Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS - 77th Course of the International School of Mathematics «Guido Stampacchia»

created by tomarelli1 on 13 Aug 2024

1 sep 2024 - 7 sep 2024   [open in google calendar]

Erice - Centro Majorana

The International Workshop on VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS (77th Course of the International School of Mathematics Guido Stampacchia) will take place at Erice (Sicily) during the week September 1st - September 7th 2024 under the auspices of the International School of Mathematics Guido STAMPACCHIA (Directors: Michel Théra and Giuseppe Buttazzo), and will be directed by Marianne Akian (CNRS), Michael Hintermüller (WIAS), Franco Tomarelli (Politecnico di Milano). September 1st is the day of arrivals and September 7th is the day of departures and there will be no lectures on those days. A shuttle service from the airports of Palermo and Trapani will be provided, in those days, both for arrival and departure of the participants. We would also like to mention that, during the opening ceremony of the International Workshop, a Gold Medal in honour of Guido Stampacchia will be assigned for the eighth time, after an international competition, to a young mathematician, whose age be not greater than 35 years at the date of December 31st 2024, for his scientific contribution in the field of Variational Analysis.

Organizers: Marianne Akian, Michael Hinterm"uller, Franco Tomarelli.

Speakers: Luigi Ambrosio, Marco Caroccia, Antonin Chambolle, Giovanni Colombo, Maria Colombo, Gianni Dal Maso, Aris Danilidis, Jalal Fadili, Helene Frankowska, Adriana Garroni, Caroline Geiersbach, Martin Kruzik, Antonio Leaci, Russell Luke, Edoardo Mainini, William Mc Eneaney, Serena Morigi, Florent Nacry , Andrea Natale, Matteo Novaga, Teemu Pennanen, Ludovic Rifford, Alberto Roncoroni, Claudia Sagastizabal, Mikhail V. Solodov, Sylvain Sorin, Daniel Walter, Hasnaa Zidani.