open positions
Keyword: Carnot groups
Papers related to keyword:
F. Essebei
- G. Giovannardi -
S. Verzellesi
NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl.
Monge solutions for discontinuous Hamilton-Jacobi equations in Carnot groups
M. Bardi
A. Goffi
Advances in Differential Equations
Liouville results for fully nonlinear equations modeled on Hörmander vector fields: II. Carnot groups and Grushin geometries
A. Maione
A. Pinamonti
F. Serra Cassano
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Γ-Convergence for Functionals Depending on Vector Fields. II. Convergence of Minimizers
M. Capolli
A. Maione
- A. M. Salort - E. Vecchi (
The Journal of Geometric Analysis
Asymptotic behaviours in Fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces on Carnot groups
A. Carbotti
S. Don
D. Pallara
A. Pinamonti
ESAIM cocv
Local minimizers and Gamma-convergence for nonlocal perimeters in Carnot Groups
A. Maione
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
$H$-convergence for equations depending on monotone operators in Carnot groups
A. Maione
- E. Vecchi (
Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces
Integral representation of local left--invariant functionals in Carnot groups
A. Maione
(Ph.D. Thesis)
Variational convergences for functionals and differential operators depending on vector fields
A. Baldi -
G. Citti
G. Cupini
(Accepted Paper:
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Schauder estimates at the boundary for sub-laplacians in Carnot groups
E. Le Donne
G. P. Leonardi
R. Monti
D. Vittone
Comm. Anal. and Geom.
Extremal polynomials in stratified groups
E. Hakavuori
E. Le Donne
(Submitted Paper)
Blowups and blowdowns of geodesics in Carnot groups
A. Lerario
L. Rizzi
Journal of symplectic geometry
How many geodesics join two points on a contact sub-Riemannian manifold?
E. Le Donne
E. Hakavuori
(Accepted Paper:
Inventiones Math.
Non-minimality of corners in subriemannian geometry
L. Rizzi
Calculus of Variations and PDEs
Measure contraction properties of Carnot groups
E. Le Donne
- R. Montgomery - A. Ottazzi - P. Pansu -
D. Vittone
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire
Sard Property for the endpoint map on some Carnot groups
E. Le Donne
S. Nicolussi Golo
(Submitted Paper)
Regularity properties of spheres in homogeneous groups
E. Le Donne
- S. Rigot (Preprint)
Besicovitch Covering Property on graded groups and applications to measure differentiation
M. Bardi
- P. Mannucci (
Forum Mathematicum
Comparison Principles and Dirichlet problem for fully nonlinear degenerate equations of Monge-Ampère type
E. Le Donne
G. P. Leonardi
R. Monti
D. Vittone
GAFA Geometric and Functional Analysis
Extremal curves in nilpotent Lie groups
E. Le Donne
- A. Ottazzi - B. Warhurst (Preprint)
Ultrarigid tangents of sub-Riemannian nilpotent groups
B. Franchi
- M. C. Tesi (Submitted Paper)
Wave and Maxwell's equations in Carnot groups
A. Baldi -
B. Franchi
(Submitted Paper:
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Differential forms in Carnot groups: a Gamma-convergence approach
V. Magnani
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Contact equations, Lipschitz extensions and isoperimetric inequalities
L. Ambrosio
M. Scienza
(Submitted Paper)
Locality of the perimeter in Carnot groups and chain rule
L. Ambrosio
- B. Kleiner -
E. Le Donne
Rectifiability of sets of finite perimeter in Carnot groups: existence of a tangent hyperplane
M. Bardi
- P. Mannucci (
Lect. Notes Semin. Interdiscip. Mat.
Comparison principles for equations of Monge-Ampère type in Carnot groups: a direct proof
Z. Balogh
- J. Tyson - B. Warhurst (Submitted Paper)
Sub-Riemanian vs. Euclidean dimension comparison and fractal geometry on Carnot groups
P. Juutinen
- G. Lu -
J. Manfredi
B. Stroffolini
(Accepted Paper:
Revista Matematica Iberoamericana
"Convex functions on Carnot groups "
B. Stroffolini
(Accepted Paper:
"Homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Carnot Groups "
B. Kirchheim
F. Serra Cassano
Ann. Scuola Norm.Sup. Pisa Cl.Sci. (5)
Rectifiability and parametrization of intrinsic regular surfaces in the Heisenberg group
S. Pauls
(Accepted Paper:
Comm. Math. Helv.
H-minimal graphs of low regularity in the Heisenberg group
Z. Balogh
- J. Tyson (
AMS Series in Contemporary Mathematics
Potential theory in Carnot groups
B. Franchi
R. Serapioni
F. Serra Cassano
On the structure of finite perimeter sets in step 2 Carnot groups
D. Vittone
(Degree Thesis)
Regolarità delle geodetiche nei gruppi di Carnot
B. Franchi
R. Serapioni
F. Serra Cassano
Mathematica Bohemica
Rectifiability and perimeter in step 2 groups
B. Franchi
R. Serapioni
F. Serra Cassano
(Accepted Paper:
Comm. Analysis and Geometry
Regular hypersurfaces, Intrinsic perimeter and implicit function theorem in Carnot groups
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