open positions
Maria Stella Gelli
Associate Professor, Dip. Mat. Univ. Pisa
Available papers (26):
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R. Alicandro
M. S. Gelli
- C. Leone (Submitted Paper)
Variational analysis of nonlocal Dirichlet problems in periodically perforated domains
G. Buttazzo
M. S. Gelli
D. Lučić
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Mass optimization problem with convex cost
M. S. Gelli
D. Lučić
A note on BV and 1-Sobolev functions on the weighted Euclidean space
M. S. Gelli
F. Prinari
Nonlinear Analysis
The role of intrinsic distances in the relaxation of $L^\infty$-functionals
A. Braides
M. S. Gelli
Analytical treatment for the asymptotic analysis of microscopic impenetrability constraints for atomistic systems
R. Alicandro
M. S. Gelli
SIAM J. Math. Anal.
Local and non local continuum limits of Ising type energies for spin systems
A. Braides
M. S. Gelli
J. Mech. Phys. Solids
Asymptotic analysis of microscopic impenetrability constraints for atomistic systems
M. Focardi
M. S. Gelli
- E. Spadaro (
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Monotonicity formulas for obstacle problems with Lipschitz coefficients
N. Fusco
M. S. Gelli
G. Pisante
On a Bonnesen type inequality involving the spherical deviation
A. Braides
M. S. Gelli
M. Novaga
Arch. Ration. Anal. Mech.
Motion and pinning of discrete interfaces
M. Focardi
M. S. Gelli
G. Pisante
Commun. Pure Appl. Anal.
On a 1-capacitary type problem in the plane
M. Focardi
M. S. Gelli
M. Ponsiglione
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.
Fracture mechanics in perforated domains: a variational model for brittle porous media
M. Focardi
M. S. Gelli
Relaxation of free-discontinuity energies with obstacle
M. Focardi
M. S. Gelli
Inter. Free Boundaries
Asymptotic analysis of Mumford-Shah type energies in periodically perforated domains
G. Bellettini
M. S. Gelli
- S. Luckhaus -
M. Novaga
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Deterministic equivalent for the Allen-Cahn energy of a scaling law in the Ising model
L. De Pascale
M. S. Gelli
L. Granieri
Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations
Minimal measures, one-dimensional currents and the Monge-Kantorovich problem
I. Fragalà
M. S. Gelli
A. Pratelli
Continuity of an optimal transport in Monge problem
M. Focardi
M. S. Gelli
Approximation results by difference schemes of Fracture Energies: the vectorial case.
A. Braides
M. S. Gelli
(Conference Proceeding)
The passage from discrete to continuous variational problems: a nonlinear homogenization process
A. Braides
M. S. Gelli
J. Convex Anal.
Limits of discrete systems with long-range interactions.
A. Braides
M. S. Gelli
M. Sigalotti
Proc. Steklov. Math. Inst.
The passage from non-convex discrete systems to variational problems in Sobolev spaces: the one-dimensional case
A. Braides
M. S. Gelli
Math. Mech. Solids
Continuum limits of discrete systems without convexity hypotheses.
M. S. Gelli
G. Royer Carfagni
(Submitted Paper)
Separation of scales in Fracture Mechanics. From molecular to continuum theory {\sl via} $\Gamma$-convergence.
R. Alicandro
M. Focardi
M. S. Gelli
Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.
Finite-Difference Approximation of Energies in Fracture Mechanics
R. Alicandro
M. S. Gelli
The Royal Soc.of Edinburgh
Free-discontinuity problems generated by singular perturbation: the N-dimensional case
R. Alicandro
A. Braides
M. S. Gelli
The Royal Soc. of Edinburgh
Free-discontinuity problems generated by singular perturbation
22 nov 2019:
Approccio variazionale alla dinamica di modelli multifase con vincoli uniformi sulla densità di particelle
10 oct 2014:
Alcuni modelli della fisica e loro approssimazioni variazionali di tipo discreto e continuo.
23 mar 2005:
Nozione di grado per mappe misurabili tra varieta' compatte orientate: proprieta' e caratterizzazioni
29 apr 2004:
Un'estensione del teorema di Kirszbraun per spazi metrici a curvatura limitata
8 nov 2001:
Interazioni non concavo-convesse di sistemi discreti: formula di ``omogeneizzazione'' per energie di frattura
1 dec 2023 - 2 dec 2023:
Curvature-driven geometric problems
19 may 2021 - 21 may 2021:
''Workshop on $L^\infty$ and constrained variational problems''.
22 nov 2019 - 22 nov 2019:
Incontri di Analisi Matematica tra Firenze, Pisa e Siena
5 nov 2018 - 6 nov 2018:
Women in Mathematical Material Science
14 sep 2017 - 15 sep 2017:
Workshop "Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations"
9 apr 2025 - 16 apr 2025:
School on "Selected topics in Calculus of Variations and PDEs"
8 nov 2021 - 9 nov 2021:
Ricordando Luciano Modica
27 jun 2016 - 29 jun 2016:
Workshop on "Advances in Nonlinear Problems from Materials Science and Shape Optimization"
10 feb 2016 - 12 feb 2016:
mini-workshop "Variational and PDE problems in Applied Mathematics"
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