Email: franco.tomarelli AT
Available papers (45):
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- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Journal of Convex Analysis)
Almansi decomposition and expansion of a polyharmonic function near a crack-tip (2024)
- F. Maddalena - D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Mathematics in Engineering)
- A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models)
Symmetrized fractional total variation for signal and image analysis (2023)
- A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Axioms)
Riemann–Liouville Fractional Sobolev and Bounded Variation Spaces (2022)
- A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Accepted Paper: Note di Matematica)
Bilateral Riemann-Liouville fractional Sobolev spaces (2021)
- F. Maddalena - D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli
A new variational approach to linearization of traction problems in elasticity (2019)
- F. Maddalena - D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Accepted Paper: Arch Rational Mech Anal (2019))
The Gap Between Linear Elasticity and the Variational Limit of Finite Elasticity in Pure Traction Problems (2019)
- F. Maddalena - D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (SIAM J. Math. Anal.)
Variational Problems for Foppl-von Karman plates (2018)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Journal of Convex Analysis)
Segmentation and Inpainting of Color Images (2018)
- M. Bergounioux - A. Leaci - G. Nardi - F. Tomarelli (Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal.)
Fractional Sobolev Spaces and Functions of Bounded Variation of One Variable (2017)
- D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Springer INdAM Series)
Smooth and Broken Minimizers of Some Free Discontinuity Problems (2017)
- F. Maddalena - D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics)
Local and non-local energies in adhesive interaction (2016)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Milan Journal of Mathematics)
A Survey on the Blake–Zisserman Functional (2015)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Adv. Calc.Var.)
Image inpainting via variational approximation of a Dirichlet problem with free discontinuity (2013)
- T. Boccellari - F. Tomarelli (Revista Matematica Complutense)
Generic uniqueness of minimizer for Blake & Zisserman functional (2013)
- F. Maddalena - D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering: Mathematical Challenges for Aerospace Design. G.Buttazzo & A.Frediani Eds)
Elastic structures in adhesion interaction (2012)
- F. Maddalena - D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B )
Adhesive Flexible Material Structures (2012)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.))
Free gradient discontinuity and image segmentation (2012)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov)
Free Gradient Discontinuity and Image Inpainting (2011)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (J. Math. Pures Appl.)
A candidate local minimizer of Blake & Zisserman functional (2011)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Note di Matematica)
About Poincaré Inequalities for Functions Lacking Summability (2011)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.)
Uniform Density Estimates for Blake & Zisserman Functional (2011)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Adv. Math. Sci. Appl.)
A Dirichlet problem with free gradient discontinuity (2010)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Pure Math. Appl.)
Variational Approach to Image Segmentation (2009)
- D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Preprint)
Regular minimizers of some
free discontinuity problems (2009)
- D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.)
A variational principle for plastic hinges in a beam (2009)
- T. Boccellari - F. Tomarelli (Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere- Classe Scienze Matematiche e Naturali)
About well-posedness of optimal segmentation for Blake & Zisserman functional (2008)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations)
Euler Equations for Blake & Zisserman Functional (2008)
- D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., Birkhauser , Basel)
Smooth and creased equilibria for elastic-plates and beams (2006)
- D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences)
From Special Bounded Deformation to Special Bounded Hessian: The Elastic-Plastic Beam (2005)
- F. Colombo - F. Tomarelli (``Calculus of Variations: Topics from the Mathematical Heritage of Ennio De Giorgi'', D. Pallara ed., Quaderni di Matematica, 14, Dipartimento di Matematica Seconda Universita' di Napoli)
Boundary value problems and obstacle problem for elastic bodies with free cracks (2004)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (``Calculus of Variations: Topics from the Mathematical Heritage of Ennio De Giorgi'', D. Pallara ed., Quaderni di Matematica, 14, Dipartimento di Matematica Seconda Universita' di Napoli. )
Second order variational problems with free discontinuity and free gradient discontinuity (2004)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (J. of Physiology, spec.issue on "Geometry and Cognition")
Calculus of Variations and Image Segmentation (2003)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris,)
Necessary Conditions for Extremals of Blake & Zisserman Functional (2002)
- D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Interfaces and Free Boundaries)
From SBD to SBH : the elastic-plastic plate. (2002)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Appl., Birkhauser)
Local Minimizers for a Free Gradient Discontinuity Problem in Image Segmentation (2002)
- G. Dal Maso - F. Tomarelli (Proc. Intl Workshop VARMET2001 , Villa Erba , (2001): PNLDE , Birkhauser, Basel, Boston, Berlin)
Variational Methods for Discontinuous Structures (2002)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli
Density estimates and further properties of Blake & Zisserman functional (2001)
- D. Percivale - F. Tomarelli (Asymptotic Analysis,)
Scaled Korn-Poincaré inequality in $BD$ and a model of elastic plastic cantilever (2000)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli
Second order functionals for image segmentation (2000)
- A. Brandolini - F. Tomarelli (Proc. Intl.Workshop on Advanced Mathematical Methods in Electrical and Electronic Measurements AEEI, Villa Olmo Como, Esculapio)
Advanced Mathematical Methods in Electrical and Electronic Measurements (2000)
- G. Savaré - F. Tomarelli (Advances in Mathematics)
Superposition and Chain Rule for Bounded Hessian Functions (1998)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli (Annali Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa)
Strong Minimizers of Blake & Zisserman Functional (1997)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli
A Second Order Model in Image Segmentation: Blake & Zisserman Functional (1996)
- M. Carriero - A. Leaci - F. Tomarelli
Free gradient discontinuities (1994)