang (Accepted Paper: J. Math. Pures et Appl.)
Regularity in Monge's mass transfer problem (2013)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio - E. Stepanov (Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.)
Asymptotic optimal location of facilities in a competition between population and industries (2013)
- D. Lesesvre - P. Pegon - F. Santambrogio (Set-Valued and Variational Analysis)
Optimal transportation with an oscillation-type cost: the one-dimensional case (2013)
- J. Louet - F. Santambrogio (Applied Math Letters)
A sharp inequality for transport maps in $W^{1,p}(\mathbb{R})$ via approximation (2012)
- B. Maury - A. Roudneff-Chupin - F. Santambrogio (Submitted Paper)
Congestion-driven dendritic growth (2012)
- F. Santambrogio (proceedings of the Bourbaki seminar)
Flots de gradient dans les espaces métriques et leurs applications (d'après Ambrosio-Gigli-Savaré) (2012)
- B. Maury - A. Roudneff-Chupin - F. Santambrogio - J. Venel (Net. Het. Media)
Handling congestion in crowd motion models (2011)
- G. Carlier - F. Santambrogio (Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ)
A continuous theory of traffic congestion and Wardrop equilibria (2011)
- F. Santambrogio (Submitted Paper: proceedings of the workshop "Mean Field Games and related topics", Rome, May 2011)
A Modest Proposal for MFG with Density Constraints (2011)
- C. Jimenez - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: J. Math. Pures et Appl.)
Optimal transportation for a quadratic cost with convex constraints and applications (2011)
- E. Oudet - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Arch. Rati. Mech. An.)
A Modica-Mortola approximation for branched transport and applications (2011)
- F. Santambrogio (Proceedings of the Bourbaki Seminar)
Inégalités isopérimétriques quantitatives, via le transport optimal (d'après Figalli, Maggi et Pratelli) (2011)
- L. Brasco - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.)
An equivalent path functional formulation of branched transportation problems (2010)
- F. Santambrogio (Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci.)
A Modica-Mortola approximation for branched transport (2010)
- B. Maury - A. Roudneff-Chupin - F. Santambrogio (M3AS)
A macroscopic crowd motion model of gradient flow type (2010)
- A. Lachapelle - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: J. Math. Economics)
On the strategic use of risk and undesirable goods in multidimensional screening (2010)
- F. Santambrogio (Preprint)
Gradient flows in Wasserstein spaces and applications to crowd movement (2010)
- F. Benmansour - G. Carlier - G. Peyré - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Numerische Mathematik)
Derivatives with respect to metrics and applications: Subgradient Marching Algorithm (2010)
- L. Brasco - G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
A Benamou-Brenier approach to branched transport (2010)
- F. Santambrogio - V. Vespri (Accepted Paper: Nonlinear Analysis A)
Continuity in two dimensions for a very degenerate elliptic equation (2010)
- L. Brasco - G. Carlier - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: J. Math. Pures Appl.)
Congested traffic dynamics, weak flows and very degenerate elliptic equations (2010)
- F. Santambrogio - F. X. Vialard (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris )
Extension to BV functions of the large deformation diffeomorphisms matching approach (2009)
- F. Santambrogio (Habilitation thesis)
Problèmes classiques et moins classiques en transport optimal: régularité, approximation, EDP et applications (2009)
- F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Calc. Var. Par. Diff. Eq.)
Absolute continuity and summability of transport densities: simpler proofs and new estimates (2009)
- F. Balabdaoui - K. Rufibach - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Journal of Nonparametric Statistics)
Least Squares estimation of two ordered monotone regression curves (2009)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio (Siam Review)
A Mass Transportation Model for the Optimal Planning of an Urban Region (2009)
- G. Carlier - L. De Pascale - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Communications in Mathematical Sciences)
A strategy for non-strictly convex transport costs and the example of $||x-y||^p$ in ${\mathbb R}^2$ (2009)
- F. Benmansour - G. Carlier - G. Peyré - F. Santambrogio (Net. Het. Media)
Numerical Approximation of Continuous Traffic Congestion Equilibria (2009)
- G. Carlier - A. Galichon - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: SIAM J. Math. An.)
From Knothe's transport to Brenier's map and a continuation method for optimal transport (2009)
- A. Brancolini - G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio - E. Stepanov (ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.)
Long-term planning versus short-term planning in the asymptotical location problem (2009)
- M. Bernot - A. Figalli - F. Santambrogio (J. Math. Pures Appl.)
Generalized solutions for the Euler equations in one and two dimensions (2009)
- J. M. Morel - F. Santambrogio (Accepted Paper: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.)
The regularity of optimal irrigation patterns (2008)
- G. Carlier - C. Jimenez - F. Santambrogio (SIAM J. Control and Optimization)
Optimal transportation with traffic congestion and Wardrop equilibria (2008)
- F. Santambrogio - F. X. Vialard (Submitted Paper)
A semi derivation lemma on BV functions (2008)
- L. Ambrosio - F. Santambrogio (Rend. Lincei - Mat. e Appl.)
Necessary optimality conditions for geodesics in weighted Wasserstein spaces (2007)
- J. M. Morel - F. Santambrogio (Appl. Math. Lett.)
Comparison of distances between measures (2007)
- F. Santambrogio (J. Glob. Opt.)
Transport and Concentration Problems with Interaction Effects (2007)
- F. Santambrogio (Interfaces and Free Boundaries)
Optimal Channel Networks, Landscape Function and Branched Transport (2007)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio (Networks and Heterogeneous Media)
Asymptotical compliance optimization for connected networks (2007)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio - N. Varchon (ESAIM: COCV)
Asymptotics of an optimal compliance-location problem (2006)
- F. Santambrogio (Ph.D. Thesis)
Variational problems in transport theory with mass concentration (2006)
- A. Brancolini - G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio (J. Eur. Math. Soc.)
Path Functionals over Wasserstein Spaces (2006)
- G. Carlier - F. Santambrogio (ESAIM: COCV)
A Variational Model for Urban Planning with Traffic Congestion (2005)
- F. Santambrogio - P. Tilli (J. Geom. Anal.)
Blow-up of Optimal Sets in the Irrigation Problem (2005)
- G. Buttazzo - F. Santambrogio (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
A Model for the Optimal Planning of an Urban Area (2005)
- F. Santambrogio (Degree Thesis)
Misure Ottime per Costi di Trasporto e Funzionali Locali (2003)