open positions
Roberto Monti
Full Professor, Università di Padova
Available papers (57):
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V. Franceschi
R. Monti
A. Socionovo
Annales Fennici Mathematici
Mean value formulas on surfaces in Grushin spaces
F. Boarotto
R. Monti
A. Socionovo
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Higher Order Goh Conditions for Singular Extremals of Corank 1
R. Monti
A. Socionovo
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
Non-minimality of spirals in sub-Riemannian manifolds
F. Boarotto
R. Monti
F. Palmurella
Third order open mapping theorems and applications to the end-point map
V. Franceschi
R. Monti
- A. Righini -
M. Sigalotti
Journal of Geometric Analysis
The isoperimetric problem for regular and crystalline norms in $\mathbb H^1$
E. Battaglia -
R. Monti
- A. Righini (Accepted Paper:
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
Stable hypersurfaces in the complex projective space
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (Accepted Paper:
Potential Analysis
John and uniform domains in generalized Siegel boundaries
R. Monti
- M. Zaccaron (Submitted Paper)
Height estimate and Lipschitz approximation for geodesics in Carnot groups
V. Franceschi
- F. Montefalcone -
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces
CMC spheres in the Heisenberg group
E. Battaglia - F. Montefalcone -
R. Monti
(Submitted Paper)
Stability of hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic space
D. Gerosa -
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (Accepted Paper:
Cont. Math.
A trace theorem for Martinet-type vector fields
R. Monti
- A. Pigati -
D. Vittone
SIAM J. Control Optim. 56 (2018)
On tangent cones to length minimizers in Carnot-Carathéodory spaces
R. Monti
- A. Pigati -
D. Vittone
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 57
Existence of tangent lines to Carnot-Carathéodory geodesics
R. Monti
Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar, 2018, 9, 137--146
The regularity problem for geodesics of the control distance
E. Le Donne
G. P. Leonardi
R. Monti
D. Vittone
Comm. Anal. and Geom.
Extremal polynomials in stratified groups
M. Fogagnolo
R. Monti
D. Vittone
Ann. Ac. Sci. Fennicae
Variation formulas for H-rectifiable sets
R. Monti
G. Stefani
J. Math. Pures Appl.
Improved Lipschitz Approximation of $H$-perimeter minimizing boundaries
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications
Minimal surfaces and harmonic functions in the Heisenberg group
V. Franceschi
G. P. Leonardi
R. Monti
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Quantitative isoperimetric inequalities in $\mathbb H ^n$
R. Monti
D. Vittone
Analysis and PDE
Height estimate and slicing formulas in the Heisenberg group
E. Le Donne
G. P. Leonardi
R. Monti
D. Vittone
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.
Corners in non-equiregular sub-Riemannian manifolds
R. Monti
(Lecture notes)
Isoperimetric problem and minimal surfaces in the Heisenberg group
V. Franceschi
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
Revista Matemática Iberoabericana
Isoperimetric Problem in H-type groups and Grushin spaces
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
J. Geom. Anal.
Rearrangements in metric spaces and in the Heisenberg group
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
Calc. Var.
Regularity results for sub-Riemannian geodesics
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
A family of nonminimizing abnormal curves
R. Monti
Calc. Var.
Lipschitz approximation of H-perimeter minimizing boundaries
R. Monti
Springer INDAM Series
The regularity problem for sub-Riemannian geodesics
E. Le Donne
G. P. Leonardi
R. Monti
D. Vittone
GAFA Geometric and Functional Analysis
Extremal curves in nilpotent Lie groups
R. Monti
D. Vittone
Math. Z.
Sets with finite $\mathbb H$-perimeter and controlled normal
Z. Balogh
R. Monti
- J. Tyson (
J. Math. Pures Appl.
Frequency of Sobolev and quasiconformal dimension distortion
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (Submitted Paper)
Pseudohermitian invariants and classification of CR mappings in generalized ellipsoids
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (Accepted Paper:
J. Math. Soc. Jap.
Pseudohermitian invariants and classification of CR mappings in generalized ellipsoids
G. Arena
- A. O. Caruso -
R. Monti
(Submitted Paper)
Regularity properties of H-convex sets
Z. Balogh
- R. Berger -
R. Monti
- J. Tyson (
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.
Exceptional sets for self-similar fractals in Carnot groups
G. Arena
- A. O. Caruso -
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
J. Geom. Analysis
"Regularity properties of $H$--convex sets"
Z. Balogh
- R. Berger -
R. Monti
- J. T. Tyson (
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc
Exceptional sets for self-similar fractals in Carnot groups
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
Adv. Calc. Var.
Heisenberg isoperimetric problem. The axial case
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (
Proc. AMS
Positive solutions of anisotropic Yamabe--type equations in $R^n$
R. Monti
F. Serra Cassano
D. Vittone
Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. (9)
A negative answer to the Bernstein problem for intrinsic graphs in the Heisenberg group
R. Monti
- M. Rickly (Accepted Paper:
Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.
Convex isoperimetric sets in the Heisenberg group
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (Accepted Paper:
Journal fuer die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
Levi umbilical surfaces in complex space
G. P. Leonardi
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
End-point equations and regularity of sub-Riemannian geodesics
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
Comm. Part. Diff. Eq.
Sobolev inequalities for weighted gradients
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (Accepted Paper:
Duke Math. J.
Kelvin transform for Grushin operators and critical semilinear equations
R. Monti
- M. Rickly (Accepted Paper:
J. Convex Anal.
Geodetically convex sets in the Heisenberg group
Z. Balogh
R. Monti
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
Accessible domains in the Heisenberg group
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (Accepted Paper:
Indiana Univ. Math. J.
Non tangentially accesible domains for vector fields
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (Accepted Paper:
Trans. AMS
Regular domains in homogeneous groups
R. Monti
F. Serra Cassano
J. Convex Anal.
Degenerate perturbations of a two-phase transition model
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (
Math. Z.
Trace theorems for vector fields
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (Accepted Paper:
J. Geom. Anal.
Isoperimetric inequality in the Grushin plane
R. Monti
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.
Brunn-Minkowski and isoperimetric inequality in the Heisenberg group
R. Monti
- D. Morbidelli (Accepted Paper:
Jour. Anal. Math.
John domains for the control distance of diagonal vector fields
R. Monti
F. Serra Cassano
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Surface measures in Carnot- Caratheodory spaces
R. Monti
(Phd Thesis)
Distances, boundaries and surface measures in Carnot-Caratheodory spaces
R. Monti
(Accepted Paper:
Rend. Lincei
Some properties of Carnot-Caratheodory balls in the Heisenberg group
30 sep 2013:
Isoperimetric problem and minimal surfaces in the Heisenberg group
20 mar 2013:
The regularity problem for sub-Riemannian geodesics
24 nov 2010:
Riarrangiamenti in spazi metrici
16 apr 2008:
Riarrangiamenti per misure perimetro nel piano
25 jan 2007:
The isoperimetric problem in the Heisenberg group: the convex case
12 sep 2024 - 13 sep 2024:
11 jun 2018 - 15 jun 2018:
Geometric Measure Theory in Verona
17 oct 2017 - 18 oct 2017:
Sub-Riemannian days 2017
20 jun 2016 - 23 jun 2016:
Singular Phenomena and Singular Geometries
9 jun 2016 - 10 jun 2016:
Two-day Meeting on linear and nonlinear PDE's in honor of the 65th birthday of Cristian Gutierrez
4 mar 2015 - 6 mar 2015:
Mini-courses and workshop on Geometric Analysis in the Heisenberg group
16 jun 2014 - 20 jun 2014:
Eighth School on Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces
30 sep 2013 - 4 oct 2013:
ERC-School on Geometric Measure Theory and Real Analysis
10 oct 2011 - 14 oct 2011:
ERC Workshop on Geometric Analysis on sub-Riemannian and Metric Spaces
16 jun 2025 - 18 jun 2025:
Three days in Sub-Riemannian geometry
6 sep 2021 - 7 sep 2021:
PaPa - Padua Paris sub-Riemannian seminar
23 jun 2014 - 27 jun 2014:
Mini-courses in Mathematical Analysis 2014
10 jun 2013 - 14 jun 2013:
Mini-courses in Mathematical Analysis 2013
18 jun 2012 - 22 jun 2012:
Mini-courses in Mathematical Analysis 2012
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